How to get the Scoundrel gear in Star Wars Outlaws

How to get the Scoundrel gear in Star Wars Outlaws

To get the Scoundrel gear set and earn the associated trophy Star Wars OutlawsPlayers will have to find all three pieces based on mysterious holodisc clues. This can feel frustrating if you don't know where to look, as the game itself is quite massive. Although this is part of an overarching quest, only three of the vaults you open will reward you with the gear.

There are many different ways to boost your abilities Star Wars OutlawsIncluding the type of gear you wear. There are many different options, but these Scoundrel Gear set is one of the best in the game. There are three pieces in total, with one found on Tatooine, another in Toshara, and a final piece in Akiba.

How to get the Scoundrel set

Locations and jet cordo's vaults

If you want to see the locations for all the vaults and the full Jet Kordo Legacy questSee YouTuber Maka91Productions' video Above. If not, you can check out what you would have to visit to give you access to the Scoundrel Gear Set below.

You just need to open the First four would If all you want is the Gear Set. However, you have to follow the steps to get to the vaults, which won't open if you don't have the right holodisc.

Scandrel Belt - Toshara

The Scoundrel Belt would take place in Star Wars Outlaws

The first piece of Scoundrel gear you can obtain will be nearby Typhoon's rock in Toshara. For a full breakdown, see how the vault on Toshara opened in Star Wars Outlaws. Otherwise, you'll want to bring your HoloDisc to the location and Follow the clues to reach the treasure. You will get your first set of gear and a sense of success.

Scoundrel Belt Effects:

  • Increases the carrying capacity of Bacta Vial and Grenade.

  • Increases Stun Shot recharge speed.

Fake pants - Akiba

The map location for the Scoundrel Pants in Star Wars Outlaws

You will need Two upgrades before you can make the trekIncluding the Hydrorepulsor ability granted by Temmin the Scavenger and the Speed ​​Boost ability granted by Alia the Mechanic, both experts in Star Wars Outlaws That can get you what you need. You must have completed the overgrown vault also on Akiba via Buy a holodisc from a shady merchant in the market district of Mira.

Effects of Scoundrel Pants:

  • Increases crouched movement speed and Kay moves more quietly.

  • Increases accuracy when shooting from the hip or while on the run.

Scandrel Jacket - Tatooine

The map location of the Scoundrel jacket on Tatooine in Star Wars Outlaws

Last but certainly not least, you'll want to get to Tatooine to get the final piece. You can get to this Right after the last oneAnd you can talk with Several groups of people in Mos Eisley and Wayfar to get the information you need. This particular vault is buried, but your holotracker will still guide you there. You will have to use the ion component on your pistol to open a vent. This vent will eventually lead you to the main treasure and your final piece of gear.

Scoundrel Jacket Effects:

  • Increases the ammo capacity of the ammo.

  • Reduced damage taken from blaster and projectile weapons.

The individual items each have their own effects, but the whole set gives you another effect which is, "Increases their super cooling window, and the first shot after a super cooling effect deals double damage."

Once you look the part of a scandal, you'll be well on your way to fitting in with the rest of them Star Wars Outlaws.

Source: Youtube | Maca91 Productions