As part of his Mythic Trials in Disney Dreamlight ValleyIn the Storybook Vale expansion, you must complete the Losing Your Marbles quest in The Statues Shadow trial. This trial can only be accessed after unlocking The Statues Shadow section of Mythopia, which will automatically start a quest with Hades.
To unlock Hades in Disney Dreamlight Valleyyou will have to have completed the first Mythic Trial in the Elysian Fields biome. After that, you have the option to unlock either of the other two biomes and complete your Mythic Trial in any order, but I recommend Statues Shadow first, as the cost to unlock that biome is half the amount of Storybook Magic.
Missing Your Marbles Quest at Disney Dreamlight Valley
Puzzle 1: Lower the bridge
After unlocking the portal for the test, enter it the same way you did the first one, and you will be transported to the test location. From here, go down the stairs on your left to find Hades standing in front of a bridge. There will be a lever next to him that he will ask you to pull, but when you do, the bridge will fall a lot because there is nothing underneath to stop it. Lift it up again and follow Hades down some more stairs to the first puzzle.
If you notice, there will be a rotating lever on one of the pedestals on the far right where you can use Disney Dreamlight Valleyfrom the Royal Net tool. Once you've done this, go to the sandpit, where you should see a fishing spot. Unfortunately, the sandbox is a bit of a pain to aim correctly, and I found that Aiming beyond where you intend is the best way to secure the pedestal under the sand. If you aim directly at the center, the fishing rod may refuse to lock.
Once you lock it, you can pull it up and change the direction of the light. Now, go to the big block and push it along the newly indicated path, which, if done correctly, should land directly under the bridge you tried to lower. Climb the original stairs to the lever and pull it again. It should land correctly this time, allowing you to move on to the next task.
Puzzle 2: Rotate the bridge
On the platform you reach, there will be a horizontal lever that you will need to use your Royal Net on again. When you do this, Hades will comment that the bridge is spinning past where it needs to stop, meaning you'll need to find a way to stop it. To do this, follow Hades up the stairs to the right, where you'll find another puzzle similar to the first one. Directly to the right, at the bottom of the stairs, you'll see a strange mechanism attached to one of the puzzles.
If you read the riddle next to it, it instructs that you will need water the mechanism to activate the pedestal. Once you've done that, run around the base of the platform with the swinging bridge to find a vertical lever that needs to be turned with your Royal Net. You'll need to keep an eye on one of the pedestals as you turn, as your goal is to rotate the connected pedestal until it aligns to connect the watered pedestal to the one next to the block you will move.
You can always return to get chests if you do not have the means or time to collect them now; just enter the portals again to return to the tests.
After everything is connected, go to the block and start pushing it along the path. If everything is properly aligned, you should be able to push the block into a position that stops the bridge from rotating completely. Go back up and turn the home lever again. The bridge must stop correctly, allowing crossing.
Puzzle 3: Push the block
The last and final puzzle is the simplest yet. When you reach the next area, you will need to push a block that is blocking your path. Once you've done this, you'll have the freedom to move forward and climb the steps to complete the trial, but if you want a chest containing Magma, one of the Dragon's companions' favorite foods in A Valley of Talesthen you will need Water the middle pedestal so you can prevent the block from blocking the chest.
After doing this, if you want, follow Hades through the stages and complete your second or third Mythic Trial. From here, you are one step closer to completing the first part of the Storybook Vale Expansion story. The next step from here is to complete your remaining Mythic Trial if you haven't already, as well as the three Eternal Fairy Tale Challenges in Disney Dreamlight Valley.