How will Rings of Power Season 2 end? 10 theories & predictions

How will Rings of Power Season 2 end? 10 theories & predictions

Warning! This article contains spoilers for The Rings of Power Season 2.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 is nearing its conclusion, prompting many predictions and theories about how this section of the story will end. The end of The rings of power Season 2 centers around the Siege of Eregion, a major component of "The Lord of the Rings" second age As Adar and his orcs begin sacking Eregon to reach Sauron, the Dark Lord is close to his goal of obtaining nine rings of power for the Lord of Men. As such, much of The rings of power Season 2's cast reunites for the finale.

The only outliers are those in other areas of Middle-earth, from the Stranger and Nori in the Middle-earth lands of Rhûn to Pharazôn, Elendil and Míriel on the island kingdom of Númenor. Although the storyline surrounding the elves and Sauron received a primary focus over the others in season 2, its ending will hopefully wrap up The rings of powerThe stories of Númenor and Rhûn satisfy while teasing what's to come in season 3. Like The rings of power The end of season 2 will do that, however, it remains to be seen, with many theories and predictions.


The stranger will take the name "Gandalf"

The alien identity will finally be revealed

Since The rings of power Season 1, one of the show's biggest mysteries surrounded The Stranger. The stranger is one of "The Lord of the Rings" Istar, a wizard, as revealed in The rings of power Season 1's ending. This discovery, as well as some pointed hints, lines and references to The Lord of the Rings movies, has led many to theorize that the stranger is an early version of Gandalf the Grey. While the stranger may still be one of the blue wizards in Tolkien's universe, the hints that he is Gandalf are incredibly on the nose.


how so A grand theory of The rings of power Season 2's ending is that he will finally take the name GandalfOr Olorin, his Maiar name. The stranger stayed to look for his staff in The rings of power Season 2, Episode 7, which may finally see his name come back to haunt him. after all, The rings of powers showrunners revealed to IGN That the stranger's name will be revealed in season 2, with a major prediction being that he settles on Olorin, Gandalf, Mithrandir or one of the many other aliases of the Gray Pilgrim.


Adar will be killed by his own orcs

Adar's downfall is inevitable

One of the more obvious endings for The rings of power Season 2 relates to Adar. Adar is an original character for The rings of powerProbably meaning he won't survive much longer in the story. until now, The rings of power Season 2 established the idea that his orc, or uruk, children would turn against him.

One of the biggest theories for The rings of power Season 2's ending is that the Orcs will finally turn against Adar...

Adar's loyalty to The rings of powerUruk's was evident, but season 2 hinted that his desire to defeat Sauron caused a rift between him and his children. From the hesitation of the Orcs to fight another war so soon after claiming the land of Mordor to the look of uncertainty when Galadriel warned Adar against attacking Eregion and when Adar unleashed the Orc killing Damrod, this rift is teased. Therefore, one of the biggest theories for The rings of power Season 2's ending has the orcs finally turning against Adar.


At least 1 character is confirmed as a ring

The Nazgul will arrive sooner rather than later

The main thing The rings of power Season 2 is Sauron's manipulation of Celebrimbor to craft "The Lord of the Rings" Rings of power. As of the end of The rings of power Season 2, Episode 7 Sauron needs only the nine rings of men to complete the first phase of his plan to rule Middle-earth. As such, it is likely that the end of The rings of power Season 2 will see Sauron acquire the nine, likely handing them over to the most corrupt lords of men in Middle-earth.

The rings of power


Three for elven kings

Galadriel, Gil-galad, Seirdan

Seven for the Dwarf Lords

Durin G, six other GMD lords

Nine for mortal men


The one ring


As known from The Lord of the RingsThe nine wielders of the Rings of Power for men become Ringwraiths. "The Lord of the Rings" Ringwraiths/Nazgûl become the spiritual servants of Sauron throughout the second and third ages of Middle-earth, endlessly doing his bidding and eventually searching for the lost One Ring. Interestingly, the true identity of many of the Ringwraiths has never been confirmed. with The rings of power Season 2, probably ending with Sauron giving the rings to men, the identity of at least one of the Nazgûl should come with it.


Celebrimbor will be killed

Celebrimbor's fate is not one of longevity

The most tragic figure in The rings of power Season 2 so far has been Celebrimbor, the elven smith of Eregion. Celebrimbor spent The rings of power Season 2 is endlessly manipulated by Sauron into crafting the Rings of Power, with Episode 7 showcasing him breaking free of the control before attempting to stall the Dark Lord as Galadriel escapes with the Rings. Now that Celebrimbor has turned against Sauron, it is unlikely that he lives to see The rings of power Season 3.


In Tolkien's work, Sauron tortures Celebrimbor for the location of the Rings of Power. While the timeline of events in The rings of power is a little different, the same will probably pass so that the dark lord can find the rings of people. In the books, Celebrimbor succumbs to this torture and dies, pierced by many orcish arrows with his body subsequently used as a war banner. Although death may be presented differently, The rings of power Season 2's ending means that Celebrimbor has little use to Sauron now that the Rings of Power are complete.


