How to solve Chick's treasure map

How to solve Chick's treasure map

treasure maps in Red Dead Redemption 2 they are sketches of landmarks across the map that lead Arthur to the treasure. Some of these treasure maps can be difficult to find when all the rocks and trees get mixed up. Chapter 2 features a treasure map that Arthur steals from Chick Matthews, who owes the gang money.

Chick's treasure map is one of the first treasure maps you will find in RDR2story mode. It is designed to make it easier for players to decipher future treasure maps, but it lacks an accurate map marker and has a time limit. This means you can permanently fail this mission if you don't find the treasure quickly enough.

Where to find Chick's treasure map

Hunting down the runaway ranch hand

Chick Matthews' treasure map shows two drawings of the same tree with an arrow pointing to the hollow of one tree.

Chick Matthews appears in the Chapter 2 mission, "Money lending and other sins," when Leopold Strauss sends Arthur to collect a debt from the ranch hand. Chick can be found at Guthrie Ranch, just south of the Heartland Overflow in the Heartlands. When you arrive at Guthrie Ranch and ask for Chick, you will find him trying to escape on his horse.

Simply chase Chick and lasso himand he will tell you that he hid his money in a tree. Loot it and you will collect Chick's treasure map.

If map reading confuses you, see how a treasure map in RDR2 is structured: each stage of the map has a small Roman numeral marking the order in which you will encounter each step. This treasure map first shows the general location of the tree, then what the tree looks like, before pointing to the hole. The first sketch is the key to finding out where the treasure is located on the map.

Since you can fail this mission by waiting too long, be sure to quickly go to the location of Chick Matthews' treasure. After all, it's not very far away. Climb on one of the best horses RDR2 as quickly as possible and collect Chick's debt to the gang.

Treasure location on Chick's treasure map

Locating the money tree

A red circle surrounds the location of the treasure on Chick's treasure map.

Chick's treasure map shows the hollow tree that Chick mentioned when you tied him up, but finding this tree can be incredibly difficult for some. Fortunately, it's just northeast of Guthrie Farm, between Heartland Overflow and Moonstone Pond. You can find the exact location on the map shown above.

When you get there, there will be a big tree similar to that represented on the treasure map. Walk around until you find the side with the small hole. Chick's payment is hidden inside the hole. Once you have this in hand, you can go ahead and collect the other debts under “Money Loans and Other Sins”. Now that you understand how Red Dead Redemption 2'How treasure maps work, you must find more treasures quickly.

Treasure Map Locations and Rewards, Explained

What they do and are they worth it

To complete the loot from the treasure location, you can find a total of 6 Treasure Maps throughout the game. Each of them has multiple steps and some can only be completed at certain times. This includes during the Epilogue, as the The Elemental Trail map is only available then. If you lose one, it probably won't be a big deal, but the best ones feature some pretty good items.

There is a 7th Treasure Map available only to those who pre-ordered certain versions of the game known as Le Tresor des Morts Treasure Map.

The torn treasure maps, which on YouTuber SouthThe videos are separated into Annesburg Sketches and Otis Miller Treasure, you will receive exclusive items. Most other Treasure Maps will net you a number of gold bars, which isn't bad at all, but this one comes with something more. Along the way, you can get a rare shotgun from the hermit Manito Gladeand after finishing the mission you will also receive Otis' Revolver. You'll also get some things you probably don't want, but the weapons are worth it.

All map names and possible rewards have been listed in the table below, so you don't have to wonder whether you would think it's worth it or not.

Treasure Map


Jack Hall Gang

2 gold bars

High stakes

3 gold bars

Poisonous Trails

4 gold bars

Torn treasure

Rare Shotgun; Otis' revolver; a series of photos

Les Tresor Des Morts (pre-order only)

7 Gold Bars – 1 of which is optional

Elemental Path (PC and Epilogue only)

1 Gold Bar; Crow's beak bauble

Wealth Milestones (PC only)

6 gold bars

Now you have everything you need to decide whether you want to go on a treasure hunt or not. Red Dead Redemption 2.

Video credit: South/YouTube


October 26, 2018
