How to unlock the 2 new endings

How to unlock the 2 new endings

There are few endings to a game as iconic as Wii Silent Hill 2However Silent Hill 2 Remake Introduces two new endings you can unlock as you play. Like the other six returning from the original, you must find specific items during your journey to reach the conclusions. Although no ending is canon to this haunting story, each provides a different look at the possible finale of Jacob's story.

The following sections of this article discuss the endings of the game. As such, they contain heavy spoilers about the end of Jacob's story.

Some of the other endings you may remember, viz "water," "reborn", "UFO," And "Dogs" are still present in The remake. The two new ends in Silent Hill 2 Remake are naturally implemented in the game, with many of the same requirements as the original endings. The new conclusions, called "silence" And "Straight away," are Unlocked when you interact with specific items Found in different areas.

Content warning: This article contains difficult topics, such as the reference to suicide. Read at your own discretion.

How to get the silence end

Let a loving hand guide you

Silent Hill 2 remake the new "Silence" ending cutscene

The "silence" Ending can be unlocked when you Find the key to sorrow And Use it to collect a postcard from inside a safe at the Lakeview Hotel. The key can be found in an abandoned car somewhere around Silent Hill, so you'll want to explore the overworld completely before pursuing other goals. Once you have the key, you can go to the hotel, unlock the safe and Start the ending by reading the postcard.


This end can be considered one of the "bad" Conclusions to the game, as it sees Jacob drive into Toluca Lake and drown in its waters. The cutscene that plays out is similar to this "water" Ending from the original game but with a few changes in Silent Hill 2 Remake. This time, when Jacob has Mary's letter in his car on the passenger seat, a hand reaches out from behind the seat.

The hand caresses Jacob's face, reassuring him as the voice of someone who seems to be Mary speaks from the back seat of the car. Although this could be Mary as well, the voice speaks to James, saying "I've always been waiting for you." This may be the impulse that drives James to take his life, especially when you consider the ever popular theory that Mary's body is in the back of James' car.

Whether this is another ghost that James has conjured to punish himself or a manifestation of the city's influence, there is no conclusive answer. The result is the same, confirmed by the sounds of Jacob's car starting up, and the crashing noises heard in the background. Although never shown directly, the interpretation of this ending is as clear as it is uncomfortable.

How to get the bliss ending

The cycle always repeats itself

Silent Hill 2 remake Jacob looking at TV in hotel room for "bliss" ending

The game of Silent Hill 2 Remake makes the "Blessed" Ending a little harder to get, like you Have to do more to achieve it on harder difficulties. This is because puzzles are harder to solve in hard mode as opposed to light or normal mode. The "Blessed" The end comes from Find a safe combination on a dead lying figure enemy You defeat as you progress through the game.

The reclining figure can be found in the eastern South Valley and is the first creature you encounter on your journey. Although the enemy may not have the combination you need, it helps you identify the type of enemy whose bodies you must control. Once you find one figure with a certain combination, Go to the bowling alley And Unlock the safe in the building.

On hard mode, the combination for the bowling alley safe can be difficult to find, so you may want to lower your difficulty settings for Silent Hill 2 Remake If you are just trying to reach the "Blessed" End quickly.

The safe contains a Rusty keyWhat you can use to Unlock a chest in the Brookhaven Hospital garden. This will help you get a strong medicine called White ClaudiaWhat Jacob can drink in the hotel he shared with Mary to start the "Blessed" ending


The ending mirrors the revelation that Jacob killed his wife Mary by giving Jacob a videotape on the television in the hotel room. However, this time it shows a much healthier relationship, as James simply enjoys the vacation to Silent Hill with Mary. After a while, the camera cuts back to the hotel room, showing that Jacob has disappeared.

The ending implies that James used the psychedelic drug to return to a time when he and Mary were happy through his delusional hallucination. Although he vaguely remembers the events of the game, he is doomed to repeat the cycle and return to Silent Hill when Mary inevitably grows ill again. The new ending is unlocked Silent Hill 2 Remake Once again enforces how Jacob must accept his role in his wife's death and move on to truly be free of his guilt.