Hunter X Hunter subtly explained one of its biggest mysteries, creating an even bigger one in the process

Hunter X Hunter subtly explained one of its biggest mysteries, creating an even bigger one in the process

Hunter X Hunter has many captivating mysteries that it has built over decades, but a more recent one, about the Phantom Troupe, is one of the most fascinating in the series. A recent chapter in the War of Succession arc subtly resolved this mystery, but also created an even bigger question in the process.

The Phantom Troupe's backstory was first revealed in chapter #397, in their childhood in Meteor City. They were part of an acting group along with other children, one of them being Sarasa. One day, she was in a junkyard looking for tapes and unfortunately, there were human traffickers nearby. The next day, after she missed the performance, Chrollo and the others searched for her and found a bag in the forest.

The bag contained Sarasa's body parts, which were horribly cut up for the traffickers' amusement. This incident was what led to the formation of the Phantom Troupe, and their goal was to find the culprits. Finally, the mystery of the culprit and what happened to them was revealed.

Sarasa's killer got what he deserved

Chrollo may have gotten revenge years ago

manga panel of Chrollo walking with a large billboard behind him

In chapter #405 of Hunter X Hunterit was revealed that Bonolenov was actually the Hisoka who had an altercation with the mafia in the previous chapters, and he was disguising himself as a mortal enemy on Chrollo's orders. Bonolenov, while transforming into another person after spotting Hisoka, was thinking about how worried Chrollo was about the whole situation surrounding Hisoka and his hunt for him, and how the other members were trying to get to Joker before Chrollo to help their leader. .

Meanwhile, in the background, a large TV screen projected a story about a public eulogy for Mr. Risnorth, a well-known philanthropist who was murdered a decade ago. While this may have seemed like strange and disconnected information, upon closer inspection, Risnorth had the same mole on his chin and the same swelling on his nose as the man who murdered Sarasa.

Additionally, it was revealed that Risnorth was president of a foundation that helped children, which explains how he was able to kidnap children and traffic them. This little detail is dark and horrifying and further reinforces the tragic story of how a group of carefree children became the world's most feared criminals. Another interesting detail is that it appears that Risnorth's secret life has not been exposed to the public. However, the most interesting detail is that the Phantom Troupe did not claim the murderwhich is still considered unresolved, and paints the group's other actions in a different light.

Kurta clan genocide became more mysterious

What happened on that fateful day is more confusing now

A blurry red scene shows bodies piled on top of each other while a man stands in front, cradling someone.

One of the most polarizing discussions Hunter X Hunter is the brutal genocide of the Kurta Clan and what really happened that day. A popular theory is that the Troupe took revenge after something happened, and this is due to the message they left after the incident. "We'll accept anything you leave here, but never take anything from us." This was once used as retaliation for an injustice committed against a resident of Meteor City, so it is correct to say that this message was left after a quest for revenge.

However, if it was indeed Chrollo and the Troupe who murdered Risnorth, the fact they didn't leave the message afterwards it is very confusing and contradicts all possible theories that are based on the message. The only possible scenarios are that they didn't kill Risnorth, which is very unlikely given that they are the only ones who have a vendetta against him, or the message has a deeper meaning than just revenge or claiming death. Regardless, the Kurta massacre remains a huge mystery that has become even more intriguing.

The end of the Phantom Troupe is near

Bonolenov's internal monologue manga panel

Bonolenov also said that this would be the end of his performance, implying that the Phantom Troupe would no longer exist after finding and killing Hisoka. The performance here refers to the fact that Chrollo and the Troupe are taking on the personas of villains to ensure that criminals don't infiltrate Meteor City and commit crimes like Sarasa's murder. They are protective of their hometown, as demonstrated in the Chimera Ant arc where they took care of Zazan and his subordinates who were causing havoc.

Uvogin, Pakunoda, Kortopi and Shalnark; the Troupe lost many in such a short time, and Hisoka was either involved in the deaths or perpetrated them himself. The group has been operating for many years and has never suffered such casualties, so Hisoka is their highest priority. To that extent, Chrollo is trying to steal a certain unnamed ability This will finish him off once and for all. It is quite poetic that the manic Jester is the end of the Troupe's performance.

Hisoka dancing manga panel

The Phantom Troupe is one of the Hunter X Hunterof the most interesting and mysterious entities, despite having a backstory and a lot of screen time. Kurta's genocide is still a mystery the series needs to solve, but the revelation of the fate of Sarasa's killer has added a new layer of intrigue and mystery as the War of Succession still rages on.