There are many important mechanics that players need to understand if they hope to excel in the world satisfactoryincluding building an efficient factory. One of the most important aspects of the game is that players need to understand how to create the most efficient and organized factories possible. If a factory is more organized, the Player can Navigate it faster and get the necessary resources More effectively. This guide shows players how to make efficient factories.
In the game, players will need to figure out how to mine each of them satisfactorys resources and convert them into usable parts. They too Need to be able to transfer each of the resources back to their main factory area by using things like conveyor belts and pipe systems. Players who cannot do these things will never reach the later stages of the game.
Satisfactory: How to make the most efficient factories
Balancing load with production
Know where everything is Makes the player's life much easier. For example, smelting ores away from the main base is recommended in Satisfactory because raw ore takes up too much space and makes the base size quite massive. moreover, Players should also use a calculator to figure out how much space they require for their base.
This includes names In account extra space for expansion and more efficiency. Another great tip that satisfied players can follow is not to put up any walls before everything is finalized, as they may have to reconfigure layouts and lights. Alternatively, you can use a recipe by someone like YouTuber Spectrum Dad to Understand the exact numbers and spelling you need For your starting plant.
See what exactly to keep in mind in the following categories below:
Separating by type
One of the most important things players can keep in mind when designing their factory is Keeping Things separate and in their own areas. If the player has a section of their factory that is used to convert iron ore into simple iron parts, they don't want to throw machines that make copper parts into it. This can get very confusing quickly, so it's best to Build a separate plant or an additional floor for any other resource types.
This gets a little more difficult with Complex part types like steel, which require iron, copper, and coal to create. Rather than separating based on device type, the player should Separate their areas based on the kinds of crafted parts. Have an iron, copper or steel part plant or floor.
This can be achieved by using various types of Splitters and mergers to move parts to the right place To make the various parts you need. In the beginning, you will build things like iron plates and concrete, but you need to Master the building basics early So that you can create much more complex images later.
Chaotic start to fuel bigger builds
Each player has to start somewhere, and You won't have the biggest and most efficient plant right off the bat. One of the biggest mistakes players can make is trying to create an organized factory in satisfactory Immediately into the game, which will take players a lot of time in the early hours. Instead, it is better to Build a haphazard, chaotic factory at first Which will help the player to push their way through the first couple of tiers.
While this more chaotic factory creates things, the Players can then spend their time working in a much more efficient factory Nearby. They can set up all their machines and power sources as they want and then wait to activate it until everything is together. The player then just had to manage the resources they needed away from their old factory And to the more effective one.
Like many simulator games, you have to Start small and gain resources While waiting for the right moment to introduce something new. This is no less the case here, and you need to Make sure you have the resources and parts as soon as possible Before trying to make something more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing - as well as effective.
Set up proper supply lines
As the player makes it further in the game, they will Need very efficient supply lines to keep up with very high demand For resources. While conveyor belts are perfect for nearby nodes, transporting resources can be very slow over longer distances.
To keep things running smoothly, players will instead want to place trains and drones satisfactory That can quickly transfer resources around the world. This is especially useful for the player had to travel further away from their main hub area To get their hands on different resources.
As players continue on their transportation journey, other methods of transportation will open up, With Hypertubes is the current fastest way to transport goods From the various hubs. Each mode of transportation has its own pros and cons, and some updates have treated some options better than others, but they're all fairly reliable at this point in the game, and You can move supplies faster and more efficientlyThe better you will be.
Splitters, Mergers and Wall Mounted Sockets
Splitters and mergers are a big part of any organized plant because they allow the Player to properly direct crafted parts differently. Splitters are great for when the player has crafted a High number of simple parts and wants to split them between assemblers to create higher-tiered parts.
When placing these items, you will want to Make sure the inputs and outputs are facing the right direction. You don't want to send materials backwards or accidentally mix supplies into a conveyor belt that you don't want.
Mergers, on the other hand, are Best used to cut down the amount of conveyors needed And are especially useful when the player is trying to move parts at the end of their factory into storage containers. Finally, wall mounted sockets are for directing power currents through walls, allowing the player to Place generators outside of their factory Without putting down an obscene amount of power polish. This saves resources and keeps things cleaner.
Clean up new areas
Before you start working on the factory and setting up supply lines, Not every place will be cleared for you. Instead, you'll want to make sure the new factory you're building doesn't have a lot of baggage, and You can clean off the platforms and continue once the area is cleared out.
And, if you have an old plant, once the new, more efficient one is built, Go ahead and break it down and get some resources back Once you have the new one up and running. It will make things a lot easier in the long run if you clean up after yourself as you go along. For example, the old plant can now become something new that it does not have to keep you afloat anymore.
Concrete floors and conveyor poles are necessary
\While it is easy to slap down machines and belts on the bare floor, this Can cause a lot of problems with space and organization later in the game. Concrete floors become the player's biggest tool to fight against disorganization. By placing a floor down, the Players can place their factories in a series of structured gridsAllowing them to measure the exact layout of their plant lines.
Combining this with the Ctrl button Allows the player to set up tight and organized structures satisfactory. The player can then take conveyor poles to layout Exactly where conveyors will travel throughout their factory And make sure they can use all their space as efficiently as possible.
Understand when to split resources
The splitter is not only useful for parts but can also be invaluable for resources. If a specific line in a plant has too many resources being pumped into it, the Machines on the line will become terribly inefficient in the long run. A full line means machines can't process resources quickly, which means resources won't move on the belts, which then means that The media player will become empty.
You will want to consider the number 120 as the ideal rate for materials on a single conveyor belt. For more than that, start splitting it into multiple belts.
All this Leads to parts are produced at a much slower rate. The way to fix this is to install a splitter somewhere along the line to direct resources down a different belt that needs more resources. This saves the player in the long run as they can craft more parts while harvesting fewer resource nodes overall. This is part of the US Load-balancing problem That players will need to deal with.
Have specific areas for storage and power
One of the best tips that the player can learn for setting up their factory is TO Try to have specific locations for their storage containers and generators. Storage containers should be set up near the player's home base and the Sky Elevator. This allows them to easily grab resources and use them to transition tiers.
With generators, the player Should set up specific power plants Rather than just having generators near each plant line they are needed on. If the player has them all right with each other, It makes refueling the generators much easier As the player does not have to run all the way around their factory to find each individual power source. Remember that, as previously mentioned, you can place generators outside the factory.
Remember the game's tendency to lag
Players who have managed to make their way further into satisfactory And do not have one of the most powerful PCs on the planet will Probably have noticed that the game will tend to lag quite a bit As a plant becomes more complex. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of moving parts to keep track of, so players will do everything possible to prevent this.
While you can try the old-fashioned wired connection over Wi-Fi, This is not always an easy solution. Other things to keep in mind that affect your factory build are:
- Try to build smaller, decentralized factories and transport the materials back.
- Lower settings if necessary.
- Avoid destroying foliage and things that are not directly in the way. The map checks changes you've made when it loads, so if you've destroyed a lot, it will take the map longer to recognize what you've done and increase lag.
Making an efficient factory in satisfactory is one sure way to help this because it Ensures that the player is able to make the number of parts necessary for proceeding in the game while requiring fewer machines and resources. Keeping factories separate will help the process as well.
Source: YouTube/Spectrum Dad
- Released
September 10, 2024
- developer(s)
Coffee Spot Studios
- Publisher(s)
Coffee Spot Publishing
M for adults 17+