Galadriel's connection to Sauron will work against her

The battle for the nine rings will take place

After being done with Celebrimbor, Sauron will no doubt go to Galadriel to find the Nine Rings. This was successful The rings of power Season 2's trailer, with Sauron and Galadriel briefly shown fighting atop a hill near Eregion. Sauron will likely try to turn Galadriel to his side once again while trying to gain possession of the Nine Rings of Men, teasing an enticing reunion for the two in The rings of power Season 2's finale.

One of the theories that could come to fruition in the reunion between Galadriel and Sauron was teased earlier in the season. Adar and Gil-galad both insisted that once Sauron takes hold of someone's trust and therefore their mind, it is incredibly difficult to overcome. Given that Sauron needs to escape from Galadriel to research the One Ring, the connection could prevent the latter from defeating the former, allowing the Dark Lord to continue his equally dark agenda.


Sauron will become the leader of Mordor and begin to make the One Ring

The 19 rings of power still need one ring to rule them all

As is known from Tolkien's writings, Sauron succeeded in obtaining the nine rings from men. The logical next step in Sauron Rings of power The plan, then, is crafting the One Ring. This will likely come after his confrontation with Galadriel and once Eregion is destroyed. If the aforementioned theory of Adar being killed is also true, Sauron will likely return to Mordor to begin crafting the One Ring.


In the source material, Sauron's crafting of the One Ring occurs before the Siege of Eregion. The rings of power Season 2 will obviously change this, as the Siege of Eregion has already begun before Sauron has obtained the other 16 rings for dwarves and men. Tolkien mentions that the crafting of the One Ring is what helps Sauron in constructing Barad-deur, meaning Mordor will likely become more of a stronghold for the Dark Lord in The rings of power Season 2's finale.


Elrond finds the Vale of Imladris (Rivendell)

Another Elven stronghold in Middle-earth could be formed

The rings of power Season 2, episode 7 ends with Elrond being overwhelmed by Adar's forces. This spells trouble on the horizon for Elrond The rings of power Season 2's ending, though Tolkien's writings may hint at what's next for the half-elf. In the books, it is mentioned that Elrond and the rest of his host retreat north, following the natural formations of the Misty Mountains.

Rivendell becomes a major location in Middle-earth for the remainder of the Second Age and most of the Third Age, meaning The rings of power The ending of season 2 will likely set the future of Elrond…

Eventually, Elrond comes across a hidden valley. This hidden valley becomes Elrond's personal stronghold, eventually known as the Valley of Imladris, or Rivendell. Rivendell becomes a major location in Middle-earth for the remainder of the Second Age and most of the Third Age, meaning The rings of power The end of season 2 will likely set up Elrond's future as the leader of the last homely house.


Sauron further corrupts Pharazôn & Númenor

Sauron's plans continue to develop

As mentioned, the story of Númenor took a bit of a backseat The rings of power Season 2. As such, it can be theorized that the ending of The rings of power Season 2 will have hints about the island kingdom's fate for season 3. This will likely come through the character of Pharazôn, the aspiring king who feuded with Míriel and Elendil over the leadership of Númenor.


in The rings of power Season 2, Episode 6, Pharazôn is shown connecting with Sauron through the Palantír. The end of The rings of power Season 2 could see Sauron begin to manipulate Pharaôn to set up another drastic power change in season 3. This power shift will eventually result in Elendil coming to Middle-earth and the kingdom of Númenor being destroyed under Pharazôn's - or more appropriately Sauron's s rule.


The Dark Wizard will capture Nori and Poppy

The Rhûn storyline could flourish in Rings of Power Season 3

With only an episode left of The rings of power Season 2 and some elements to cover, a known theory is that the Rhûn storyline will not be nicely resolved. With the stranger still to find his staff, discover his powers, reveal his name and defeat the Dark Wizard, it is unlikely that all will happen in The rings of power Season 2, episode 8 when the Siege of Eregion also took place. As such, it may be the case that The rings of power The season 2 finale includes a plot point that sees the storyline continue into season 3.

This plot point may involve Nori, Poppy and The rings of powers stewards, the new Hobbit Hobbit introduced in season 2. The stewards have a bad history with the Dark Wizard and his followers. With the evil Istar wanting to destroy the stranger, Nori and Mon would be a good way to get to him. This was successful The rings of power Season 2, episode 6 in which the stranger received a vision of Nori in danger. If Nori is captured by the Dark Wizard, the stranger will have a clear target for The rings of power Season 3.


Isildur becomes the leader of Pelargir

Isildur's transition into a Gondorian king will begin

The last character that was somewhat shortened in The rings of power Season 2 is Isildur. Isildur's journey saw him escape the lair of Shelob, reunite with Arondir, and rescue Theo and a group of wildlings loyal to Sauron. Since then, however, Isildur has not been seen in The rings of power Season 2.

The end of The rings of power Season 2 needs to fix this by setting up the big change that lies ahead for Isildur. As known from Tolkien's books, Isild becomes the king of Gondor and an integral figure in the War of the Last Covenant. The rings of power Needs to start giving Isildur more story elements that lead to his future kingdom, such as becoming the leader of Pelargir. with Arandi uncapacitated The rings of powers siege of Eregion, Isildur could reflect on caring for the people of the land that would become Gondor.