Gon Freecssfavorite protagonist of the legendary Hunter X Hunter the manga has been absent from history for a very long time, and fans may wonder what happened to him. Since the manga recently returned to serialization, here's what happened to him after the 13th "Chairman's Election" arc.
In the Succession War arc, Kurapika became the main protagonist, as well as in the Yorknew arc, in which he shared the role with Gon. Even though he does a fantastic job and fans are used to him being the center of attention, The series will most likely return to Gonespecially after Togashi confirmed that one of the endings Hunter x Hunter Ghosn will participate. His series is not over yet, so fans can look forward to his return.
Gon has no place in this story anymore
After meeting Jin, Gon had nothing to do with current events.
During the Chimera Ants arc, Gon's rage and hopelessness led him to give up his Nen in exchange for a higher power that could kill Neferpitou, which he did without much effort. However, the downside was losing Nan and, as a consequence, he was hospitalized and on the verge of death. It was only thanks to the desperate efforts of the mysterious forces of Killua and Alluka that he became healthy again. However, while his body was restored, his Nen was not, and the series seems to hint that he will not receive it again.
The last time before Gon met his father, Killua, Gon and Alluka went on an adventure to the World Tree together. Killua went his way with his sister, vowing to protect her, while Gon went upstairs to meet his father. Before leaving, they said goodbye and promised to keep in touch and one day meet again. With a sad expression on his face, they went their separate ways, leading to one of the saddest scenes of the series..
As the series progressed, more powerful characters and more complex abilities were introduced. While Gon was holding out in the Chimera Ant arc, he unfortunately lost all of his Nen and was no longer able to use his abilities, which unfortunately makes him unsuitable for the story. With characters that can see the future or create unstoppable beasts, there's not much point for Gon to participate considering how weak he is, and while he has some of the best athleticism and intelligence, it's still not enough to survive.
There's still hope to see Gon back in Hunter X Hunter
Gon could teach Nen from scratch again
It's important to note that Gon only lost Nen, not his aura.. Every living person has an aura, and losing it means death. This means he can still relearn Nen if he wants, and knowing how adventurous Gon is, he just might do it. Ging, his father, had told him exactly that after noticing that Gon had essentially become a normal person again. Moreover, the beginning of chapter #354 focuses on Gon's reaction to losing Nen, so it's pretty clear that the little boy still has his old powers.
If Gon were ever to relearn Nen, he would have to do it in the recommended and gradual way. The first time, Wing forced his and Killua's pores to open, which sped up their training and they were proficient enough to learn most of the basics. Now Gon at least has the knowledge and experience of being a strong Nen user, so his training could be completely different.
How will Gon be reintroduced in this story?
Fans may have to wait until the succession war is over
Bye Hunter x Hunter This is a very unpredictable story, there are several ways to successfully reintegrate Gon back into the story without disrupting its flow. The most obvious one is learning about your new goal. Jing advised him to "figure out what you can do now." It may not be the most action-packed or adventurous way to bring Gon back, but it would be very interesting to see our young protagonist reflect on life and what he wants to achieve, and use all the knowledge and experience he has to find it .
However, the most exciting way to get it back is explore his origins and connection with Don Freecssauthor of Journey to the New World, a book detailing an expedition to the Dark Continent that took place 300 years ago. Ging suggests that Don is still alive, which is interesting because it suggests he is immortal or has discovered something that extends his life. Gon's relationship with Don could explain his one-in-a-million potential for Nan and could pave the way for his eventual return. This will kill two birds with one stone, as it will bring him back while researching the lore at the same time.
However, since the story is currently focused on the events of the Succession War and Gon is not on the Black Whale ship, it is unlikely that he will return before this arc ends. There are so many exciting possibilities for Gon and how he will impact the story, so it's interesting if and how he will return. The series has made more progress than it has in years, so it may not be too long before Hunter x Hunter confirms whether Gon Freecss will return to the main story and take on the mantle of the main character.