How to get the Whirlwind artifact

How to get the Whirlwind artifact

The Whirlwind Artifact in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl is an item you can often find in areas with gravitational anomalies. You won't always find it, as it depends on luck and exploration efforts. It's not the strongest item in the game, but has some useful effects, especially at the beginning. While it won't drastically change how you play, it can give you a slight advantage in staying alive or performing better in fights.

Once you discover that you can hunt for this artifact in STALKER 2It's better to drop everything and move on. There aren't many opportunities for you to get this because it's RNG-based, but the best idea is to go for it when it appears. Fortunately, once you know what to do, your chances of obtaining this artifact increase dramatically. Obtaining this artifact doesn't take long and will benefit you greatly in the first few hours of the game.

Where to find the Whirlwind artifact in STALKER 2

How to get the Whirlwind artifact

The Whirlwind Artifact in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl It may require some luck and a save and reload method due to the way the game randomly generates artifact locations. There is no way to guarantee that you will find the artifact organically as it is given randomlyso if you want to do this without abusing the save, you'll have to hope it happens. Start by finding areas with unusual gravity: two good spots near Zalissya are Ribs and Deaf Meadow.

Before getting too close to an anomaly, quickly save about 150 meters away. This distance is essential because getting too close can affect the artifact's generation before you can influence it. Carefully move towards the anomaly, turn on the detector and try to locate the artifact. If not the Whirlwind, reload your quick save and try again. Patience is vital in this process. Keep saving and reloading until you find Whirlwind without any problems STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Once you get it, it's a good idea to save it again so you don't lose it.

Even if you are passing through areas with many gravitational anomalies STALKER 2sell the artifact. The coupons you receive will give you ways to get better gear, which is much better.

Keep in mind that this method may require a lot of time and patience. If you keep finding the same artifact after trying multiple times, It's possible you got too close before saving or accidentally revealed the Whirlwind artifact alreadyt. In this case, collect the artifact and continue playing until an emission event happens, as this will effectively reset the artifact spawns. Then return to the anomaly and start the save and reload method carefully.

All Stats and Uses of the Whirlwind Artifact

What can the Whirlwind artifact do?

Using the detector to find a slug artifact in Stalker 2

The Whirlwind Artifact in STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl It is a common item found in areas with gravitational anomalies. Whirlwind offers weak physical protection and a weak stamina boost. It comes with a weak radiation debuff. The only advantage is that gravitational anomalies will no longer hurt you. This is only useful if you are frequently in areas with gravitational anomalies. Otherwise, this one is good to sell to merchants for 7,500 coupons.



Weak boost for stamina

You are a little more susceptible to radiation.

Weak increase in protection against physical damage


You are no longer injured by gravitational anomalies


That anomaly is suitable if you need an extra boost, but is not recommended for irradiated areas because of its debuff. There are times when STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl when you need to be in regions with a lot of gravitational anomalies, then it's worth sticking with them. However, if you don't mind taking any damage every time you get close, it's a good idea to sell this artifact.

If you sell the artifact and later discover you need it, wait for an issuance event. They will reset the artifacts and allow you to try to get that artifact again. Then at least you'll know you'll have another chance to get this artifact using the same save and load technique used above. Also, explore other areas thoroughly; If you notice a gravitational anomaly, grab your detector to find the artifact and go after it. This is the best way to get artifacts STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl.