How to increase crop yields in Farming Simulator 25

How to increase crop yields in Farming Simulator 25

Whether you are playing Agricultural Simulator 25 To replicate a smooth farm life experience or to strive hard to maximize your profit through efficient yields, caring for crops is a big responsibility of every farmer. Beginning farmers take note: a farm will only produce as much as the care and attention the farmer puts into the soil.

With Agricultural Simulator 25 Staying true to the roots of ultra-realistic simulation games, there are several methods that farmers can implement to increase crop yields. Naturally, this could result in a huge financial benefit, so the more than two million players who purchased a copy won't want to miss out on the increased crop yield.

Best Ways to Increase Crop Yield in Farming Simulator 25

These methods increase your yields by varying percentages

  • Fertilizing: +45%
  • Weeding: +20%
  • Plowing: +15%
  • Liming: +15%
  • Mulching: +2.5%
  • Ground roll: +2.5%

Each of the above techniques can be applied to increase crop yields in Agricultural Simulator 25. Each method has a limit to the growth percentage tied to your harvest. To reach the maximum percentage and give your crop yield the best chance of increasing, you'll want to take all six methods into consideration.


If you apply just one yield-boosting technique from this list to Agricultural Simulator 25that is using fertilizer. Not only does it have a huge impact on increasing the yield of your crops, but there are also several types of fertilizers you can apply. From manure to liquid fertilizer, the the increase of up to 45% offers the same benefit across the board.


Using a weeder, hoe or sprayer is an effective tool for removing weeds from your crops. Doing this can increase your Agricultural Simulator 25 crop yield up to 20%. You will want to use the best weeding method depending on the size and type of the crop. For example, a hoe is recommended for removing potato crops, while a hoe is an ideal tool for smaller sized crops.


You can use a plow, subsoilers or shovels to plow Agricultural Simulator 25. Doing this with any of these three options can increase crop yields by up to 15%. Essentially, when a crop with deep roots nestles into the soil, you must remove them by plowing to increase the yield of the next crop. As you can see in the plowing image above, the ideal tool will depend on the size and type of your farm.


Spreading lime on your crops before planting can increase your yield by up to 15%. What makes liming such an underrated method is the fact that you only need to do it after three harvests for the increased crop yield to begin.


Stubble mulching does not offer the greatest increase in crop yield in Agricultural Simulator 25but it's a worthwhile technique that you won't want to ignore. THE increase of up to 2.5% It may seem insignificant, but when combined with the other techniques on this list, you will notice a big difference in your crop yield.

Ground bearing

Much like mulch, soil rolling offers a modest 2.5% increase in crop yield. The act involves flattening the soil, which in turn makes it a healthier home for the full growth of crops.

Each farm is unique, as the best methods to apply vary according to the characteristics of their crops. You should consider its size, what you are growing, the amount of weeds and rocks, and more. Try the techniques above to see which is best suited to increasing crop yield in your Agricultural Simulator 25 farm.

Source: Agricultural Simulator