Hulk's best friend is the 1st hero strong enough to beat Galactus solo

Hulk's best friend is the 1st hero strong enough to beat Galactus solo

The Hulk is easily one of the strongest characters in the Marvel Universe, but even he is no match for the likes of GalactusWho holds a power that even someone as incredibly strong as the Hulk couldn't even fathom. However, while the Hulk wouldn't stand a chance against Galactus, the same can't be said for Hulk's best friend, who proved to be the one hero strong enough to actually beat Galactus solo.

In the four-part miniseries Hunger By Joshua Hale Fialkov and Leonard Kirk, a rift is created between Earth-616 and Earth-1610, aka the original Ultimate Universe. The Avengers inadvertently tore a hole through time and space during the events of Age of UltronCreating this massive rift connecting the two universes - and Galactus uses it to enter the final universe.

Galactus merges with Gah Lak Tus in the Ultimate Universe.

Once in the Ultimate Universe, Galactus merges with his own variant, Gah Lak Tus, and makes the hive-like android swarm his herald. After only moments of making Earth-1610 his new home, Galactus already makes himself much more powerful than he was before, and sets his sights on the nearest planet to consume. However, Galactus doesn't get very far before being confronted by the one man with the strength to take him down: Rick Jones.


Rick Jones, long time friend of the Hulk, is strong enough to beat Galactus

While Rick Jones is essentially just a regular guy in Earth-616 who befriended the Hulk after Bruce Banner saved his life from the gamma bomb explosion that created the Hulk, he is cosmically powerful in the Ultimate Universe. The last Rick Jones became the chosen one of the Watchers, who gave Jones God-level power and declared him the protector of the entire universe. With this power, Rick Jones can transform into a being of pure energy, he can fly through space, project intense energy blasts and can even create teleportation portals.

As powerful as Rick Jones is with the Watchers' power, however, he doesn't reach his peak until he becomes Captain Marvel. After the supposed death of Mahr Vehl during the battle against Galactus, Rick Jones puts on the Kree warrior's suit, thereby becoming the new Captain Marvel himself. Merging the Watchers' power with that of Captain Marvel, Rick Jones becomes like a god, and is able to destroy the entire Gah Lak Tus swarm and seriously injure Galactus (to the point of incapacitation) with a single shot.

The Ultimate Universe isn't the only time Rick Jones becomes Captain Marvel

Rick Jones merges with Mar-Vell in Captain Marvel #17

Rick Jones merges with Captain Marvel.

It's true that Rick Jones spends a fair amount of his Marvel Comics history as a powerless sidekick to the Hulk (and Captain America), but that doesn't mean he stays that way forever. In fact, Rick Jones has a similar transformation in Earth-616 as his Earth-1610 counterpart, when Mar-Vell's essence merges with his in Captain Marvel #17. Although not literally Captain Marvel himself, Rick channeled the cosmic hero's powers while they were merged. Not only that, but Jones also allies with Genis-Vell (Mar-Vell's son) in Avengers: Forever #12, making him a version of Captain Marvel yet again.

Although it is interesting that Rick Jones becomes a version of Captain Marvel in both the main and final continuities of Marvel Comics, it is fair to say that the Final Universe version of ​​the. HulkHis best friend is much more powerful because he is the version of Rick Jones that is strong enough to kill someone Galactus And hard damage another with a single attack.