Warning: Contains spoilers for One Piece Chapter #1113.
One pieceThe latest chapter may have just confirmed one key detail about the series' latest villain, Imu, by finally revealing the identity of the secret ruler. Even though Imu has only appeared a few times in the series so far, he is undoubtedly a key figure in the world One piece. However, little is known about the mysterious figure, whose appearance has always been in the shadows. However, Vegapunk's message may have indirectly revealed Imu's secret identity, confirming a conspiracy theory that was even discussed in the series.
In chapter No. 1113 One PieceVegapunk begins his message by stating that he does not blame those responsible for his death and claims that he cannot call them good or evil. Vegapunk then mentions it he doesn’t know enough about a certain “him” that could relate to Him. This will confirm that Imu is indeed a man, and this is the same Saint Imu of Nero, who was one of the twenty rulers of the Void Age who formed the World Government.
While Vegapunk can also relate to Kizaru, whose morality has always been ambiguous, Vegapunk and Kizaru are quite familiar, and it wouldn't make sense for Vegapunk to claim that he knows very little about him after all these years. The "He" in this chapter is also in bold, implying a deeper hidden meaning, which, coupled with the emphasis on Saint Saturn's face at that very moment, indicates that Imu is the one Vegapunk is talking about.
Vegapunk Hints at Imu's Gender and True Identity
One piece created by Eiichiro Oda, chapter #1113, "Dead end"
So far, Imu has only appeared as a silhouette, and chapter #1085 is the only time Imu spoke. In this chapter, Imu referred to himself in the third person using "mu", and since the anime had not yet adapted the chapter, it was impossible to be sure of Imu's gender. However, Emporio Ivankov proposed an interesting theory in chapter #1086 when he reported that among the first twenty rulers was a monarch named Saint Imu, who belonged to the dynasty of Nero.
Although the English translation generally uses the prefix "saint" for both male and female world nobles, the Japanese language has two separate terms for each. Male Heavenly Dragons are called "this"and the women are called Heavenly Dragons"gu." So Saint In the original Japanese text, Imu is referred to as "Imu-sei".confirming that the original Imu was indeed male.
Judging by the fact that Imu seemed to know Nefertari Lily well and was aware of her mistake, as well as the true history of the D Clan and the Poneglyphs, it is safe to assume that the Imu seen in the present is the same Imu of Nero from 800 years. back. As Ivankov suggested, someone had to prove the Operational Fruit's ability to grant eternal life, and it could very well be Imu and the Five Elders. All these facts prove that the mysterious man that Vegapunk mentions in chapter #1113 is most likely an Imu.
The One Piece anime also gave some clues about Imu's identity
The secret leader of the World Government, Imu, was not revealed until One piece Chapter #906
Toei Animation's stunning adaptation of the Egghead arc finally reached a turning point when Imu was introduced to Albasta's King Cobra and unknowingly to the Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff Sabo - a dramatic moment that cleverly kept the mysterious figure in the shadows. However, One pieceThe anime revealed what the manga couldn't, potentially revealing more information about the secret ruler of the World Government through the sound of their voice.
Since the character was one of the most mysterious in the long-running series, fans didn't expect the anime to reveal anything that wasn't in the manga chapters, and while the voice failed to narrow down the character's male or female vocal range, it did succeed in making Imu sound otherworldly. Some fan theories suggest that they could be inhuman like the real devil or perhaps even robotic like Dr. Vegapunk's companions. Author Eiichiro Oda provided only a small number of clues about the leader of the Five Elders, who controlled much of the world for over 800 years.
Flashbacks to Sabo's brutal confrontation with the Five Elders and the demonic forms of Imu revealed that King Cobra Albasta's life ended in episode #1120. However, the words of the revolutionary Ivankov also provided more historical insight. The Bright Leader learned the name of Nero Imu, one of the original 20 kings who helped defeat Joy Boy and form the World Government at the end of the Void Age 800 years ago. The basic idea is that Imu used immortality to give the Ope-Ope Devil Fruit, but theories of them being a robot or an ageless devil have yet to be debunked.
Vegapunk's message questions Imu's morality
The World Government and the Ancient Kingdom may not be entirely good or evil.
As a man of science with rather complex morals, Vegapunk is certainly correct in believing that he has no place in making moral judgments. Although Imu was generally considered an evil tyrannical ruler, Vegapunk's words suggest there may be more to his character. and history than meets the eye. Some fan theories even entertained the idea that the Ancient Kingdom may not have been as kind and innocent as fans believed, and that perhaps the strict authoritarian rule of the World Government was born out of necessity.
Given One pieceGiven the nuanced approach to morality, such a turn is certainly possible. According to Professor Clover, it was the ideals of the Ancient Kingdom that the World Government considered dangerous and tried to bury, which may be related to freedom, given the implied connection between the Sun God Nike and the Ancient Kingdom.
However, while freedom is presented as a positive ideal through the lens of pirates, it is possible that unlimited freedom in the past nearly brought the world to the brink of destruction. This could be especially true if the Ancient Kingdom, which Vegapunk revealed to be more scientifically advanced than Egghead, actually created the Ancient Weapon, as is widely believed. The dangers of unlimited scientific progress are well known in real life and are discussed even in One piece.
This it is possible that Imu considers his actions necessary for the greater good of the world. and even the World Government's plans for a great purge simply serve to restore the balance they believe is necessary. The Era of the Great Pirates caused a lot of upheaval, and while there are technically "good" or rather "morally upright" pirates like the Straw Hats, there are also those like Kaido who caused nothing but suffering to innocent people in their quest for freedom.
What does Immortality mean? One piece
At this point, it's almost inevitable that Imu will become one of the series' main antagonists in the Final Saga, along with Blackbeard. The fact that Imu is immortal not only makes him more terrifying, but also adds poetic meaning to his inevitable confrontation with Luffy. who inherited the will of Imu's oldest enemies, the D Clan.
Immortality Imu doesn't necessarily mean he's invinciblebut he will by no means be an easy opponent. Yimu's gender does not disprove the theory of his connection to the sea, and given the brief overview of his abilities in chapter #1085, dealing with him could be just as difficult as the Five Elders.
Overall, as seen with the death of Neferatri Cobra, Imu's existence is a mystery revealed at the cost of death, and very few have seen it and lived to tell the tale. It is still unclear how Vegapunk managed to learn of the existence of Imu without the knowledge of the Five Elders, but it is possible that Ohara's discoveries and Shaka's research could have revealed the truth. This raises an interesting question about how many secrets Vegapunk knows about the world One piece what might have been revealed in his message.
One piece available on Manga Plus and Viz Media.