After unlocking the Fiery Planes section of Mythopia in Disney Dreamlight Valleyof Storybook Valley expansion, you will automatically unlock a mission, bringing you one step closer to completing another Mythic Trial. Although you have to complete the Elysian Fields first, you can complete the remaining two tests in any order.
The remaining mythic tests work in a similar way to the one that allowed you to unlock Hades in Disney Dreamlight Valley. First, you'll need to complete a quest to unlock the portal, which, for the Burning Planes, includes upgrading your Watering Can so you can water the flames and reach the lever. Once you've done this, enter the portal to start The Promethean Flame quest.
How to start the Promethean Flame Quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley
The First Torch - Center
When entering the Mythic Trial, lower the lever in front of you to allow you to cross the bridge and speak to Hades. He will inform you that, for this Disney Dreamlight Valley trial, you will need to help him light three torches. Although it looks different, it will be the same process as the other two Mythic Trials since you will just push carts to move the torches until they are in the correct position.
Happily, the first does not require puzzle solving and it's just there as an example. If you look to the left of where Hades is, you will see a torch cart connected to a very short path. If you go ahead and press it, it will lock in place and light up automatically. This is the same process you will need to repeat with the remaining two torches, but they will require a little more work.
The Second Torch – Right Side
To light the second torch, go to the right side of the Mythic Trial where you will see a gate that leads down some steps. Follow the steps to a lever, which will lower a bridge that you can see at the top of the screen. Go up the stairs and immediately to the right, crossing the bridge you just lowered. At the end of the bridge, you will see a pedestal with a riddle indicating that you need to water the mechanism attached to it.
Remove the watering can and water the indicated mechanism to activate the pedestal.
Now you have the option to go left or right. Both will lead to puzzles that you need to complete, but for this one, go right where the light connects, taking you to some gates that block a cart with a torch. If you go up the side stairs of the platform above the gates, you will find a lever that opens the gates when you use your Royal Net tool.
After opening the gates, go down the stairs. Since you can't pass the one with the cart, you need to break the rocks through the other gate and go around to the back of the cart. From here, all you need to do is push the cart along the path you created, and when you reach the final pedestal, the torch should light up automatically.
The Final Torch - Left Side
Only one torch remains. To access it, go back to the pedestal you had to water, but instead of going right, go left. As you walk along this path, you will pass a switch on your left side, stop and activate it to lower a bridge. Once the bridge is lowered, continue along the path to the back corner where the cart with the torch is. You can't force it yet; instead of, lower the bridge next to it by interacting with the lever next to him.
Cross the bridge to find a chest and another pedestal mechanism that needs watering. Water the mechanism with the watering can activate it, and now all the pedestals should be connected by a beam of light. Now you can return to the cart with the torch and push it along the path until you reach the last point when it lights up.
How to complete the mythical trial
Talk to Hades and complete the quest
After lighting the last torch, go back and talk to Hades againwhich will inform you that you have completed the task he assigned you. Interact with the purple flames behind him to be transported out of the Mythic Trial, where you'll watch a brief cutscene showing another lit torch, which, if this was your last Mythic Trial, will show the gates of Olympus opening. After another brief conversation with Hades, The Promethean Flame quest will be completed.
If you haven't already, you can complete the last Mythic Trial at Statues Shadow or head to Everafter to complete any remaining Fairy Tale Trials. Either way, you'll be closer to completing the first part of the Storybook Vale expansion story in Disney Dreamlight Valley.