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There are only two ways to Metaphor: ReFantazio players to obtain the Queen's Honey Jar. If you want to get all Achievements or Trophies for the coveted Platinum, unlock "King of the Kitchen"requires you to make every recipe in the game. Since the Queen's Honey Jar is needed for three of the rarest dishes you can make, getting this rare ingredient can be a real puzzle for the uninformed.
Learning quick cooking in Metaphor: ReFantazio provides you with the means to make the most of your time. However, this will not be enough to complete all the recipes your protagonist can prepare without it. You will need five Queen's Honey Jar units to unlock the King of Cuisine Trophy/Achievement. It's harder than trying to find Fragrant Spice, but it's incredibly easy once you know where to go and what to do.
Amblyrhy Water Pitcher
The first and fastest way to get the Queen's Honey Jar Metaphor: ReFantazio is talking to the Genius Water Vendor NPC for Amblyrhy's Water jug node Costa Sandy in Vila dos Pagãos on Virga Island. This is similar to trying to unlock the Wary Shopkeep and its entire inventory, but instead of going to Golden Deer Hearth, you'll need to spawn on the northwest side of the island instead of the south. Go to the marked point and talk to the Genial Water Seller in the photo above.
This merchant sells two Queen's Honey Jar units for 10,000 Reeve each. They won't replenish after you buy both, but they will be enough ingredients for Amber Stew and Adamantine Honey Cake. If you want the remaining three portions of the Queen's Honey Jar you will need to make Sublime Spoonful, you will need to start fishing.
How to fish for the Queen's Honey Pot
Say the magic words
Surprisingly, the Queen's Honey Jar can be obtained by fishing in Metaphor: ReFantaziobut it can only be captured in a particular way. To get started, when setting up to fish in the Gauntlet Runner with Heismay, you need to select Tail Bait as your bait. As his line comes out, Heismay offers some options on what to do next, such as "Take a break," "Thrash and splash," or "Keep it quiet." You will receive different rewards depending on what you select.
Buy a Queen's Honey Jar unit from Amblyrhy's Water Jug and select the right prompts when fishing twice. Then prepare all three recipes using the cheapest ingredients.
To get the Queen's Honey Jar, select "Thrash and splash," "Give in to nap time," or "Think like a fish,"and you will receive two units of Queen's Honey Jar and a Lord of the Lake for each successful capture. This is the most fruitful method for cooking, as you also need the Lord of the Lake for the Sublime Spoonful recipe. Remember- whether to go to Amblyrhy Water Jar on the sandy shore or select the right answer when fishing Metaphor: ReFantazioand you will have all the queen's pot of honey you need.