I can't believe DC already came up with a new way to kill Superman 5 weeks after bringing him back from the dead

I can't believe DC already came up with a new way to kill Superman 5 weeks after bringing him back from the dead

I can't believe Superman and Lois has already teased a new fatal eventuality for its hero in season 4, just weeks after he was revived. THE Superman and Lois Season 4's cast of characters has been through a lot this season alone, with Clark Kent probably experiencing the most turmoil during this time. Season 4 began with Doomsday destroying Superman's heart in its first episode, and although his family managed to bring him back, the path forward hasn't gotten much easier for him since his return.

After having your heart ripped out Superman and Lois Season 4, Episode 1, the Man of Steel wasn't gone for long, with the series alluding to his return at the end of Episode 3 thanks to the donation of Sam Lane's replacement heart after his death. However, the live-action Superman show is already hinting that this transplant could lead to Superman's second death. With two episodes left until the end of the story, I'm fascinated to see how this plot is handled and whether the hero really is as doomed as he is. Superman and Lois season 4, episode 8 suggests.

Superman and Lois have already set up the Man of Steel's death again, just episodes after reviving him

Superman and Lois Season 4, Episode 8 shows Clark Kent and John Henry Irons discussing Clark's super hearing, with the Kryptonian explaining that it appears to have never returned to the level they both knew it was at before his struggle with Doomsday and its aftermath. Steel runs some tests on his friend and discovers that Superman's cells are deteriorating because of the transplanted heart inside him, with Sam Lane's older human heart being unable to function in Clark's body in the same way as his own.

John explains that Not only does this mean that Superman's powers will slowly deteriorate until they disappear, but also that he may only have as long as Sam himself would have - or even less time - due to the state of his heart and the effect on Clark.. Faced with this grim news about his own mortality and impending death, Clark then tells Lois and his children about John's discoveries, which sets an especially worrying tone as the episode also shows Lex Luthor getting his own supersuit that he will likely wear to try and face this most vulnerable Superman.

Since it seems like another human heart would have similar problems, short of finding Doomsday and stealing its heart - which currently seems like a questionable move after the villain was pacified by Lois in episode 5 - I think it's hard to see how Clark could ever get away with it. private destination currently. That said, the direction this storyline is taking has already been teased well before this chapter of the show.

Why Superman & Lois' Second Clark Kent Death Story Makes Sense

Superman and Lois suggested to us that Clark's new heart had been causing him problems since his return, most notably causing him to pass out while flying alongside Jonathan in episode 4. Since it's been established that Kryptonian hearts are very different from the human version of the organ - even beating three times where a human body would beat twice - it stands to reason that there would be some ramifications when it comes to placing a human heart inside a Kryptonian body, even if that human heart had been imbued with a serum to make it closer.

In fact, Underscoring the downsides of bringing Clark back with Sam Lane's heart helps make the story more grounded. If Superman had returned as good as new after having his heart ripped out of his chest and replaced with a new one, it might have been difficult to ensure that audiences didn't feel that Clark was basically invulnerable to some degree. While this approach is literally and figuratively heartbreaking, it ensures that we feel that Clark's return came at a real cost, both for Sam Lane and Superman himself.

On a different note, it increasingly appears that Superman and LoisThe game's final story is to have Clark's children take over from him in the superhero sphere, with Season 4 giving Jonathan powers and making Superman's secret identity public information - so they would naturally anticipate Clark's children following in his footsteps, and his imminent future retirement as a hero would allow him to formally hand over his mantle to his children. With that in mind, establishing that Clark needs to think more directly about the boys who will replace him also makes logical sense.

I'm Desperately Hoping Superman Gets a Happy Ending Despite Season 4's Big Death Tease

Tyler Hoechlin in his suit in the third season of Superman and Lois

While the Superman and Lois the death tease wasn't exactly promising, I still can't help but hope for a happy ending for the Man of Steel after everything he and his family have been through throughout the show. While it's difficult to see how the series could backtrack on this episode's revelations, it seems like it will have to balance this story in a way that guarantees a finale. Superman and Lois It's not a completely dark affair, as the series overall maintained a fairly light tone throughout most of its run.

Potentially, this storyline could be used to justify giving Superman a peaceful retirement that he would otherwise never have been able to justify to himself when he knew he could use his powers to help others. With their children now having powers and being able to take care of each other - likely with the help of John and Natalie Irons - and Lois now cancer-free, leaving Clark to make the most of his remaining days in Smallville while talking about doing all those years ago , in the first episode of the program, would have a kind of pleasant catharsis.

Now with two episodes left and a whole variety of storylines to tie up, I'm really not sure what to expect from the end of Superman and Lois. But after watching Clark and his family sacrifice so much to care for each other and the world around them, I think it's fair to hope for the best-case scenario, even if Season 4's latest revelations raise some ominous questions about what exactly that could happen. . it seems.

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