How to unlock the sage calling

How to unlock the sage calling

Arguably the strongest spellcasting vocation in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake is the Sage, but you need to unlock this class by leveling up your characters or finding a special item. Among the other ten archetypes besides the Hero, Sages are among the strongest characters you can have in your party. However, they are much harder to farm than other classes you could have on your team.

The Sage can learn all spells of the Mage and Priest classesmaking them extremely versatile. Anyone with a Sage in their party can use that character as a DPS monster or support a teammate with the wide variety of magic they learn for any situation. Although you cannot recruit characters in Redo DQ3 with the Sage role directly, you can obtain this vocation sooner than you think.

How to get a sage

Find the right item or invest in another character

Dragon Quest 3 2D-HD Remake Hero character talking to Abbot of Alltrades Abbey to change class

There is two ways to unlock the Wise Vocation in Redo DQ3put:

  • Ranking a Gadabout character up to level 20
  • Finding and using the Words of Wisdom item

The faster of these two methods is hire a Gadabout class character for your party as soon as you can. This way, you can easily level them up to level 20 as your adventures continue throughout the game's story. Despite this weaker class's weak abilities, you can make this process easier by doing a strong group combo in Redo DQ3 which can work without the help of Gadabout.

When you have a level 20 Gadabout, go to the Alltrades Abbey area and talk to the Abbot to change your vocation. You can only change a character's class to Sage onceand they cannot be changed again.

One of the biggest downsides to turning a Gadabout into a Sage is how limited Gadabouts are in Redo DQ3. This class almost only exists to transform into a Sage, with little to no other redeeming qualities that make Gadabout characters useful in your party. As a result, a Gadabout character has lower stats than other archetypes, so a Sage created from this character class will start out weak.

The Words of Wisdom item is able to transform a character of any class into a Sage. This allows you to use a character with already specialized stats to transform into a Sage, giving you a strong character before and after your transformation. You also retain the character's original class abilities, which may vary depending on the vocation in question. Redo DQ3 you choose to change.

Location of Words of Wisdom

Discover the dungeon that hides this item

Before you can get a Sage using the Words of Wisdom item, you need to find him first. The Words of Wisdom is a book located in the Tower of Transcendencea dungeon north of Alltrades Abbey. The complex layout and size of this area can make the item you want difficult to find, especially as your party struggles to get through enemy encounters.

Upon entering the first floor of the Tower of Transcendence, go up the stairs in the upper left corner of map 1F. Cross the tightrope that spans the exposed crevice in the ruins of the Broken Tower and descend back to the first floor. As you go down the stairs here, stand on the glowing blue square on the floor to be teleported to another section of the dungeon.

When your group appears elsewhere, travel to your right up the first stairs directly in front of you. Go south to climb another ladder leading higher into the Tower, then continue following the next flight of stairs to continue climbing the structure. After reaching the top, go left across another tightropebut this time jump rope on red flag as your group travels through it.

If you're having trouble navigating the Tower of Transcendence, make sure you have a strong group with you to easily deal with the enemies that attack you while your group explores.

Your party will land on an exposed section of the Tower's roof, near a hole in the ceiling. Fall into the hole to get to a small room, then go down the stairs in the corner of this area. This should take you to a small, isolated space in the Tower with a golden chest containing the Words of Wisdom item.

You can return the Words of Wisdom to the Abbot in Alltrades Abbey to transform any character in your party into a Sage. Potential sages must be level 20 in their respective fields before they can be transformed. Once you've unlocked the Sage vocation from the available options, you may want to turn a Mage or Priest into one of them. Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remakeas they will already have the spells linked to the new class.