How to unlock Blazewood Officer Mewmew

How to unlock Blazewood Officer Mewmew

Officer Mewmew is a familiar NPC in Zenless Zone ZeroBut you can help the character in the 1.2 update in Blazewood to unlock new challenges for various rewards. The new area comes with a variety of quests, characters and events to explore. However, those looking to earn some extra polychrome should try and help Officer Mewmew access their series of challenges.

Blazewood is located near New Eridu, but you can only travel to this location once you've finished "Tour de Inferno" Main story quest during Chapter 4. There are many new 1.2 characters in Zenless Zone Zero Here, including Caesar King and Bernice White. Several other familiar faces have official history introductions here, making it a place worth visiting.

Where to find Officer Mewmew in Blazewood

Travel to a specific subsection of the area

Zenless Zone Zero Officer Mewmew NPC character in 1.2 new Blazewood area

Many players seem to have a hard time finding Officer Mewmew in Blazebood, but that's because the mascot is on the job. Mewmew can be found In the lower level subsection of BlazewoodWhich you can travel to a variety of ways. First, you can only take the elevator in the area to reach its lower section if you've explored enough of Blazewood to have it unlocked.

Another way to reach the lower level is to use the navigation system, which you may have recently used to navigate around Zenless Zone Zeros New Eridu area. Once you arrive at the lower level, Search for an NPC called Di "Wise in a Barrel" Near the trailer homes. Talking to him will reveal Officer Mewmew, who is standing off to the right of the welcome gate that reads "Welcome to Boundless Blaze."

You won't be able to unlock the Blazewood Officer Mewmew challenges right away. Even if you talk to the officers, they have some pressing issues that have been distracting them since they arrived in Blazewood. To help them out, you will have to accept these "Frightened Guest" Side quest from Officer Mewmew to learn about an Outer Ring citizen who has taken over the mascot's place in the city.

How to complete the "Horrified Guest" side quest

Fix a misunderstood character

Zenless Zone Zero Fierce Bangboo Fixed during the "Frightened Visitor" side quest in Blazewood area

You can find the so-called "Court Citizen" Officer Mewmew mentioned by Traveling to the Cheestopia or Upper Level sections of Blazewood. Here you can find a Bangboo in Zenless Zone Zero Hess reclines on a nice green chair outside the fence of the city. You need to Fix the Fierce Bangboo Before it can give you any information, because it doesn't seem like the type of character to intimidate Officer Mewmew.

To repair the Bangboo, you need to complete a mini-game by following these steps:

  1. Draw the mini game by interacting with the bangbu.
  2. Press any button to "Begin."
  3. Wait until the green ping from the center reaches the outer circle.
  4. Press any button again at the closest point where the ring overlaps the circle.
  5. Do this several times in a row without letting rings exit the circle.

The closer you get the ring to hold over the circle, the higher the rank you get on the mini-game. If you want an "s" Ranking with the Fierce Bangboo, you have to get multiple perfect scores on each ping.

Once the Bangboo is fixed, you can Talk to him again To discover a behavior the exact opposite of what Officer Mewmew thought it was. There should be no problems between the mascot and the Bangbu now, that way Go back and tell Officer Mewmyu what happened. This will cause the officer to return to the place with the fierce Bangbu, with all their challenges unlocked and ready to be overcome.

How to do all the Blazewood Officer Mewmew challenges

Earn medals for rare rewards

Once you have Officer Mewmew unlocked in Blazewood, you can Talk to him to bring up a list of challenges. Similar to Officer Mewmew Rebuild Ridu's challenges, these are small tasks that are focused on helping the community. Some challenges are even tied to collectibles around the new area, encouraging you to explore everything new to the 1.2 update for Zenless Zone Zero.

As you can see in the above video by YouTube creator On gameThere are 16 different challenge medals you can earn By assisting Officer Mewmew in Blazewood. Some medals from these challenges can only be earned when you complete the previous one. Here are all the Blazewood Officer Mewmew challenges you can try to complete:

Officer Meumu Medal

How to earn

Keen Senses Medal

Find all the lost cargo trucks in the Blazewood area.

Silver Talent Seeker Medal

Collect half of the HIA Commemorative Coin collectibles in the Blazewood area.

Gold Talent Seeker Medal

Collect all the HIA Commemorative Coin collectibles in the Blazewood area.

Chivalrous Spirit Medal I

Talk to a Morning Bangbu Staring at the Hollow at night near Officer Meowmew in Blazewood.

Chivalrous Spirit Medal II

During the afternoon, go right from Officer Mewmew in Blazewood and fix the Tumbleweed Bangbu next to a yellow ladder, paint buckets and some barrels.

Chivalrous Spirit Medal III

Go to Blazewood's Upper Level in the evening and turn left. Next, talk to the Bangboo customer and the perfume merchant Bangboo.

Chivalrous Spirit Medal IV

Go to Blazewood's Lower Level in the morning and talk to the Passionate Bangbu and Anxiety Bangbu near the yellow stairs.

Officer Mewmiu Medal

How to earn

Temporary Aid Medal i

Fix Captain Bangbu next to Officer Mewmew during the morning in Blazewood.

Temporary Aid Medal II

Go left of Officer Mewmew during the evening and repair the Avenger Bangbu in the small alley.

Temporary Aid Medal III

Go to the sage in a barrel in the evening, and repair the red Grateful Bangboo nearby.

Temporary Aid Medal IV

Head to the lower level in the afternoon, and fix the Bangbu Wanderer to your left.

Kind Helper Medal I

Complete the mission "beginning of the journey" in Blazewood.

Kind Helper Medal II

Complete the mission "Quiet Poto" in Blazewood.

Kind Helper Medal III

Complete the mission "God-Speed ​​Drift" in Blazewood.

Kind Helper Medal IV

Complete the mission "Here comes a criminal with a flute" in Blazewood.

Child Helper Medal V

Complete the mission "Replacement Bounty Hunter" in Blazewood.

Each medal you earn will reward you with a good piece of polychrome, along with other materials useful for your agents. Once you unlock Officer Mewmew in Blazewood, you can tackle most of the challenges at once if you want to earn every reward immediately in Zenless Zone Zero.

Source: On Play/YouTube


July 4, 2024


HoYoverse (formerly miHoYo)


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