Hulk finally discovers an unbreakable metal stronger than his muscles

Hulk finally discovers an unbreakable metal stronger than his muscles

Warning: Contains spoilers for The Incredible Hulk #18! Adamantium is one of the strongest metals in the Marvel Universe, capable even of piercing the HulkIt's nearly impenetrable skin. However, while it can certainly pierce Hulk's skin, the Green Goliath can still overpower the metal when in a pinch - something that cannot be said about another metal. In fact, this new unbreakable metal renders the Hulk completely powerless, without even a chance to destroy it.

In a preview for The Incredible Hulk #18 by Philip Kennedy Johnson, Nick Klein, and Danny Earls The Hulk's sidekick, Charlie, wakes up completely healed. Before long, Charlie is effectively killed, and her soul is trapped in a porcelain doll by a Hulk Villain known as Frozen Charlotte. Since then, the Hulk has been trying to bring her back. In this issue, he finally succeeds - but there is a major catch.

Last issue, Bruce Banner (in his and Hulk's shared psyche) makes a deal with the Elder while the Hulk (in his physical form) is battling the same monster. The Elder is trying to free the Mother of Horrors from her ancient prison, and she needs the Hulk to do it, as it was the one below all who imprisoned the Mother of Horrors. Banner sealed off the Hulk's body to the Elder in exchange for Charlie's 'death'. now, The Hulk is bound by a mystical metal that even his cosmically-strong muscles can't break through: Yutl.

The Hulk cannot break through the chains of Uthel, but he can obtain adamantium

Hulk ripped Wolverine in half and made his skin as strong as adamantium

Hulk ripping Wolverine in half at the waist.

The Chains of Uthel were enchanted and effectively bound to the Hulk after Bruce Banner sealed his flesh in exchange for Charlie's life, meaning this new metal is one that the Hulk could never hope to break. Because of this, Uhl became a more dangerous metal for the Hulk than adamantium was.

While it's true that adamantium can pierce the Hulk's skin, the Green Goliath is far from powerless when up against him. in Ultimate Wolverine vs. HulkThe Hulk rips Wolverine in half. It is unclear whether he broke the adamantium bound to Logan's spine, or if he merely split the vertebrae in a facet joint. But in any case, Wolverine is the living embodiment of weaponized adamantium, and the Hulk incapacitates him in truly brutal fashion.

The Hulk also once made his skin about as strong as adamantium. in Future ImperfectThe Hulk is attacked by Maestro's 'Hint O'War', which has jaws strong enough to bite through adamantium. However, they could not pierce the Hulk's skin before he destroyed them, despite the robotic enemies with the Hulk's neck in his jaws. That means the Hulk made his skin roughly as tough as adamantium, giving him the ability to destroy things even stronger than adamantium.

The Hulk broke free from the chains wrapped around him.

As previously mentioned, Uthel's chains are enchanted and bound to the Hulk, and that's why he can't hope to break them. However, if the source of the magic is neutralized or destroyed (ie, the Elder is defeated by someone else), or the Elder himself lifts the curse, then the Hulk would surely be able to destroy the physical bonds of Uthal that bound him. .in other words, magic is the reason this metal is unbreakable, but once the magic is gone, Hulk is free to do what he does best and smash right through them.


However, as it stands, the Hulk is bound by metal that he cannot break through, which is a far cry from his experience with adamantium. Hulk is able to make his skin as strong as adamantium to defeat villains who have the power to crush the metal, and he has also defeated Wolverine on many occasions (including the most brutal victory of all in the Ultimate Universe). However, when it comes to the chains of Utah, Hulk is currently powerless, because there is a whole new metal in Marvel comics that is stronger than his muscles.

The Incredible Hulk #18 by Marvel Comics is available October 23, 2024.