The casting of Frank Stein is the latest game from developer Supermassive, famous for their choice-themed RPGs full of supernatural danger and multiple endings that depend on your choices. Frank Stein It has 15 endings, but the differences between some of the endings are marginal. Many of them depend on who of the core four - Maddie, Chris, Linda and Sam - survive the night and make it to the campfire at the end of the game.
Unlike many choice-based RPGs, The casting of Frank Stein Has no "good ending" where everyone survives and goes on to live a relatively normal life. Lying heavily on the knowledge of dead by daylight, The end of Frank Stein All center around the power of the entity, and Augustine Lieber's sacrifice to it. This was one of the most anticipated horror games of 2024, and if you just can't get enough of it, finding all the endings will help you get your fill of playing.
Preparing for All Ends in the Casting of Frank Stone
Before you start looking, create a new save
As with all choice-based games, the choices you make in the earlier chapters of the game can influence the way the ending of the game plays out. By following these instructions, you can simply reload Chapter 14, saving you time in the long run to see all of the game's endings quickly, rather than having to restart the game completely for each ending. Here are the important decisions:
Chapter |
choice(s) |
Chapter 2 |
When Augustine offers Maddie a drink, Choose the relax option and take it. |
Chapter 3 |
like chris Don't mess with the store So she doesn't offer you the mirror in the Curiosity Store. |
Chapter 8 |
When Sam got his fit, Do not take his weapon. And after Maddie gets Chris out of the Horologium, Make sure you pass the QTEs to pull the switch. |
Chapter 10 |
keep chris in 2024, Don't come home. And save stan of the horologium rings through Succeed in the QTE. |
Chapter 12 |
When you find the necklace, don't give it away, instead, Have Maddy take it. |
None of the other choices in the other chapters affect your ending, but you'll still need to do things like unlock the gate in Chapter 6 to progress the game.
Once you've completed the final decision in Chapter 12, hit save and you're good to go. After you've made all the choices, you're set to complete any ending you choose, as long as you make the necessary decisions later in the game to get there. Every time you want to play a new ending, you'll be able to load back into that save, playing from here on out.
How to unlock the ending of "All Survives".
Keep your core four alive, just so they can suffer
Like these "All Persists" As the title suggests, all of the core four need to survive and make it to the campfire in order to get the ending. Load in Chapter 14, which should present your first choice as if Sam should give his life for Stan. Stan's survival is meaningless until the end, So let Stan be eaten by Frank Stein, then everyone will escape from the film room.
You will first play as Maddie with Linda by your side. Successfully complete all QTEs and repair the generator in five minutes. Once the generator is fixed, Stone will bust through the wall, knocking Muddy down. As Linda, help Maddie up from the floor. The next choice you will have is, as Maddie, when you meet Augustine in the Horologium. Here, you should Choose the uncertain choice and stick with Augustine.
You'll cut back to Linda running from Stone; Complete all the QTEs here to ensure your survival. Sam will show up to help Linda out; Choose to escape to keep both of them alive. You will then control Sam and will need to survive QTEs again.
Finally, Maddie will have another chance to leave Augustine. This time you will need Choose the RESISTANT option to leave and keep Muddy alive. Finally, the last choice you need to make is For Chris to leave when you have the opportunity to enter the movie screen. With the choices made, and all QTEs passed, all four of the main characters will survive and make it to the campfire.
How to unlock endings with only three letters alive
There are several combinations of letters that will reach the ends
The casting of Frank Steins endings, though many, don't provide a lot of variety in terms of story impact. This is especially evident when you take into account the "X number of characters survive end" types. How which characters survive has very little to do with how the ending plays out. This is one of the reasons why the game is not as good as others in the series, But if you're still interested in finding them all, here's how to do it.
Maddie, Linda and Sam survive
To get Chris out of the way, you can either kill her or send her back to 1980. There are a few ways to do both of these things. The first way to get rid of Chris is to send him back through the Horologium, but this will require you to move back into your save files a bit, so if you don't have a save here, You should choose to push through the movie screen in Chapter 14 instead. As long as you didn't take the mirror from the curiosities shop, Chris will survive, but find himself in an alternate 1980.
Maddie, Chris and Linda survive
There are several ways you can get Sam killed or out of the way. After you save Stan from Stone after he emerges from the movie screen, Maddy will become possessed by Augustine, and Sam will need to shoot her to end the hypnosis. Then, Stone will catch Linda, and Sam should sacrifice himself to save Linda and be killed. Continue to follow the "Everybody's Life" steps for Maddie, Chris and Linda to make it to the campfire.
Linda, Chris and Sam survive
Since Maddie has the locket/talisman from Chapter 12, this ending is pretty simple. As in the previous ending, Maddie will be hypnotized by Augustine after the party saves Stan from Stone. Instead of shooting her and breaking the hypnosis, let Maddy be consumed by stone. Again, follow the "Everyone Lives" steps, allowing Linda, Chris and Sam to make it to the campfire.
How to unlock endings with only two letters alive
Choose who will survive, and leave the other two to die
At this point, each character's death and life needs are covered. In general, you can make decisions about who will live and die in a vacuum; No single character needs to be alive in order to survive or die. In case it's not clear, here's how to achieve each duo ending in The casting of Frank Stein.
