How to unlock Lapras EX

How to unlock Lapras EX

Although Pokémon TCG Pocket Just released to players a week ago, several events, including the Lapras EX drop event, are already happening. Lapras EX launch event allows players to collect five new promotional cardsincluding Lapras EX, which can be added to custom decks for in-game battles.

The event takes place from 1am on 11/5/24 to 12:59pm on 11/18/24 local time. During this period, you must participate in event-exclusive battles, where you can unlock Lapras EX and other promotional cards. However, there is no guarantee that you will get them on the first try, so you may need to take advantage of all the time you have before the event ends.

How to unlock Lapras EX in Pokémon TCG Pocket

Compete in individual event battles

Promotional Booster Pack and screenshots showing the event's solo battle selection screen in Pokémon TCG Pocket

Once the event begins, you can go to the battle tab at the bottom of the screen, and if the event is live, you will see a notification below the Solo Battle option that says “Event in progress!” and if you open it, there will be a new section added to your solo battles. The new event option is titled Lapras ex Drop Event, and if you open it, it should look similar to the other Solo Battle sections.

If you have played any of the Solo Battles, which is highly recommended for new Pokémon TCG Pocket players, so you know they are divided on difficulty. Within each difficulty, you face several different themed decks. As there is only one deck for this event, Lapras EX, you will only see one option for each difficulty of the Lapras deck and nothing more, starting with beginner and ending with expert.

Additionally, although you are free to participate in solo battles in Pokémon TCG Pocket as many times as you want, Lapras EX solo battles cost Event Stamina each time you fight and win them. This means that once you've used all five, you'll either have to wait 12 hours each for them to recover or use the event hourglasses, which you can earn by beating the Lapras deck and completing each difficulty's challenges.

You can receive a promotional pack for winning any difficulty of the Lapras deck. Therefore, you can unlock all the cards by repeatedly competing with the beginner difficulty deck. However, there are other rewards to earn for each difficulty, so if they interest you, I still recommend beating them at least once.

As for unlocking the Lapras EX card, you must win the event's solo battles. For each win, you will have the chance to receive a Promotional Booster Pack containing one of the event's five promotional cards.. There is no way to guarantee which one you will receive and you may open duplicates, so you may need to defeat the Lapras deck several times before collecting all the promo cards, including Lapras EX.

How to beat the Lapras EX deck

Build a strong electric deck, preferably with Pikachu EX

As for each difficulty, the decks are more or less the same, except that the beginner version does not contain any EX cards, and the expert version contains several. Regardless of which version you face, Lapras and Starmie will be your main concerns as they are the stars of this challenge event. Fortunately, since the deck is mostly Water and a handful of Normal-type Pokémon, you'll be able to use the same deck against all difficulties.

Although you are free to create a custom Pokémon deck for this event however you choose, you must ensure you are using an electric deck, preferably with Pikachu EXas shown in Ptcgradiofrom the YouTube video above. This will give you a type advantage, making your life significantly easier, especially on Expert difficulty. If building a custom deck for your event seems like too much work, you can also use decks for rent.

Suppose you don't have rental decks or Pikachu EX available. In this case, you can technically make an Electric deck that doesn't contain any EX Pokémon, since the Beginner and Mid phases also don't use EX cards. However, I wouldn't recommend going beyond that without any EX.

If you are opting for deck rental, I recommend using the Pikachu EX deck or the Lt deck.. While there are other Electric-type rental decks, like the Wigglytuff EX deck, the strongest cards in these decks don't give you a type advantage over Water, which makes them as good as any other normal card for you. Also, try to remember specific challenges before fighting so you can complete as many as you can.

Lapras EX stats in Pokémon TCG Pocket

All promotional cards from the Lapras Drop event

Lapras EX surrounded by Mankey, Clefairy, Pikachu and Butterfree cards from Pokémon TCG Pocket

The five promotional cards for the Lapras EX launch event include Lapras EX, Butterfree, Pikachu, Clefairy and Mankey. Although these Pokémon already technically exist in Pokémon TCG Pocket In the Genetic Apex Booster Packs, the Lapras EX does not, and the others feature unique art.







Withdrawal cost

Lapras EX (Promo-A #14)




+20 Electrical Damage

Bubble Drain: 80 damage and healing 20 damage from this Pokémon (costs 3 energy, including 2 water and 1 colorless)

3 Energy

No butter (Promo-A #13)

Stage 2



+20 Fire Damage

Ability: Healing Powder: Heal 20 points of damage from each of your Pokémon Gust: 60 damage (costs 3 energy, including 1 gram and 2 colorless)

1 Energy

Pikachu (Promo-A #15)




+20 damage per fight

Gnaw: 20 damage (cost 1 electricity)

1 Energy

Clefairy (Promo-A #16)




+20 Metal/Steel Damage

Slap: 20 damage (cost 1 psychic energy)

1 Energy

Mankey (Promo-A #17)




+20 Psychic Damage

Reckless charge: 30 damage and 10 damage to self (cost 1 combat energy)

1 Energy

Remember that the Lapras EX Drop event ends on November 18th at 12:59 pm local time, so if you want to collect all of these promotional cards you will have to do so before that date. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that you will have the opportunity to obtain these cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket in the future.

Video credit: Ptcgradio/YouTube