How to Unlock All Strange Missions

How to Unlock All Strange Missions

Red Dead Redemption refers to many of its side missions as Stranger Missions, reflecting the format in which they are unlocked. Each begins with John meeting a stranger somewhere in the world - on the side of a road, deep in the woods, inside a bar - and agreeing, for better or worse, to complete a task for them. This can range from the simple and violent to the complex and meditative. John could end up working as a hit man for someone he just met or searching for herbs to cure a sick traveler.

Although less fundamental to Red Dead Redemptionoverarching story than any of its main quests, Strange missions are no less complex. Some of these are game-wide, requiring you to encounter a specific stranger multiple times throughout the campaign. Others lead to much larger and possibly major activities adjacent to the mission. Some Stranger missions have multiple branching paths depending on the player's choices; others are straightforward, little more than comic relief. There are 19 Stranger missions available in RDR1: Here's how to find them all.

All Strange Quest Locations

"I know you"

The first part of this Strange Quest is located southwest of MacFarlane Ranchmidway on the south road between it and Armadillo. It can only be accessed after completing Bonnie's main story mission."A storm approaches." Look for the question mark icon on the map south of the road. There, John will encounter a Strange Man who asks him to confront a friend of his, who apparently intends to cheat on his wife. In an introduction to Red DeadUnder John's honor system, John can talk him out of it or encourage him.

Later, after completing Irish's main story questWe will be together in paradise", you will find the Strange Man south of El Matadero. This time, you will choose between robbing a nun or donating to her cause. Finally, the third part is located on the outskirts of Beecher's Hope after completing "An appointed time”, and constitutes a simple conversation with the Stranger in which he comments on his morality throughout the game.

"Jenny's Faith"

"JennyThe Faith"is located northeast of Ridgewood Farmwest of Odd Fellow's Rest. It is only available after "This is Armadillo, USA." This is a short and sweet Stranger mission in which John finds an injured woman along the road and can choose between returning to Armadillo for help or leaving her where she is.

"Funny Man"

"funny man"is a four-part Stranger Mission that begins after the player has completed"Exhumation and other fine pastimes." It revolves around Jimmy Saint, a character you meet outside Benedict Point train station. Jimmy is a down-on-his-luck journalist writing an article about the rapidly dying American West, and John will have to repeatedly rescue him from danger.

Part two of "funny man"sees Jimmy lost inside the Gaptooth Breach mineand is unlocked after "Man is born for trouble." Next, he appears trapped in Pike's Basin. Finally, he is kidnapped after "Empty promises," and John recovers it from the Tesoro Azul gang's hideout.


After completing "Women and Cattle", you can find the eccentric Sam Odessa along the road southeast of Gaptooth Ridge and north of The Scratching Post. Listen to the harmonica to find it more easily.

Each stage of this quest only progresses after a week of play.

After a week passed, Odessa will appear again near Cueva Seca. It then appears in a ditch north of Tumbleweed and finally on the road south of town.where John can retrieve his letter and deliver it to the Armadillo post office.

"American Appetites"

"American Appetites"is a strange Stranger Mission chain that starts after"Political Realities in Armadillo." As the name of the prerequisite indicates, This mission starts at the door of the Sheriff's Office in Armadillo. Follow the marker to Hanging Rock and return to complete the first part.

Although this is a three-part quest, all three parts can be started from the same location. Part two of "American Appetites"start later"Justice in Pike Basin," and is also located outside the Armadillo Sheriff's Office. It ends in the same place as the first part. The third part continues after "wild horsesTamed Passions"within the same Sheriff's Officeand concludes the missionary chain.

"Let no one separate"

This side quest puts John in the middle of two feuding couples and makes some uncomfortable discoveries at the end. "Let no one separate"requires completion of"Obstacles in our path", and it is located north of Coot Chapelsoutheast of Armadillo.

"Lights, camera, action"

"Lights, Camera, Action,"unlocked after completing"The sport of kings and liars”, shows John fighting with a dishonest actor who fled the set of the film he was going to star in. Starts at the Armadillo cinema; you'll find the mission leader, MacKenna, sleeping on a bed in the back room of the theater.