Maddie & Chris survive
Once Frank has emerged from the movie screen, let Stan die, and keep Sam alive for now. Then, succeed in the QTEs and fix the generator, Helping Maddie when she is knocked down by a rock As he busts through the wall. Maddy will meet Augustine at the Horologium, Choose Uncertain and join Augustine for a while. While this is happening, Linda will run from the stone, and you will need to pass the associated QTEs.
After the chase, Sam will come to help Linda, and You should try to helpWhich will result in Linda's death. In order to get Sam killed, just skip the QTEs that pop up after Linda dies. finally, Did Maddy oppose Augustine, Heading off on her own, and Choose for Chris to leave the movie screenEnsuring she and Maddie are the only ones who make it to the campfire.
Maddie & Linda survive
Let Stan die to stand, and save Maddie from the hypnosis. When Stone busts through the door, Help MADI like Linda to keep moving. like maddy Choose the UNCERTAIN option And team up with Augustine, and run from the rock as Linda and succeed in all your QTEs. When Sam comes to help Linda, ran away from him To keep you alive.
Allow Sam to be killed by failing his QTEs, choose to let Augustine as Maddie through Choose the RESISTANT option. finally, Choose for Chris to push through The movie screen so she won't make it to the campfire. This leaves only Linda and Maddie alive to finish the game.
Maddie & Sam survive
Now, you will know not to sacrifice Sam to save Stan. Next, you will need to repair the generator, which will cause Stone to come and kill Linda. Keep Maddy alive by passing all your QTEs, then Choose to escape instead of helping Sam. Sam should also pass his QTEs, and finally, you should send Chris through the screen, leaving only Maddie and Sam alive in the campfire.
Chris & Linda survive
For this ending, you'll have an easy time getting Sam and Maddie to die. here, Allow Madi to be consumed after being hypnotized By Augustine, then Escape from Sam as Linda To avoid helping you. Now, it's a simple matter of failing the QTEs as Sam and Leave the movie screen as Chris To make sure she and Linda live.
Chris & Sam survive
Save Stun, then break Maddie from her hypnosis by shooting her like Sam. Let Linda die to stand here, CHOOSING TO BACK AWAY. Fix the generator as Maddy, then escape as Maddy and pass your QTEs. When you reach Sam, Choose to try to helpWhich will result in Madi being killed by Stone. Complete all your QTEs as Sam, and choose not to go into the screen as Chris, so that Chris and Sam come to the campfire.
Linda & Sam survive
Once again save Stan, then Let Madi be consumed While hypnotized by Augustine. As Linda, repair the generator and then go down the elevator. Linda will meet Augustine, and then you will need to pass all the QTEs. Don't try to help Sam when you find him, Escape instead. Sam will also need to pass his QTEs, and Have Chris drive by The film screen in order for Sam and Linda to finish the only ones left at the end of the game.
How to unlock endings with only one character alive
Get everyone else killed, leaving one to find the campfire
The endings don't have much variation from their duo and trio counterparts, but if you want to see what each character does when they find themselves alone, here's how you should go about getting them there. You should have experience keeping each character alive at this point, so this will be a quick summary:
- Chris: Let Stan die, fix the generators, help Maddy. Then choose FURIOUS, which will get Maddie hypnotized and killed. Pass QTEs as Linda and try to help Sam, which will get Linda killed. Fail QTEs as Sam, and leave the screen as Chris for you to be the only one who makes it to the fire.
- Maddy: Let Stan die, fix the generators, and help Maddy. Choose Uncertain to join Augustine, and complete QTEs as Linda. Try to help Sam, get Linda killed, and complete the QTEs as Sam. Send Chris through the screen, and choose the resistant option for Maddie to leave Augustine and survive to find the campfire.
- Linda: Save Stan, and let Maddy die to stand. Fix the generator, then pass QTEs as Linda, and run away from Sam instead of helping him. As Sam, fail your QTEs so he dies. Send Chris through the screen, and Linda will be the only one left.
- Sam: Let Stan and Maddie die to stand, then fix the generator as Linda and pass all the QTEs. Choose to try to help Sam, which will ensure Linda's death, and pass all the QTEs as Sam to ensure that he is the only one who lives.
How to unlock the ending of "No one survives" (secret ending)
for DBD Fans, this could be considered the "true" ending
In order to unlock the secret ending, all you need to do is to kill all four of your main characters. It doesn't matter how it happens, but the easiest way is to let Stan die to stand, then Have Maddy go for the elevator when the choice comes up. This gets Linda killed, and then Maddie will fall into hypnosis and die later. Choose for Chris to push through the movie screen. With the other three gone, Sam will use the Horologium to go back to another timeline, and no one from the game will gather around the campfire.
Instead, players will gain control over Frank Stone for a bit. You will go to the campfire, beginning the cycle of torment, hope and despair that Augustine monologues about in sacrifice to the entity. You can see this in a clip on YouTube via Duck360Gaming. Sitting around the campfire, you'll find the original four survivors of dvd, Which is nothing more than a nod to the game, but cool nonetheless. This ending is aligned with the lore of dead by daylight, Making it the most canon ending of The casting of Frank Stein.
Source: Duck360Gaming/YouTube
- platforms
PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows
- Released
September 3, 2024
- developer(s)
Supermassive games
- Publisher(s)
Nature interactive