I can't believe the DCU just showed Peacemaker's death 8 months before his return in season 2 and the implications are extremely important

I can't believe the DCU just showed Peacemaker's death 8 months before his return in season 2 and the implications are extremely important

I'm really enjoying it Creature Commands
but episode 4 shook things up far beyond the scope of the series, with references to the deaths of important characters like Peacemaker. Creature Commandos is the first official release of the DCU, but as an animated series streaming exclusively on Max and not available to view for some audiences around the world, I didn't think the show would be that difficult. Obviously, I was expecting Gunn's usual sense of humor and lots of music, action and comedy, but episode 4 proves that the series is killing the entire DCU.

Although the episode delves deeper into Weasel's origin story and sees Task Force M begin to split up and work on separate projects, there is a pivotal scene that kicks off events for the rest of the seasonand potentially the entire DCU. Especially for characters like Peacemaker, who are expected to appear in the upcoming Season 2 in late 2025.

Creature Commandos Episode 4 Just Showed Peacemaker's Death Before He Returns in Season 2

Peacemaker's future should be a sure thing

In Creature Commands episode 4, Circe was captured by the team and is now being held prisoner by Amanada Waller. Waller tries to get information from Circe, but she doesn't expect the incredible revelation that comes. Since Circe has the power to see the futureshe tells Waller and the others that her attack on Princess Ilana was actually for the greater good, because something terrible is happening and Ilana will be at the center of it all.


Circe then offers to show Waller the vision, and Waller enters the cell with the villainous Themysciran. Then the vision reveals the death of the Justice League, world domination by Princess Ilana, and significantly, The peacemaker's corpse lying on a hill alongside the Justice League. But if this is the future, what does it mean for Peacemaker 2nd season? Despite being an animated series with unknown characters Creature Commands has asserted itself as a fundamental part of the DCU.

The DC Universe set extremely high stakes for its first outing

The ramifications can be generalized in the DCU

Although Task Force M is a bunch of misfits and monsters, none of them having any hero experience, the team is now responsible for preventing catastrophes this could lead to the end of the DCU before it even begins. Yes, it is likely to be resolved in the series, because Peacemaker season two is coming, and movies like Superman they are also due to be launched in 2025, but that does not reduce the impact of this vision. And with the risks already so high, where will other projects go?

Creature Commands didn't need to push the boundaries of a franchise that was just getting started, but it seems like a sign that James Gunn has big plans for the DCU. Of course, the fact that it's an animated series, and they can simply add the characters without the need for the actors to come and voice the roles makes the task easier, and it will be much cheaper than casting all the actors. live-action actors for a brief cameo in a live-action project, but it feels big. And even when they inevitably resolve this plot in the series, will still have a lasting effect on the DCU.

Peacemaker Season 2 Looks Even More Interesting After DCU Death Tease

Peacemaker Just Raised the Stakes

The thing is, heroes tend to seem infallible. They seem unstoppable and powerful in a way that makes the audience feel like nothing can truly stop them. While most superhero movies try to put the heroes in difficult situations, it's almost always guaranteed that no matter how difficult things get, they'll come out the other side. But, with Creature Commands revealing that a character like Princess Ilana, who has no powers but a kingdom and some serious ambitions, could take down the most powerful and elite heroes known to humanity, is raises the bar for other DCU entries also.

And for Peacemaker, he's not really super. He is extremely skilled and has worked hard to get his body in top physical condition, but he won't be as difficult to take down as Superman. And knowing that the character has the capacity to be killed, and his future is not guaranteed, can really make Peacemaker 2nd season much more intense and powerful. But depending on how Creature Commands wrapping up this storyline in the next 3 episodes could reset everything we knew about the DCU.

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