The friendly, adventurous robot is back in Astro BotAnd one of his many adventures will include Get two famous characters together that unlocks the Dick as Thieves trophy. There are many fun adventures in this version of the game, with many familiar faces and over 50 new places to explore. This makes it a great game to jump into and try.
Along with the many challenges you can see, there are also many hidden levels inside Astro Bot. There are Tons of secrets and easter eggs scattered throughout the game. You'll land a big Easter egg when you attempt to get the Thick As Thieves Trophy, making it well worth the effort.
Get the thick as thieves trophy
Pushing & shoving
Once you find the location for this trophy, you should be able to get the specific video game reference. You will want to get there by going to the Crash space planetWhere you can see tons of other bots and characters. Run to the right after you get to the planet's surface until you find a Circular area with a jeep-like vehicle and a round, brown surface in the center.
This platform has Famous adventurer Nathan Drake in the centerWhere he will likely spawn a couch to play some video games.
Now you will want to pay attention to the background. As you watch, you Should find another famous archaeologist Nearby. Lara Croft is in her outfit from the original Tomb Raider game.
Once you see Lara Croft, WhistleWhich will bring all the letters close to you. You want to get her attention when she is the closest to you so that it is easier to get to her. Once they all come running, Keep a close eye on where it ends up. After that, it's time to push and shove.
You are trying to get Lara and Nathan live each other. If you need a more visual idea of this, check out HarryNinetyFour's video. Push Nathan until they are next to each other, and enter Astro Bots photo mode. Take a picture of the two of them together. You technically don't need to have them right next to each other for the Dick as Thieves trophy Astro BotBut it's worth the reaction you get if you do.
Source: YouTube / Harry NinetyFour