How to make friends with the wolf

How to make friends with the wolf

In the new Until Dawn Remakeplayers must do life or death choices as a cast of characters try to survive until morning isolated on a mountain. During each chapter, characters will be separated from each other to try to explore and survive, and decisions will be made from the beginning. may affect later parts of the game.

One of these choices is made by Mike, who explores the Blackwood Sanatorium while trying to find and save his girlfriend, Jessica. While doing so, he observes a stranger with two wolf companions and accidentally comes face to face with one of them. See how to make the right choices for make friends with the wolfwhich may be useful in later chapters.

Getting to know Wolfie

Making a good first impression

Mike getting closer to Wolfie in the Until Dawn remake.

Shortly after entering the Sanatorium in Chapter FiveMike is initially ambushed by both of the stranger's wolves and has to flee, narrowly closing a door behind him before being attacked. A little later, Mike will meet just a wolf that will surprise you when you enter the chapel. Unfortunately, the wolf (nicknamed "Lobe"by Mike) will appear unhappy and will scream and growl at Mike.

You will have the option to kick Wolfie. However, exercise an important lesson from the game and choose not to take any action. When the time is up, Wolfie will don't attackand instead allow you come closer and pet him. Once Mike pets Wolfie, he will be considered friendly. However, if you accidentally kicked Wolfie panic, don't worry. You can make peace.

Saving your relationship

How to repair a friendship

Mike Petting Wolfie in the Until Dawn remake.

If you kicked Wolfie But you want to make friends with him, you'll need to take an extra step to repair your relationship bringing him a peace offering. If not, Wolfie will bite Mike if he tries to pet you and doesn't show up later in the game.

On the other side of the chapel there is a box containing bonespotentially of dubious origin. Without considering, take one of the bones and bring him back to Wolfie. If you offer him a bone, he will forgive you for kicking himand now he can be a pet with no repercussions.

Even if you didn't kick Wolfie, you can still bring him a bone if you want. He will gladly accept either way!

Once Wolfie is a pet, regardless of how you got to this stage, he will now appear in a later chapter. Depending on your actions, you will be able to receive help from Wolfieor potentially save it in kind.

An unlikely helper

Saved by Wolfie, but for a sacrifice

In Chapter NineMike returns to the Sanatorium, where he will reunite with Wolfie. If Wolfie was kicked and the relationship was not repaired, he unfortunately run away and not be seen again. If you've befriended him, he'll come to Mike for pets and follow him around the building.

Major spoilers ahead for the main enemies Until dawn!

There is multiple events in quick time (QTEs) that occur when Mike is running away from the Wendigos. If you fail certain events, Wolfie will jump to protect Mikewhich will unfortunately result in Wolfie's death. Be very careful succeed in these QTEs to give Wolfie a chance to survive. If necessary, Pr0d1g4L shows a complete step by step of this part of the Sanatorium in your video.

Careful Choices of Quick-Time Events

Wolfie's first possible death occurs while Mike escapes through the Sanitarium passing one of the Wendigos. As in other tense moments, you will need to hold on perfectly still while the Don't Move indicator is on the screen. You will also need to pass a QTE to catch a rolling bottle before it falls, so be ready! If you can't go unnoticed, Wolfie will jump to give him time to escape, which results in his death.

Wolfie's second possible death happens when you need to shoot a rolling explosive barrel between two Wendigos. The prompt to roll the barrel is a Very fast QTE that is easy to miss. If you don't roll the barrelor choose not to shoot the barrel, you will have to choose which Wendigo to shoot. Unfortunately, Wolfie will have to distract the other to save Mike, and will be killed in the process.

How to save Wolfie

At the end of the Sanatorium, Mike will have to escape and close another door behind him to block a Wendigo. PS5Trophies video shows exactly which port this ishow there are multiple ports which Mike has the option to block or block during his escape.

Mike has the option of doing nothing, running away, or blocking the door. You must choose to barricade the door to save Wolfie. Otherwise, when Mike jumps into a hole to escape, Wolfie will be attacked and killed by the Wendigo stalker. Otherwise, Mike will say goodbye and Wolfie follow your path.

Even if you don't see Wolfie again, he'll make it escape from the Sanatorium and survive. After Mike blows up the Sanatorium, you should receive the Until Dawn Remake conquest, "The skillful werewolf."

Video sources: Pr0d1g4L/YouTube, PS5/YouTube Trophies

Until Dawn (2024)



October 4, 2024


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