How to Solve the Fairytale Trial of Teapot Falls

How to Solve the Fairytale Trial of Teapot Falls

As part of the Disney Dreamlight Valley expansion, A Valley of TalesPlayers must complete a series of trials in each of Everafter's three biomes, including The Wild Woods, Teapot Falls, and The Fallen Fortress. The first will be part of unlocking the Flynn Rider, but the remaining two can be done in any order and will be unlocked when you unlock the associated area.

You'll probably start the Teapot Falls Fairy Tale Trial second, since unlocking Teapot Falls, where the trial resides, is half the price of unlocking The Fallen Fortress. Once you've unlocked Teapot Falls, you'll automatically start a quest with Flynn Rider who will teach you how to unlock the trial, like you did with the first one, and then enter through the portal.

The Teapot Falls Fairytale Experience at Disney Dreamlight Valley

Puzzle 1: The first door

When you enter the Teapot Falls Fairy Tale Trial, you will find yourself at the top of a staircase. Before going down, if you look to the right, you will see a door. At the bottom of that door, on the floor, there will be three"?" icons that you will need to fill in with the correct image. Your first clue can also be seen at the top of the door in this same location.

For the next clue, you'll want to start heading down the stairs and you'll see it right in front of you on the wall. Finally, the third and final clue can be found once you reach the puzzle. Just turn around and see the last image needed to solve the puzzle. Note that you must dig the dots to change the icon in each square. From left to right, the solution is Dragon, Castle and then Dragon again. If you typed the answer correctly, the door will open.

Puzzle 2: The Three Chairs

Chair Puzzle at Disney Dreamlight Valley

Once you enter the next room you will have a few options as there are several puzzles to solve in this room. The first one, on your left, is the chair puzzle. Simply interact with the scroll on the left and you will read a riddle that indicates where each chair should be placed at the table. To move the chairs, open the build menu as you would if you were decorating with furniture in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

Although the riddle is quite simple, the answer to solving it is place the pink chair at the end of the tablein the position you call the head of the table. For the blue chair, you want to place it in the spot on the rightone seat away from the pink chair. Finally, place the wooden chair at the end of the table closest to you in the available space furthest from the pink chair.

Puzzle 3: The Clock

The Clock Puzzle at Disney Dreamlight Valley

Even though the tea one is right in front of you, the next puzzle you should do is the clock. If you go to the far left of the room, there will be stairs to climb, leading to a clock. Another riddle is at the bottom of the stairs, telling you when to set the clock. The riddle warns that eight is too early, but 10 is too late, then you must set the clock to 9. Since this clock uses Roman numerals, you will need to set it to IX, which has the hour hand pointing directly to the left.​​​​​​​

Puzzle 4: The four pictures on the wall

The next puzzle is where you entered the room. Going down a small flight of stairs, you will see four "?"icons on the wall, each of which must be set to the correct image. To find the images you need, search around the room you are in. One can be found on the side of the stairs leading to the clock. On the wall, another can be found on the right if it's by the door you came in. The third one can be found at the top of the stairs in front of the clock puzzle where the mushrooms are.

Finally, the last one can be found just above the puzzle itself. Unfortunately, each image is aligned with a Roman numeral and is not in numerical order in the puzzle. So don't try to put them in order; just match them with the associated number. The correct solution must be, from left to right, Flower, Wolf, Flower and Dragon. If typed correctly, a teapot should drop for you to sit on the tea cart next to the table.

Puzzle 5: The hedge maze

The solution to the final puzzle of the second fairytale trial in Disney Dreamlight Valley

This is the last puzzle in the room, and to complete it you will need to enter the room on the right. To do this, simply turn the lever with Disney Dreamlight Valley's Royal Net and proceed down the long corridor. At the end there will be two mazes with another picture puzzle on the floor in the center. To find the clues to solve it, you will need to search the left and right maze. The first clue, however, is on the wall directly in front of you, but notice that it is upside down.

With the left maze, you will only find one clue in the back left part of the maze. As for the right maze, you will find a clue in the back right and top left corner as you find your way around the entrance to the room. Once you have all four clues and collected the chests in the maze, you can dig the slots to complete the puzzle: two Dragons in the upper slots and two castles in the lower slots. Take the teapot from the chest after the door opens and take it back to the cart.

Complete the second Everafter Fairy Tale Trial

Complete the Teapot Falls Trial with Flynn Rider

Flynn Rider in Storybook Disney Dreamlight Valley

After finishing all the puzzles in the room with the chairs, the door to the next room will finally open and you will see a brief interaction with Flynn. Once this is over, you will have officially completed the second Fairytale Trial and can return to Everafter. Note that you can revisit this test at any time if you need to go back to get chestsbut otherwise, now you should focus on unlocking The Fallen Fortress and completing the last Fairy Tale Trial in Disney Dreamlight Valley.