A new big event is here with Pokemon GO Wild Area: Global scheduled to run from Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 10:00 AM local time until Sunday, November 24, 2024 at 6:15 PM local time. Built as a continuation of the immensely popular Pokemon GO Fest, which takes place every year, the Wild Area offers a Huge amount of content for coaches over the weekend. From bonuses, debuts, increased spawns and even new mechanics in Pokemon GOWild Area has something for everyone, making it a must-play.
The event coincides with another event in Fukuoka, but Pokemon GO Wild Area is available to all players, regardless of location. The event is ticketed and to make the most of all the Wild Area bonuses, you will need to purchase one. However, everyone can play most activities for free. During this event in Pokemon GOone of the biggest introductions will see the new GO Safari Balls make their first appearance in Pokemon GO. This is in addition to the Field Research, Special Research, and Collection Challenges, which will take place throughout the weekend. However, you must have everything ready to take advantage of what is on offer before Pokemon GO Wild Area.
All Pokémon debut in the Wild Area global event
A rare combination makes its first appearance
At any significant event, trainers are eager to get their hands on new Pokémon, making their Pokemon GO debut as soon as possible. This time, it's Dynamax Toxtricity, which can be obtained in Max Raids. Its base form, Toxel, was released this week in the Into The Wild event, but required 400 candies to evolve it. However, by completing the latest Max Raid, trainers can easily get their hands on Toxtricity and add it to their collections. It's a four-star Max Raid, which means it will take multiple trainers to defeat it.
Day |
Powerful Pokémon |
Saturday, November 23, 2024 |
Sunday, November 24, 2024 |
Before the event, it's a good idea to level up an appropriate Dynamax Pokémon as much as possible to give it the best chance of success. Toxtricity is an Electric and Poison type, making it weak to Ground and Psychic type attacks.. Of the Pokémon currently available, Dynamax Excadrill is by far your best option as a Ground-type. So before the weekend, complete as many Drilbur Max Raids as possible to earn candy to power up Excadrill.
During the event, Toxtricity can also be found in Special Research reward encounters.
The event also features introduction of powerful Pokémon. While other individual Pokémon won't make their full debut, this is the first time we've seen this feature, and only select Pokémon have the potential to appear as Powers during the event. These Pokémon will be more likely to have high Attack, Defense and HP ratings, are more likely to be XL or XXL, and because of this, it will be more difficult to capture. The table above confirms which Pokémon can appear on both days of the GO Wild Area as Powerful Pokémon.
All Wild Spawns during the Wild Area global event
24 Pokémon appearing most frequently
Along with new Powerful Pokémon that may appear during the event, a number of Electric and Poison-type Pokémon will have increased appearance rates throughout the weekend. On Saturday and Sunday, two sets of Pokémon will change every hourone representing Electic types and the other Poison types. While many of the available Pokémon are common, some are not, including Hisuian Voltorb, Helioptile, Hisuian Qwilfish, and Paldean Wooper.
Time |
Available Pokémon |
Electrical Hour |
Poison Hour |
All increased wild spawns have a chance of being Shiny versions of Pokémon, so if you're missing any of these catches, Wild Area is the time to hunt them down.
To give yourself the best chance of catching a large number of Pokémon, there are several things you can do to prepare for the event. Firstly, you must Stock up on as many Poké Balls as possibleGreat Balls and Ultra Balls as possible to avoid running out when you find a Pokémon you still need to catch.
It's also a good idea accumulate golden berries to significantly increase the chances of catching a Pokémon if you find a rare, shiny version. Finally, free up space in your storage. You'll be catching a lot of Pokémon in a short amount of time, and you want to have room to add them all without accidentally transferring the wrong one.
Wild Area Global Event Bonuses
Up to 14 bonuses for players
There are many additional benefits for those who play the Pokemon GO Wild Area, both those with tickets and those who play for free. To all players, the daily limit for collecting Max Particles has been increased to 1,600, allowing you to participate in more Max Raid Battles. Lure Modules will last two hours each. Trainers can receive special backgrounds from Star Raid's biggest battles. Finally, all players will receive a surprise Pokémon GO Snapshot every day, but the Pokémon that will appear has not yet been confirmed.
For those who pay for the event ticket, there is 14 different bonuses in addition to the timed search that is included.
For Max Raids, you will receive increased Max particles collected from energy points, and the daily limit will be increased to 3,200. When hunting wild cubs, you have a higher chance of finding shiny Pokémon and receiving 2x candies for each one you keep inside a Poké Ball. Eggs once again played a key role in the event, with Toxel now available in 10KM eggs. Additionally, players with tickets will only have to walk half the distance to hatch the eggs, receiving 2x Stardust, 2x XP, and 2X Candy for each egg hatched.
Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon are just two Pokémon that appear in Raids during the event. Ticket holders will have more chances to complete raids, with up to 5 raid passes available at Spinning Gyms. An additional 5,000 XP will be earned for each completed raid, along with an additional Candy XL earned for each four-star or higher raid. Lastly, ticket holders can make up to 6 special trades per day, have a reduced stardust cost for trades, and receive three surprise GO Snapshot encounters on both days.
There is endless content for those who play Pokemon GO Wild Area on the weekend, but by planning ahead, you'll have the best opportunity to add the Pokémon you want to your collection.