How to solve the rune puzzle in Nettie's library

How to solve the rune puzzle in Nettie's library

One puzzle in Baldur's Gate 3 Which can be solved in Act 1 in the Emerald Grove involves four unique runes placed near a statue in Nettie's library. Two hidden rewards can be obtained if you take the time to find a key with a specific NPC. Like many secrets in the game, you will have to make decisions or talk to people to find what you are looking for.

Your party can reach Emerald Grove after you defeat a group of goblins against the gate leading to the shrine near the nautiloid crash. The uneasy alliance maintained by Tiefling refugees and the Druids of the Grove is part of the early history in Baldur's Gate 3. Although there are many hidden secrets in Act 1, this place is almost impossible to avoid when you start your adventure.

How to unlock Nettie's library

Search for a healer in the Emerald Grove

Baldur's Gate 3 Talk to NPC Healer Nettie in Emerald Grove Inner Sanctum

Neti's library must be unlocked before you can reach the rune puzzle through following the "Remove the parasite" Search In the Emerald Grove. At this point in the game, every party member is looking for a way to remove the Mind Flayer tadpoles from their heads. saving the grove from goblins gives you a guide on how to do it when you talk to any survivors of the fight in Baldur's Gate 3.


The side search "find a cure" Healer lists neti as one of many possible paths to cure your rare condition. Other routes might include relying on the help of the eccentric NPC Volo in your camp during a long rest or tracking down a Githyanki Crèche, recommended by Lae'Zel in Baldur's Gate 3 If you recruit her as a companion. Those looking to unravel the puzzle should not follow the other leads.

Travel to the HollowOr the deep part of the emerald, where most of the deeplings took shelter. You will want to Track down the halfling vendor Arron in Baldur's Gate 3Who has a lot of information about the events happening in the grove. You can Ask where Nettie is As he expresses his concerns and learns that the Healer has a chamber in the Inner sanctum Area.

Going to the inner sanctum can put you in direct conflict with some of the druids in the grove if you antagonize them. Characters with a high Charisma stat or spells like Nice man

Can help avoid conflicts when trying to reach Nettie.

Talk to Nettie Deep in the sanctum and Tell her about the parasite lodged in your head. This will help you Open a secret path to the Enclave Library And show you the rune puzzle for the first time. Unlock Nettie's library, it's open even after you finish your conversation with the healer if you want to research the structures found in that location.

Enclave Library Puzzle Solution

Find a rune tablet from someone else in the grove

Baldur's Gate 3 Enclave Library puzzle solved by activating each rune on different podiums to reveal secret stairs

The rune puzzle in the library revolves around Found the missing wolf rune on one of four pedestals surrounding a large stone statue of a cat.. Three platforms around the structure already have animal-themed totems placed on them. If you investigate further, the one to your right describes how the "Rune of the Wolf" is needed to complete the collection.

Go back into the main room of the inner sanctum And Look for the NPC Rath Among the people in this area. Rath has the wolf runeBut he won't just hand it over to someone they don't know. You have a couple of options here that may get you the item right away or one strategy that may take longer to achieve in Act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3.


The The easiest way to get the rune is to package Rath With your character or someone in your party who has a better chance of being undetected. High dexterity stats lead to better sleight of hand and stealth modifiers in Baldur's Gate 3 To prevent other NPCs from spotting you. A large direwolf walking near Rath is especially dangerous and will attack your group if you get caught stealing.

You can too Kill everyone in the groveand take the rune from Rath's dead body once the combat ends. This is a very drastic solution and will prevent you from pursuing some other quests in the shrine. The what Save Halsin Will earn Rath's trust at the end of Act 1, which sees the druid simply give her the artifact as a reward for helping bring back such an important leader.

Rewards for solving the rune puzzle

Grab two powerful weapons

The hidden vault in Baldur's Gate 3's Emerald Grove

Return to the empty socket and Connect the wolf rune with the empty slot To activate the pedestal next to the statue. Go to the other three podiums and interact with each to evoke their magic in BG3. According to the video below by YouTube creator Reverie GamingYou can turn on the rune of the wolf last to sink the statue and reveal a set of hidden stairs leading down.

Do this Transport your party to the hidden vault of the Emerald GroveWhich has a lot of loot for you to grab, including the magic items:

The Robe of Summer is an unusual piece of clothing perfect for any class of character, even the notorious archetypes that cannot use any type of armor. Although you don't get any benefit for your AC with this item, it does Provide resistance to cold damageWhich can be useful against certain enemies. Feel free to equip this item by switching it with whatever your character is currently wearing in their inventory.

Sorrow, on the other hand, is a Two-handed weapon Which gives you the unique Sorrowful Lash cantrip that you can use as a bonus action once per turn. This cantrip deals damage to a target and pulls them closer to you, allowing you to rope in enemies that stay far away from your party. This works like the US Torn VIP

cantrip but uses a bonus action instead of a full action in Baldur's Gate 3.


The Wyvern Toxin is a powerful poison you can infuse your weapon with to give it extra damage for ten turns. Alternatively, you can throw the toxin as a grenade to create a poisoned area where creatures must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution save in BG3 or take poison damage. This hazardous material can help you change the course of a battle to give your party a better chance of victory.

What happens after you solve the rune puzzle?

Choose to save or destroy the grove

Kagha and a Shadow Druid on an Emerald Grove area in Baldur's Gate 3
Custom image by Katarina Cimbaljevic

The Hidden Vault is home to the most important loot in the Emerald Grove that isn't from an individual character like Khaga or Rath. At this point, you have the decision to help the members of the grove by destroying the goblin camp or assist the absolute cultists in decimating the druids and refugee gatherings. This choice will greatly affect the rest of your playthrough, so you need to consider what options you have.

Those looking to keep the Druid Halsin as a companion in Baldur's Gate 3 Should always choose to save the grove, while anyone who wants the Paladin Minthara might want to destroy the tiefling's temporary home.

No matter what your decision around the Emerald Grove ends up being, you should Talk to everyone you can So you don't miss unique quests. For example, the tiefling Rolan you first meet in this area can become a crucial ally later, but only if you talk to them. Leave no stone unturned before making your final choice.

Feel free to use the powerful items from the Hidden Vault in Act 1 on your best party members to grow stronger for the remaining challenges during this part of the story. Solving the rune puzzle in Nettie's library gives you better gear to tackle the other quests or dungeons your party will encounter in Baldur's Gate 3.

Source: YouTube / Reverie Gaming