How to save everyone in the remake of "Before Dawn"

How to save everyone in the remake of

There are eight survivors who will manage to escape from Until Dawn remake. Over the course of 10 chapters, you have to make a choice that can decide the fate of everyone. Some are quick reactions, others are more calculated options. While saving everyone is the most ideal ending, certain routes, scenes, and dialogue may occur if certain characters die. This makes it worthwhile to not only have a perfect playthrough, but to play through it multiple times to see all the results.

The remake has some changes compared to the original version. Until dawn. Firesprite is working on a sequel 10 years later. Some of these storylines have been included in this new release. Mechanically, you don't need to do anything else. Instead, veteran players will receive new information and scenes using the same methods of helping the main characters. For newcomers, the experience integrates seamlessly, even if you've never played the 2015 game.

Relying on Others - Saving Jessica, Matt and Ashley

Heroes who can easily die if left unchecked

Ashley is surprised in Before Dawn

Jessica, Matt, and Ashley are the three characters most likely to suffer from the actions of their peers in the film. Until dawn. They may have some power over their destiny, but mostly as an insurance policy in case someone has already died or made another bad decision. In a perfect performance, Jessica is completely unplayable. and is at the mercy of Mike and Matt.

Solutions to save Jessica

Jessica is one of the first to be attacked and go missing. Until dawn. Throughout most of the storyline, many assume that she has just died. You'll have to wait until Chapter 9 to find out she's alive.


Played Survivor




When Jessica is kidnapped, do don't fail a single clue. Mike will find her with her jaw intact, but she will fall into the shaft.



Remain completely still when asked.

Catch Jessica when she falls during a quick time event.

If you have the opportunity to run, stay where you are.

Never let the decision timer expire or Matt and Jessica will die.

Solutions to save Matt

Matt's selections are spread across several sections. Until dawn. One of the most important decisions is made in Chapter 6 - taking a rocket launcher. Without this item, he may be almost dead if you consider other options.


Played Survivor




If wild deer corner you, do not attack or allow them to pass.


When you find flare gun in the Radio TowerEmily should willingly give it to Matt.


If you decide to save Emily when she falls, shoot the Wendigo with the rocket launcher.



Beat all the quick-time events to keep moving.

Always make a decision, otherwise Matt will die if the timer runs out.

Solutions to Saving Ashley

Ashley herself makes only one important decision. Otherwise, most of her fate is in the hands of Sam, Mike and Emily. It's unclear whether Ashley will become a more active character in the film. Until dawn film adaptation.


Played Survivor




Complete all quick events to avoid the Wendigo's attack. Avoid any damage if possible.


If Emily was previously injured, don't warn others.


If Ashley shows Emily's bite marks, don't shoot her.



While exploring the caves, Jessica's voice will call for help. Ignore it completely and move on..



If Ashley remained silent during Chapter 8, do well first stand still event. If she pointed to Emily's wound, complete second stand still event.

Actively rescue Mike and give Ashley time to escape from the house.

Don't blow up the house until Ashley has time to escape.

Important Choice: Saving Emily and Chris

They may blame themselves mostly

Chris is dejected in

Emily and Chris have the most chance and urgency to commit suicide. They can still be killed by others, but this is mostly due to a previous bug in Until dawn. If you finish quickly without missing at all, some of the worst options will be missed.

Solutions to save Emily

Emily has to deal with some pretty intense events happening at a fast pace. QTEs in Until Dawn are more difficult than in Career. Don't be surprised if Emily dies unexpectedly and needs rest to fully understand time.

Youtuber GetRektNoob demonstrated the difference between the chase in the original and the remake Until dawn. Most of the mechanics are the same, but the on-screen buttons are less pronounced. It's best to memorize the control scheme rather than relying on hints.


Played Survivor




Escape the Wendigo's pursuit. If possible, avoid taking damage to prevent Emily from getting hurt.

During the chase, go right and use the elevator.

Successfully complete all quick-time events to escape the rock crusher.


If Emily was bitten, keep it a secret.


If Ashley indicated injury, don't shoot Emily.



If Ashley remained silent during Chapter 8, do well second stand still event. If she pointed out Emily's bite, complete first stand still event.

Don't blow up the house until Emily has time to escape.

Solutions to save Chris

Chris and Ashley share a strong attraction from the very beginning. Until dawn. However, if you betray this relationship, she may quickly let Chris die through inaction. Even if they remain in good standing, Ashley's personal actions could still dictate Chris's life.


Even though Chris appears in Chapter 10, you don't have to make any choices here. He will automatically escape at the beginning of the final scene.. If you really wanted him dead, your last chance is in Chapter 9.


Played Survivor




Psycho will capture Chris and Ashley. He forces you to shoot one of the two survivors. Always choose Chris, otherwise he will die in Chapter 8..


During the shootout, kill all the Wendigos and return to the house. Note: if you shot Ashley earlier, Chris will not be able to survive.



A voice similar to Jessica's calls for help. Ignore this and meet up with other survivors.


Presumably, Chris will hear the same voice from Jessica later. Again, don't explore it.

Almost Invincible - Rescue Mike, Sam and Josh

Plot armor reduces choice to a minimum

Sam and Josh explore the world in Before Dawn.

Mike, Sam and Josh are three people who are critical of the plot. Until dawn. You can make some terrible decisions early on and they will live on for most of the game. Only towards the end do they become susceptible to death.

Solutions to save Mike

Like Jessica, Mike doesn't make big decisions if you're already on the ideal route. Until dawn. Whether he lives or dies depends entirely on Sam's actions. Only when Sam dies will you have to control Mike directly.


Played Survivor




Make sure to complete the first hint: stand still and let the rest of the survivors escape.

Yell at the Wendigo to give Mike the opportunity to break the light bulb.

Don't blow up the house until Mike comes out.


If Sam died but Mike managed to break the light bulbflip the switch. Otherwise, Mike will no longer survive.

Solutions to save Sam

Sam is the most resilient hero in Until dawn. She only has a few ways to die, so it's likely she'll survive most runs. This helps make the game easy for new players.


Played Survivor




Complete all stop requests except the first one. Note: failure of the first clue will kill Emily or Ashley insteadnot Sam.

Never let the decision timer expire. Otherwise, Sam will be killed by the Wendigo.

Josh was never a character played directly. Until dawn. His rescue is completely controlled by Sam during early morning chapter 10. Mike will throw himself over the waterfall on his head. Instead of following, zoom into the ledge on the left to find Hannah's scribbled diary. Just reading this before you find Josh will save his life.

Source: GetRektNoob/YouTube