I believe the family Chantel's heartbreaker Pedro Jimeno's alpha male attitude has ruined his life

I believe the family Chantel's heartbreaker Pedro Jimeno's alpha male attitude has ruined his life

The Shantel family Star Pedro Jimeno has an Alpha male attitude that has destroyed his relationships and ultimately ruined his life now that the series has come to an end. Pedro and Chantel's relationship began when he began teaching her Spanish, which ultimately resulted in the couple meeting during a trip to his native country, the Dominican Republic. Chantel and Pedro got engaged on the trip but kept things a secret from their families as Pedro made the journey from his home country to Atlanta, Georgia to be with his new fiancé. Chantel and Pedro's issues began quickly thereafter.

While Pedro and Chantel seemed like they were really interested in each other, the motivations for their marriage seem to have been different from the beginning now that it's over. Chantel was deeply in love with Pedro, and seemingly wanted to be with him for the rest of her life considering their marriage. Pedro, on the other hand, was hard to read once the couple was married. When their families interfered in their relationship, driving Pedro and Chantel to distrust each other, things became clear to The Shantel family Viewers, and I began to understand Pedro's attitude was the problem.

Although things have changed since Pedro and Chantel's divorce became public knowledge, one thing that hasn't is Pedro's behavior. The Shantel family Star has been more outgoing, more interested in sharing his life, and more heavy-handed with the content he produces since the divorce. The fact that Pedro has been spending his post-divorce time trying to rebuild his brand and profit from the time he spent on reality TV Mit Chantel has rubbed many the wrong way. Seeing him struggling to stay relevant but trying to do it anyway has kept many believing that Pedro has an alpha male complex.

I think Pedro's persona has become unbearable to watch.

Pedro has always been self-centered

He is focused on himself over others

The family Chantal coat of Pedro in red and blue outfits look serious with red and white background
Custom image by Cesar Garcia

As Pedro moved through his life, he was always seen as more self-centered than others around him. When Pedro and Chantel first found each other and were introduced 90 day fiance, It was clear that She saw him in a light that was different from others. Chantel saw potential in Pedro, and she knew that if it was possible to unlock that potential, she would be able to dig down deep to find it alongside Pedro's family to find a way through his tough exterior.


Pedro and Chantel's wedding was just one example of The Shantel family Stars constantly place themselves above others. In his relationships, Pedro found it easier to think about himself rather than thinking about anyone else. Although Chantel may have a rocky start finding Pedro and choosing to marry himHis family had known him all his life and had seen a consistent display of difficult behavior. Pedro's self-centered nature has always been something that has caused him to struggle with others, pushing those he cares about away at times.

Pedro's attitude caused issues in his relationship

He is unable to see beyond his perceived greatness

While Pedro didn't initially show signs of an alpha male attitude, his attitude changed after he got to know Chantel on a more personal level. Pedro's attitude, which pushed him to be assertive and try to get a strong sense of control in his daily life with Chantel, impacted everything, including their relationship. While The sometimes domineering traits that attracted Chantel to Pedro were something she was happy to see at the beginning of their relationship. Finally became one of the reasons for the end of their marriage.

Pedro's attitude manifested in his actions often on The Shantel family, Making it clear to viewers that he was much more of an alpha than he appeared to be 90 day fiance. Chantel's hope for their relationship was to feel supported, because she had someone on her side, but instead, she felt isolated and alone in many moments of her marriage. PedroHis inability to see the lack of healthy communication he had with Chantel was an issue made things even more difficult. Unable to see beyond himself, Pedro made it clear that he wanted to be in charge.

Pedro's family called out his behavior

He never listened to their critics

While Pedro and Chantel have their own issues, Pedro's relationships with his mother Lydia Morel and his sister Nicole Jimeno are also in jeopardy. Pedro seemed to struggle with anyone who might appear as an authority figureWho made it difficult for his wife, mother and sister with his own self-centered lance. Pedro's alpha male mentality may not have been good for his relationship with his ex-wife, but it has also damaged his family relationships, even with his mother and sister consistently pushing back against his behavior.

Pedro's mother Lydia was a difficult part of The Shantel familyEspecially given her difficult relationship with Chantel, but her time with her son proved that his behavior was a problem of his own making. Lydia and Nicole often called Pedro for his behaviorEspecially when it was prioritizing them in his life. Although they understood that he was married to Chantel, they struggled to rationalize how he could be putting himself above them and his wife at the same time, which created some serious friction in the family.

Pedro's reputation is tanked because of his selfish nature

He is unable to keep viewers interested

Picture of Pedro Jimeno Annoyed and Chantel Everett calling on the Chantal family
Custom image by Cesar Garcia

While Pedro may have his own reasons for his behavior, the fact that his selfish alpha male persona has caused so many issues on The Shantel family pushed his fans away. Chantel, which viewers have been happy with after the end of The Shantel familywas able to keep her reputation clean while Pedro struggled to maintain a following of viewers of the show. personally, I think Pedro's persona has become unbearable to watchAnd it appears that other former fans agree. Watching Pedro's alpha male antics made him totally unlikable.

While Pedro's once-charismatic persona has been interesting to watch evolve under pressure, things haven't been easy for him since The Shantel family came to an end. Although his persona is not necessarily who he is at heart, Pedro made it clear that he is selfish And by prioritizing his alpha side, he chose to embody his persona in public. Although The Shantel familyNo longer airing, Pedro is still clinging to the idea that former viewers might find him entertaining enough to follow, but his behavior has made it a serious turn-off.

Source: Pedro Jimeno/ Instagram