"Water and Honesty"

This Stranger mission involves helping Andrew McAllister, a dowser, protect what he believes to be highly valuable property. Starts after "Political Realities in Armadillo", on the road directly east of Coot Chapel. Note that John can kill McAllister after giving him the deed to get a free house (plus a $20 profit), at the cost of 30 Honor.

"Flowers for a Lady"

Easily the most peaceful and meditative Strange Quest (at least at first), "Flowers for a lady"you collect nine different flowers throughout Red Dead Redemption to make a bouquet for Billy West's wedding anniversary. West can be found after "New friends, old problems", on the main road east of MacFarlane Ranchhalfway between it and Stillwater Creek.

"Who are you to judge?"

"Who are you to judge?"it's a relatively simple rescue mission. It starts after"Liars, Cheaters, and Other Proud Americans," when John meets Jeb Blankenship at the stable on Rathskeller Fork.

"Aztec Gold"

"Aztec gold" you are hunting exactly this, following the advice of Basilio Aguirre Olmos de la Vargas. This is an extension of RDR1The treasure map quests and can only be started after completing "Must a Savior Die?" Basilio can be found in Sidewinder Gulch, west of Tesoro Azulto begin"Aztec gold."

"Deadalus and Son"

This is a darkly comic Stranger Mission in which John helps an aspiring inventor; the misspelling of the Greek mythological figure in the quest title is intentional and indicates where the quest ends. "Deadalus and son"it is unlocked later"We will be together in paradise", and located east of Agave Viejo, southwest of Casa Madrugada; Follow the main road, staying north of the train line, to find the starting point.

"Eve in Peril"

This is a rather serious and tragic Strange Mission, in which John may attempt to rescue sex worker Eva Cortes from pimp Mario Alcalde. "Eve in danger" begins at the northernmost point of Casa Madrugadaafter completing Landon Ricketts' main story mission "Lucky in love."

"Love is the opiate"

"Love is the opiate"requires you to master one of the Red Dead Redemptionhorses (specifically, a Hungarian half-breed) to purchase Zhou's freedom from indentured servitude. It starts at the northernmost building in El Matadero, east of Mesa de la Luna.; you must complete both"Empty promises" and "Poppycock" to unlock it. Later, you can also meet Zhou at the train station in Chuparosa to complete the quest.

"American Lobbyist"

Unlocked after "An appointed time"," "American lobbyist"John blackmails a gubernatorial candidate to influence the outcome of an election. The mission begins inside the overlook at the northern end of Blackwaterand it passes very quickly. Just go to the bank, talk to Aldous Worthington and return to the man in the gazebo.

"The Prohibitionist"

"The Prohibitionist"forces John to deal with a critical teetotaler who has proven to be a nuisance to the local drunks. After the player has completed"The wronged woman", begins and ends outside the hall in the center of Blackwaterwhere Abner Forsyth set up his platform; you can choose to warn Forsyth or kill him outright.

"The Wronged Woman"

Hell hath no fury like"The wronged woman"a Stranger Mission in which John gets involved in a supposed tryst between a local tycoon and his children's nanny, Clara LaGuerta. It is only unlocked later"An appointed time," and can be started by visiting the church in Blackwater between 6pm and 7am.

[Warning: The following section contains spoilers for Red Dead Redemption's ending.]

"Remember my family"

The final Stranger mission unlocked in RDR1"Remember my family," is only playable as Jack Marston after completing "The last enemy that will be destroyed." Although framed as a Strange Quest, this can be considered the final main quest as it resolves and capitalizes on the game's themes. It begins with Jack meeting Howard Sawicki Southwest of Blackwater Main Square. Afterwards, he will have to head to Lake Don Julio, then to Rio del Toro, before following the Rio San Luis to his final objective.

And with that, you will have completed all Stranger missions in RDR1. Although few of them are central to the plot, each explores an important theme and rewards the player with money, Fame, Honor and/or scraps that they can eventually gather into wearable clothes. As such, they are so important to the world of Red Dead Redemption as the main story.