Warning: Contains potential spoilers for TITANS #15!Although I've always favored these Nightwing And Starfire Romance over Nightwing and BatgirlI never really shipped the original Boy Wonder with the Tamaranean Princess - until now. That changed with the release of a recent comic that brilliantly recreated one of my favorite Dick Grayson and Coriand'r moments from the DCAU animated films, officially cementing my place among the Nightfire shippers. And the real surprise? It was a DC writer I never expected that made me a full-fledged Dick/Corey believer.
It may come as a shock to many that Tom Taylor is responsible for turning me into a Starfire/Nightwing shipper.
Tom Taylor, Lucas Meyer and Adriano Lucas. Dark-winged Queen storyline reaches its thrilling conclusion in Titans #15, an issue packed with non-stop action and twists. In this installment, Raven and the Titans face off against her dark adversary, the Dark-Winged Queen, as well as Raven's demonic overlord father, Trigon.
With both enemies being extinction-level threats, the battle is intense and brutal, culminating in Nightwing being fatally injured when a giant boulder crushes him. As Dick teeters on the brink of death, we get a heart-wrenching moment between him and Corey Which made my ship-loving heart soar, officially turning me into a Nightwing/Starfire supporter.
Titans #15 gave me one of my favorite Dick/Corey moments of all time
Titans Just recreated my favorite Justice League Dark: Apokolips War Nightwing/Starfire moment (kinda)
After a devastating blow from Trigon that shakes the very surface of the Earth and sends the Titans flying, Starfire, largely unheard, immediately realizes that Dick is missing. As she flies above, calling out for him, Tempest waves her down and pushes aside a boulder to reveal Dick's broken body. While still alive, it is clear that Nightwing is barely holding on, and it is only a matter of time until he succumbs to his injuries. helpless, Starfire cradles him on her chest, a moment that brought tears to my eyes..
Although Cory and Dick are not romantically involved in the series, the scene is filled with Starfire's deep love for Nightwing. Seeing her hold him with such tenderness as she begins to grieve broke me in more ways than I care to admit. This moment reminded me of my favorite Dick/Corey scene in the DCAU film JJustice League Dark: Apokolips WarWhere a cybernetically enmeshed Curry is cradled in her lap, a Lazarus pit-crazy dick, wearing a strike jacket. Despite the different contexts, Both moments reflect Starfire's unconditional love for Nightwing and her determination to stay by his sideEven in the most difficult circumstances.
The unwavering love exhibited by Corey endeared me to her dynamic with Dick, with the scenes in Titans #15 And Justice League Dark: Apokolips War Proven Starfire loves the man beyond the hero, valuing him for who he is rather than his accomplishments or looks. However, I recognize that these examples highlight Starfire's love for Nightwing rather than a mutual affection. For this ship to become my OTP, I would need to see more instances where Dick serves as Corey's rock In the middle of a storm, as she always was for him.
Tom Taylor Proves He's Not a Dick/Corey-Hater, Let alone a Starfire-Hater
Taylor is giving fans the best Nightwing/Starfire content they've had in years
I honestly did not expect these Titans series to deliver such an emotionally impactful Nightwing/Starfire moment, especially since I often heard that Tom Taylor was the ultimate Batgirl and Nightwing shipper, with some even accusing him of being a Starfire hater. This surprised me, because Taylor crafted some of my favorite Starfire scenes during his Titan-related series. Therefore, it may come as a shock to many that he is responsible for turning me into a Corey/Dick shipper. Even those who aren't convinced that this is a genuine Nightwing/Starfire moment should, at the very least, Recognize once and for all that Tom Taylor is not a Starfire hater.
Donna Troy: The one Titan I ship Starfire with more than Nightwing
Donna Troy x Starfire has the potential to be DC's best women-loving women ship
Despite my newfound love for the Nightwing/Starfire ship, there is one titan pairing I adore even more: Donna Troy x Starfire. To clarify, Donna and Cory have never been romantically involved in canon, making this ship a matter of personal preference — a pairing I'd love to see brought to life in DC's stories. My obsession with these two heroines began with Taylor animal world saga, which provided plenty of kickass and heartwarming moments for both characters (see my favorite Cory/Troy moment above). While I have a genuine affection for Nightwing And StarfireIf given the choice, I would ultimately root for Corey and Donna's relationship to blossom.
Titans #15 Available now from DC Comics!
TITANS #15 (2024) |
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