Over all the different worlds in astro bot, There are a variety of hidden levels that do not appear without exploration in the maps, including in the tentacle system. In the following-up to Astro's playroomYou once again take control of the little robot, this time looking to save fellow bots in locations on different planets. This is the base of the game, but at first glance there are bots that you cannot find even when you complete all the normal levels.
Playing through the worlds (also known as nebulas) in order, the tentacle system is the second in Astro BotAfter the opening Gorilla Nebula. The first area allows players to find the first set of hidden levels, and more can be discovered in the same way here, but a second type of hidden level is also available in the tentacle system. In total, there are 300 bots to save in the five different worlds, which makes it vital that you find all the hidden levels.
How to unlock retro rampage 2
Crash your spaceship to find the hidden levels
In Gorilla Nebula it is discovered that you can unlock hidden levels by Crashing your spaceship into flying objects And by doing this, you can unlock two of the hidden levels in the tentacle system. In the main system area with all the levels, if you crash into a moving asteroid on the left side, the planet with the Retro Rampage 2 will appear.
Each hidden level in Astro Bot Contains one more bot that you can save.
If you've played Retro Rampage 1 in the first world, this level will look very similar and, again, it's very basic and retro-inspired, as opposed to many new gameplay features in Astro Bot. When you jump into it, you are faced with a large enemy that will take several hits to defeat. After that, another eight bunnies will appear, all of which can be removed with one attack. You will then be able to save another bot to add to your overall total.
How to unlock the smash rumble 2
A second hidden level with falling enemies
To find the second hidden level in the tentacle system, you need to go to the Top right corner of the map and chase the moving asteroid. Once you've caught it, another line of smaller asteroids will appear. After flying through all of them before they disappear, the Crumble Rumble 2 level pops up nearby on the right side of the nebula.
Smash Rumble 2, not surprisingly, Plays exactly the same as Crumble Rumble 1which can be found on Gorilla Nebula. You will need to use your laser jump to defeat each of the two big enemies on display. Any areas you hit with your laser will crumble under you, leaving a hole. As long as you don't fall down the holes you make, this is another easy hidden level to complete. You will then get another cameo appearance in Astro BotThis time from Everybody's Golf.
How to unlock void levels
These are the hardest levels in Astro Bot
In addition to the hidden levels found by crashing into things, the tentacle system Introduces a further number of levels known as voids. Like the hidden levels above, the first void in each nebula can only be opened by flying into an asteroid, with the next levels unlocking once the first is completed. The Lost Triangle void can be opened by hitting a non-moving item in the top left of the map, which will be immediately replaced by a large green triangle.
The Void levels are all short, but their difficulty increases as you progress through each one.
Once you've completed the basic initial Void level, the remaining four will appear, each with their own special Bot to save at the end of the run. The four levels, Pumpkin Peril, Fragile Frenzy, Cut N Grind and Dillo Dash, all provide their own challenges and are very different from any standard levels in Astro Bot. Weak Frenzy in particular is tricky due to the timing required to move between some of the sections at the end of the level.
Of all the hidden levels in Astro BotThe Void levels are by far the hardest and most challenging, and for many players it may be what stops them from reaching 100%. The tentacle system has seven hidden levels, which need to be crashed in to unlock them, before you complete them to save all the bots in Astro Bot.
- Franchise
Astro Bot
- Released
September 6, 2024
- developer(s)
Team Asobi
- Publisher(s)
Sony Interactive Entertainment