The Labyrinth is a dungeon with multiple areas that James must navigate to try and save his wife. Silent Hill 2 Remake. Much like James's own troubled mind, the Labyrinth is a labyrinth of nightmares that threaten to rob him of any semblance of sanity. The convoluted nature of each route in the depths of the Labyrinth makes navigation difficult even for veterans of the original. Silent Hill 2.
To reach new endings Silent Hill 2 Remakeyou should go through three smaller mazes inside the larger one, which James finds himself in. Each one has its own puzzles and enemies for you to face, and each one turns into a challenge that tests you in different ways. However, you can find resources scattered throughout each maze to make navigating each one less challenging.
Maria's new discovery
Enter the first labyrinth of the mind
The Labyrinth Trials will begin as soon as you rediscover Maria, whose character has changed slightly in Silent Hill 2 Remake. After defeating the Abstract Daddy boss you will be able to start heading to the Silent Hill Historical Society building and Toluca Prison deep down. One of the items you receive from the boss is a map to a place called the Central Labyrinth, which is supposedly located underneath this area through many winding paths.
The map is drawn as you move forwardso you can't count on it to find what you're looking for first. As you go down, you'll find a red save point near a hallway filled with weapons that scare James if you get close to them. Move away from the weapon until you see a large abyss; directly opposite it is a door that, unfortunately, you cannot open now.
Continuing forward, you will go down another set of stairs and reach a prison cell containing the now living Maria. Despite her apparent death at the hands of Pyramid Head, Maria appears unharmed, but is stuck in the prison she finds herself in. James will have to explore the eerie dungeons around the Labyrinth, which have become even more terrifying thanks to the game's advanced settings. Silent Hill 2 Remake.
How to level a cube
Rearrange multiple faces
After the cutscene where you meet Maria again, return to the main hall discover a huge cube now occupying the abyss. Next to it is a cloth covering an object on a pedestal; opening the sheet reveals a smaller cube. This cube rotates the larger one, allowing you to open paths to smaller labyrinths that James must explore to free Maria.
Before attempting to open the main path forward, try different combinations of cube rotations to open smaller corridors and hidden niches. In these areas you can obtain small items that will help you in your dungeon excavations, including ammo and healing drinks. Discover everything you can before you set out on any path where danger could be around every corner.
When you are ready to continue into one of the main mazes, you will need position the face on the smaller cube so that it matches the symbol on one of the walls above the abyss. You'll see the first symbol you need to match to the left and top of the larger cube. However, in other Labyrinths you will need to make new connections with different iconography that will appear after completing various areas.
Matching the faces of the smaller cube with the Labyrinth symbol will create a bridge to the larger cube. Sometimes you can still enter this space from dungeons you've already explored to see other walls above the chasm with the next symbol you need.
How to get through the "Rotten Labyrinth"
Break the locked cage
As you can see in the above video from the YouTube creator. Trofigamersthe first of three mazes you explore, Rotten Labyrinth. You can get to this place positioning the cube so that a symbol with a triangle attached to an inverted cross is visible on the face.. The cube's face will stand upright and look directly at James.
Once you enter the large cube, you will see several doors, but they are locked. Go down the stairs to enter the Rotten Maze.which will be very dark and filled with enemies. The deadly creatures you may have encountered in the Southern Valley are here under the metal vents, waiting to be attacked. Just run through this area without fighting anyone to quickly reach your goal.
Your goal here is try to get to the center of the Labyrinthwhere a steel cage and a save point await you. You I want to roll up the hanging cage to progress, but this can only be done when you receive three important items to complete the task. These include:
- Lighter Gas
- Broken lighter
- Lighter Wick
Each of these items are scattered throughout the winding and large Labyrinth, making them quite difficult to find. Don't forget to use Silent Hill 2 Remakegame mechanics for save your progress before diving deeper into the Labyrinth on the hunt for every item. Here are the places where you will find everything you need:
Element |
Where to find |
Lighter Gas |
Go through the eastern door in the center of the Labyrinth, then go south until you reach the end of the room. Turn left into the hallway leading to another room filled with mannequin enemies. Jump from this area onto the path north, where there is a room with a creepy refrigerator that you can open to reveal lighter gas inside. |
Lighter Wick |
Head south again from the central room before entering a larger area. Here, turn left and continue forward, opening the door at the end of the first corridor and continuing in the same direction. Enter the smaller room and look for the lighter wick in the hole in the wall that James can reach into. |
Broken lighter |
From the wick, use the side door to enter a new hallway. Follow this path east and then south until you reach another room containing an item called Iron Key. This will open the eastern door in the central room. Go east from the room you're in and pick up the broken lighter at the end of the hallway leading back to the center room. |
Once you have all the items, return to the central room and combine everything to make a lighter. This can burn the destroyed cage, causing it to fall and destroy the floor, creating a huge hole. Jump down this hole to complete the first of the mazes you need to explore.
