One of the many puzzles you have to solve in Pathfinder: Wrath of the righteous Involves a series of slabs within the Conundrum Unsolved area. You can find this place in a cave north of the Nightingale Grove, filled with different mysteries to explore. However, you'll have to overcome the deceptively simple puzzle here to pursue quests and treasures found in Conundrum Unsolved.
Set the puzzle Pathfinder: Votr are nothing new, with the one in Conundrum Unsolved being similar to others you may have encountered before. Before you can start solving the puzzle, you have to Collect slabs from urns In the room with the puzzle. Choose how many things called "Plate with two white symbols"From around the area, but keep in mind that Each symbol is unique With his own icon.
Conundrum Unsolved Puzzle Solution
Matching the slabs
To reach the unsolved puzzle solution, you have to place slabs with certain symbols with the Ancient Ghost On different slots along the room floor. The shapes of various slots just match with One type of plate Along the floor's exterior and interior parts.
You have to match tile symbols placed on the outer parts of the floor with corresponding spaces on the inner slots in Pathfinder: Votr.
An example of correct placement for this puzzle would be how the slots in the center-left and center-right spots of the main square must have slabs with symbols matching those placed on the exterior slots to the left of the puzzle.
Take these First square plate And Put it in the top slot of the puzzle, and place the other two square slabs in the Open slots outside The inner square. Make sure to do this While facing the spider painting If you are confused about the correct location orientation in Pathfinder: Votr. Next, use these Middle-right slot To add another tile, place the last tile in the slot on the far right of the puzzle.
If this is starting to sound like too much of a complicated Pathfinder: Votr Riddle for you, be sure to check out the video below KpShamino On YouTube, which provides a great visual guide on how to solve Anger of the righteous Slab puzzle and make the unsolved conundrum solved one more time:
The last plate should have a symbol resembling a "7" with two small squares and an arrow pointing down. Follow the instructions about matching icons in the puzzle sections for the last couple of slots to trigger a short dialogue with the Ancient Ghost. Conversation reveals important information about the location and the Ghost's identityWith some experience to you as a reward.
Those who solve the conundrum unsolved puzzle in Pathfinder: Wrath of the righteous Will also be rewarded with Elven Notes And Hide Barding +2 Through a new site that opens when you complete the puzzle.
Use the Elven Notes & Hide Barding +2
What they are used for
The Elven Notes are only one part of a whole Long search called In pursuit of the pastWhere you have to return at least 20 of the 21 Elven Notes scattered throughout the game. You'll find out how his research is tied into the WorldWound as you bring more and more back. The quest will end at 20, but if you want to get the secret ending, you will have to find the 21. At 21, he will give you a blank page, and it will let you Lower your skill check to solve the Lexicon of Paradox.
Hide Barding +2 is a type of Medium armor that can be used for any character. The armor class is 4+2 enhancement, and you will get a -2 to the armor check. It is £25 and can be sold for £1050. It's not as special an armor as the Elven Notes are a quest item, but if nothing else, you can sell it and use the coins for a different armor you want.
You will also receive Some know about the heart of mystery And where it is located. This is a new side quest that you can follow and find more rewards if you want. This is where you can return to find the Secrets of Creation, and it also ties into the Storyteller's quests and will give you the mask of the most value. There are also some puzzles and portals here, so it's a good place to get some XP in Pathfinder: Wrath of the righteous.
Source: YouTube /KpShamino