Like a lifetime Wonder fan, I've lived through some of the best and worst Spider-Man stories – and I'm still not sure where the current “8 Deaths of Spider-Man” arc will land on this spectrum, as The preview for the latest issue shows Peter Parker frustratingly making a family mistake, which will likely have major consequences in the short and perhaps in the long term.
The Amazing Spider-Man #64 – written by Justina Ireland, with art by Gleb Melnikov – finds Peter Parker recovering from his confrontations with the descendants of Cytorrak. Having received the eight eponymous mystical resurrections to combat this supernatural threat, Spider-Man has already been killed multiple times, something he is eager to avoid.
Doctor Strange bluntly tells Peter that it's all part of the mission, and that he shouldn't waste his time and energy trying to avoid death - only for Peter to completely ignore him.
I'm waiting to find out if this Peter Parker moment is part of the learning curve as he adapts to the mystical side of Marvel
Amazing Spider-Man #64 – Written by Justina Ireland; Art by Gleb Melnikov; Color By Marcio Menyz; Lyrics by Joe Caramagna
Peter's refusal to listen to Doctor Strange's advice in the preview Amazing Spider-Man #64 it seems almost comical - at least, in terms of how quickly he dismisses Strange from Strange - but it's also frustrating for me as a readerbecause it has a feeling of "same as always". A common criticism Spider-Man stories is that the character exists in a state of “arrested development,” embodying the idea that Marvel’s most famous superheroes can never grow or change; My concern is that this could cause problems when counting a genuinely new type of Spider-Man tale.
I want to make room for the fact that this may be intentional, as a story that aims to show that Pedro has not yet adapted to his new circumstances and his new mission. This could certainly become apparent when the complete issue is released or as the remainder of the “8 Deaths of Spider-Man” arc progresses. However, this stands out to me as a potential early warning sign. Not that the story isn't fun or enjoyable, but it won't make the most of its exciting premise.
I'm on board with “8 Spider-Man Deaths” – but so far, it's been a bumpy start
"8 Deaths" airs Amazing Spider-Man #60-#68
Like many Marvel Comics readers, I have relatively high hopes for “8 Deaths of Spider-Man.”." The arc promises to take Peter Parker out of his comfort zone, placing him at the center of a crucial battle between the mystical forces of good and evil. that permeate the Marvel Universe. Conceptually, it's a fun idea, which plays with the idea of superhero mortality – or, more precisely, immortality – using one of the publisher's most iconic characters. The death of any version of Spider-Man is usually a big deal, and I love how “8 Kills” takes this into a hyperbolic realm.
[The Amazing Spider-Man] established a radical new paradigm for the character, but even now he continues to act exactly like the same old Peter Parker.
"8 Deaths" is also an extended arc, spanning eight issues of Amazing Spider-Manplus the threatening name."DEATHS"special - with hints that the story's climax will have long-term implications for Peter Parker and his role in the Marvel Universe. So the story obviously needs time to gain momentum, but so far, I feel as if it has been less impactful than what Spider-fans, like me, could have waited. In other words, the series established a radical new paradigm for the character, but until now he continues to act exactly like the same old Peter Parker.
Marvel has already told us that Peter will lose all eight of his lives – will he accept it too?
The Amazing Spider-Man #65.DEATHS – Available February 26, 2025 from Marvel Comics
Part of the reality of being a contemporary Marvel Comics fan is that we often have some idea of a story's trajectory well before it unfolds, thanks to advance solicitations for upcoming issues. In this case, Spider-Man fans know – or at least can reasonably assume – that Peter Parker will spend all eight of his mystical lives, meaning the arc will live up to its “8 Kills” title. It remains to be seen whether it will fulfill its premise.
Peter Parker still has plenty of space on the page to show that he's up to the task of being Marvel's new mystical warrior.
I would personally say that to do this, the character needs to follow the story and, more importantly, the reader. With five issues left in the main part of the story arc, Peter Parker still has plenty of page space to show that he's up to the task of being Marvel new mystical warrior. Furthermore, he may accept death as part of his mission, however unpleasant it may seem, and perhaps, hopefully grow as a character in the process, which I believe is what would really make this a meaningful entry Spider-Man canon.
The Amazing Spider-Man #64 will be available December 25, 2025 from Marvel Comics.