How to get through the deserted and flooded labyrinth
Navigate dangerous waters
The second Labyrinth available to you can be found. when you place the smaller cube over the abyss again. This time position it so that The symbol resembles two infinity symbols, from which extends a line pierced twice by horizontal lines.. This will open a new bridge back to the larger cube, but this time you will be able to access one of the previously locked doors to continue into the new dungeon.
As soon as you enter here, you can find a red spot on the wall to save your game. While the iconic fog Silent Hill 2 Remake no, darkness will definitely be felt along this part of your path. When you're ready, start exploring the Desert Labyrinth, which serves as a sort of ground floor for the Flood Labyrinth below.
Go right find a hole in the wall past the path with a locked door. From here, keep an eye out for enemies and search the furniture for healing items and ammo. Eventually you should come across a staircase leading to the lower Labyrinth, an area with narrow corridors and water up to James' ankles.
There are many enemies floating around the water, so be careful as you explore each winding path. Keep going until you find another set of stairs leading back to the upper Labyrinth, from a hole created by a crack in the floor opposite your original save point. Here the gate should be open, but only when you get the Small Key from the Flooded Labyrinth..
Head south past the door near the top of the stairs into another series of hallways with several enemies. Make your way past these enemies and find another set of stairs leading to the lower Labyrinth, where you'll encounter even more creatures to fight off. Get to an area with several cages and two locked doors. to grab the Key from the small cloth covering some metal structures.
At this stage you will have to retrace your steps to return to the Desert Labyrinth via the stairs you originally used to first descend into the Flooded. Return to the Gate while cuffed, retracing your steps, then use the Small Key to unlock it. The following paths from this location are swarming with enemies, so make sure you have ammo to deal with them.
In the next room down the corridor you will have to move the stove and climb onto it through the hole in the wall to get to another room. In this room there is another staircase leading down, which you can use to find the path forward blocked by wires. You need to find some wire cutters to progress, but this item is blocked by an old enemy - Pyramid Head.
Turn right from the wires and follow the open path leading back to the Desert Labyrinth. This area is infested with bugs and Pyramid Head starts hunting you as well. Go left and quickly right to find a ladder to climb and escape from his terrifying pursuer.
Take time to rest and heal here, then head back down when Pyramid Head moves away from you to reach the creature's location. Inner Sanctum. Do you need break down the cracked wall here to open a path forward where another ladder can lead you away from danger. Defeat the enemies ahead in the hallways from these stairs to reach the sparkling fuse with the wire cutters you need.
Return through the Inner Sanctum to the Flood Labyrinth. return one last time to the wires that previously blocked your path. Once you get past the wires, you can jump down into the pit to complete the dungeon and open the path to the last one remaining.
How to get through the ruined labyrinth
Go down the last path
Once again, you'll end up in a chasm with both cubes before accessing the final Labyrinth. Manipulate the smaller cube so that its symbol resembles the back of the first Labyrinth.. This icon will be an inverted triangle with an inverted cross emerging from its lowest point, a visual symbol of James' deteriorating mental state.
Go forward into the large cube again, this time. use the door on the right next to the path you took to reach the previous dungeon.. This will take you to the entrance to the Ruined Maze, which is the only dungeon that doesn't have puzzles. You won't need to collect any items, but you will have to fight off a lot of enemies along this linear path.
After defeating the enemies in any maze, you can return and search the enemy-free areas to collect items. Any ammo or healing you find will help you counter the enemies in the final dungeon, especially if you're playing on a higher difficulty level.
You you only need to go through three rooms full of enemies and items to reach the end of this maze. You'll even have to face Pyramid Head again as you follow a path full of weapons that once blocked James' path. When you reach the end, you will not be greeted by a familiar hole to jump through, but a path to room 208, the place where Maria is trapped.
Return to Mary
Find out what James fears most
Entering room 208 will allow James to contact Maria, but she's already dead. In the end, there was nothing you could have done to save her, despite your best efforts. Some skin disease had killed her, leaving James distressed and struggling to comprehend what he had seen.
A cutscene revealing Maria's fate marks the end of the dungeons you'll have to travel between. However, having managed to pass each Labyrinth in Silent Hill 2 Remake the story doesn't end, so just like James, you need to keep moving forward until this exciting story ends.
Source: Trofigamers/YouTube