Hulu's A Court of Thorns and Roses Show Could Instantly Make Nesta a Better Character by Adding a Book Scene Earlier

Hulu's A Court of Thorns and Roses Show Could Instantly Make Nesta a Better Character by Adding a Book Scene Earlier

Hulu A Court of Thorns and Roses show has the opportunity to expand on the supporting characters from Sarah J. Maas' fantasy books, and could make Nesta Archeron instantly more enjoyable with a change to the source material. The events at the beginning ACOTAR The books unfold from the perspective of Feyre Archeron, who is one of Maas's most compelling heroines. But while Feyre proves to be a virtuous and loyal main character throughout the series, that doesn't mean she's an impartial narrator. Readers see the characters and events of ACOTAR how Feyre sees them.

Feyre is also not omnipresent and cannot personally witness every event in the entire story. A Court of Thorns and Roses timeline. For this reason, there are several characters who don't get the fairest representation at the beginning of the story. This is especially true of Feyre's sister Nesta — and Hulu ACOTAR the show will need to significantly change its portrayal of Nesta, as it likely won't happen solely from Feyre's point of view. One way to instantly make Nesta a better character in the next series is to include a scene in the first season that is only discussed in retrospect in the books.

A Court Of Thorns & Roses Season 1 Should Show Nesta Searching For Feyre In The Woods

This is a pivotal scene to Nesta's character arc

When Tamlin kidnaps Feyre at the beginning of Cutting thorns and roseshe casts a glamor on her sisters so they don't come looking for her. This moment in Feyre's journey is one of isolation; this leads her to believe that no one remembers that she was kidnapped or cares about finding her. For most ACOTAR, Feyre insists on this, detailing how selfish and terrible Nesta is anyway. Only later, when Feyre discovers that her sister searched for her in the forestthat a glimpse of Nesta's fierce loyalty and compassion is revealed for the first time:

"I went to the wall. I went to the wall, Feyre," Nesta said, her voice cracking slightly. "I couldn't find a way, but I went as far as I could. I hired that mercenary to take me through the forest to find you. But...something was always in the way. Always stopping us."

Immediately after this revelation, Nesta's redemption arc begins. By the time his own book, A Court of Silver Flamesrolls, she is without a doubt the best character in ACOTAR. This scene challenges the harsh first impressions of Nesta, as it is the first time she drops her walls and becomes vulnerable. AND The Hulu show should reveal this plot point very early in the story to avoid painting her as unfairly as the book's portrayal. If Nesta's bravery is highlighted from the beginning, her redemption arc won't be so surprising.

How this change to the ACOTAR book will help Nesta's character in the Hulu series

How different would this view be if this scene made it onto the Hulu show?

Choosing to show this scene Nesta before the ACOTAR the books would give the Hulu adaptation a more accurate starting point with all of its characters. Fortunately, television shows allow scenes to be included on screen even if the main character is not involved. With the inclusion of this scene, Hulu's adaptation has a lot more freedom to launch Nesta's redemption arc sooner and include more details that make it more interesting or likeable.

The big flaw of Nesta's character in the Cutting thorns and roses series is its lack of relatability. In part, this is because Feyre is so loved that anyone who hurts her is painted as the enemy and doesn't elicit much sympathy. Her character in the series could be more reminiscent of the Nesta we see in A Court of Silver Flames if adequate details are provided sooner. Viewers will have an easier time connecting with Nesta if she displays the protectiveness, caring, and selflessness expected of siblings, even if she remains blunt and tough as she does.

Based on Cutting thorns and roses fantasy novel series, A Court of Thorns and Roses is a television adaptation that follows Feyre Archeron, a young woman drawn into the world of fairies after killing one of her kind. The series will follow his journey through the lands of Prythian and his relationship with one of his lords, Tamlin.



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Ronald D. Moore


Ronald D. Moore