How to unlock and use the reforging bench

How to unlock and use the reforging bench

While you play Path of Exile 2you'll inevitably pick up a lot of gear that you can't actually use. Most of the time, you will find equipment of the wrong type for your current character class. You can sell it, deconstruct it using the Salvage Bank, disenchant it with the help of certain merchants, or transfer it to another character using inventory. All of this helps turn unnecessary items into more utilitarian items, but it doesn't cover every possible type of useless item.

What happens when you find an item that you can equip to your current character, but it's much worse than everything you already have? Well, you can sell it, dismantle it, or disenchant it as usual, but that seems like a waste. In that case, There is an alternative option: the Reforging Bench. This unique crafting option allows you to trade multiple types of the same item for a chance to reroll your stats, and more often than not, the results are better than the sum of their parts. See how to find and use the Reforging Bench in Path of Exile 2.

How to unlock the reforging bench

When to unlock the reforging benchThe Drowned City as it appears on the Path of Exile 2.-1 map

The Reforge Bank does not become available until Act 3 of Path of Exile 2So if you've just started the game, you'll have a long wait ahead of you before you can start rolling your gear again. Anyway, at some point during Act 3 you will undertake a quest called “Legacy of the Vaal”, during which you will reach a new area called The Drowned City.

After completing this mission, return to the Ziggurat camp and locate an NPC named Oswald near the northwest corner of the screen. Talk to him to start a quest called "Treasures of Utzaal," and you'll be on your way to unlocking the Reforge Bank.

Beating the Molten Vault and Mektul

Follow the quest marker to the adjacent Drowned City and the dungeon known as The Molten Vault. This would be a good time to equip any fire-resistant gear and ice magic you have, because if the name of the location hasn't given you a clue, you'll be ready for a fight against a fire-based horde of enemies. Enter the Vault and fight until you come across Mektul, the Forgemaster.

You'll want to be level 40 to take on the Molten Vault.

Mektul is a tough boss who deals huge waves of fire damage. Fortunately, he is quite slow and has a long cooldown between most of his attacks. Keep one finger on the dodge button and make the most of the downtime by hitting him as hard as possible. This fight lasts four minutes; If you can't complete it before the limit, the room will fill with lava and you will die for sure. Just use cold damage and once you control his attack patterns well, you should be able to defeat him quite easily.

Once Mektul is dead and you claim Kamasa's Hammer, open a portal back to the city and see Oswald again. Only then will you have the Reforge Bank unlockedand you can start rerolling your loot right away. You will also receive an uncut skill gem.

How to use the reforging bench

Requirements and re-releases

The Reforge Bank UI in Path of Exile 2, showing three slots at the bottom and one at the top, with an inventory window on the right.

From now on, you will find a Reforge Bank in every city. You can also place one in your stash if you wish. To use it, go up to it and interact with it like any other crafting station.

To use the Reforging Workbench, you will need to place three items of the same type and rarity (e.g. three normal axes) on one side, which will be combined into an item of the same type but with totally different stats. Reforged items will be destroyed in the process. The item you receive depends entirely on those you place; don't expect to get, say, a Soul Core by placing equipment. These are all the items you can use with a Reforging Bench:

  • Weapons, armor or accessories of the same type and rarity

  • Exclusive items

  • Catalyst

  • Essence

  • Soul Core

  • Precursor Tablets

  • Distilled Emotion

  • Runes

  • Relics

  • Waystones of the same level

To remember, you will always need three of the input items and you will always only get one. While most rerolls are random, Waystones and Distilled Emotions always reward higher tier items. Keep in mind, too, that there are some additional restrictions on the items you can use at the Reforging Bench: for example, corrupted items are prohibited.

You will have to identify most of the re-released items using the Hooded One or a Scroll of Wisdom before you can see their full capabilities.

Finally, note that the output item level will be equal to the lowest level item you sacrifice. Ideally, you'll want to add three items of roughly the same item level to ensure you don't waste two high-level pieces to get just one low-level one.

And with that, you should know everything you need to know to start rerolling items using the Reforging Bench. For the rest, you'll have to learn by experimenting with the Reforging Bench and seeing what you can get. Path of Exile 2.