I can't believe Sony's Spider-Man universe just shamelessly stole one of Chris Evans' most iconic action scenes in Captain America

I can't believe Sony's Spider-Man universe just shamelessly stole one of Chris Evans' most iconic action scenes in Captain America

The latest film in Sony's Spider-Man universe copied an iconic moment from Chris Evans' Captain America, but it didn't have the same effect. SSU has been through a difficult journey since its inception. While 2018 Poison was a success, creating a universe starring Spider-Man villains without Spider-Man was an interesting choice. However, Sony wants the success of a shared cinematic universe similar to the MCU, even if Sony's catalog is more limited. This has led to bizarre MCU crossovers, like Vulture's cameo in Morbius and the appearance of Venom in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

The MCU is the pinnacle of superhero cinema, with many of the best films in the genre. The Captain America films are some of Marvel's best, with exceptional action and captivating spy thrillers. Many other superhero films have tried to replicate aspects of these films, but often fail. Sony's latest film, Kraven the Huntertries to copy one of Captain America's best moments, but fails to recapture the magic in several ways.

Kraven the Hunter recreates Captain America's helicopter scene from Civil War

In Kraven the HunterKraven pursues his brother, Dimitri, who is kidnapped by some of the Rhino's henchmen. In the final stages of the chase, Dimitri is taken away by helicopter and Kraven grabs a net to stop his brother from leaving. He manages to hold on for a few minutes, even as he is dragged underwater, but his brother eventually manages to escape. Shows how strong Kraven is by stopping a helicopter from flying by sheer force.

This scene copies one of Captain America's best moments during Captain America: Civil War. Steve Rogers stops Bucky Barnes from escaping by grabbing the bottom of a helicopter and holding on to the roof. He shows off his impressive biceps as he tries his best to keep Bucky from leaving. The public always knew Cap was strong, but this scene showed his perseverance as he refused to let go of the helicopter until Bucky forced him to.

Kraven the Hunter's Helicopter Scene Makes Him Look Weaker Than Steve Rogers

Kraven and Steve Rogers showed immense strength by playing tug of war with a helicopter. Helicopters can weigh 10,000 pounds or more, in addition to the people in the helicopter and the immense force they use when flying. However, Steve's feat of strength is more impressive than Kraven's based on the end result. Kraven is dragged underwater by the vehicle and eventually has to let go, leaving Rhino's henchmen to escape with his brother.

Steve successfully prevents Bucky from escaping and only lets go of the helicopter when Bucky pushes it towards him. Cap also shows off his arms, emphasizing how strong Chris Evans/Steve Rogers is. Kraven is wearing a long-sleeved shirt and is unable to stop the helicopter from leaving. Kraven the HunterThe helicopter sequence isn't as captivating as Civil War's, but it also makes its main character look worse by comparison.