How to get the power module and destroy stone walls

How to get the power module and destroy stone walls

Star Wars Outlaws Features a handful of planets to explore with the help of Kay Vess' handy blaster, a weapon that can be upgraded with various power-ups. From the start, parts of the terrain are blocked off by stone walls covered in a strange orange moss, hiding materials and search locations. To break through, the blaster will need a specific Power Module upgrade.

Although easy to spot, the mossy rock walls and even the odd large boulder are just as easily overlooked and written off as any of the many environmental details in Star Wars Outlaws. Upon closer inspection, Kay's blaster is aimed at one of the formations, which reveals that they can be broken with enough power. With the right power module, the blaster can be commanded to shatter walls and enemies.


How to unlock the power module

Charge Kay's blaster with the bolt configuration

Star Wars Outlaws - ND-5

The Bolt Configuration is the first power module unlock for Kay's BlasterAnd it's the key to blasting through thick rock walls and boulders. There are many ways to secure weapon upgrades and abilities Star Wars OutlawsBoth in terms of power and appearance, many of which require schematics and the proper materials. In this case, the power module needed to surpass stone walls is unlocked with organic story progression. ND-5 will hand over this upgrade with his first configuration during the Gunsmith questA short portion of larger questlines on Tatooine, Kijimi and Ekiwa.

Given the ability to travel beyond Toshara, it's up to personal preference when choosing which planet to visit next. Traveling to either Tatooine or Equiva will eventually yield the same results, however Kijimi sports one of the smallest maps in Star Wars OutlawsMaking it an excellent place to start. Regardless, every planet-specific questline leads to the Gunsmith, including the following:


Main questline


The hard


The Safecracker


The Droidsmith

You will pass several areas blocked by breakable stone walls before the bolt configuration of the power module is available for the blaster. Retrace your steps and double back for hidden items and previously unreachable areas with the weapon upgrade whenever you can.

Complete the Safecracker questline

With the choice to visit one of three other planets in Star Wars OutlawsIt's recommended that you Go to Kijimi to start the Safecracker questline and get the power module For the blaster. Amid political tensions here, Kay will look to recruit Ank, the safecracker referred by her crew member, Jaylen. A series of smaller story missions will follow, presenting decisions to make and new objectives to pursue.

The storyline leads directly to the aforementioned Gunsmith quest. At this point, the quest will begin when ND-5 sends a request for Kay to go back to the Trailblazer ship and meet him at the workbench. upon your arrival, ND-5 will enable the power capacitor, effectively unlocking the power module and its first configuration, Bolt. The upgrade is ready for use from the jump. Of course, you will have to Build the blaster's new module at the workbench To wrap up the search first.

How to break stone walls

Moss marks the spot

Distinguished from other parts of the landscape, destructible rock walls and boulders are marked by a bright orange moss in Star Wars Outlaws. Once the power module's bolt configuration is available for Kay's blaster, these structures can be targeted and completely destroyed to reveal hidden materials, side-quest locations, and more. While the upgrade can be used from the time it is unlocked, remember to Switch weapon modes to activate Bolt. from there, The blaster can be commanded to fire off with even greater power at obstacles Standing in the way.

Stop Triangle (PlayStation) or J (Xbox) to switch to the blaster's bolt configuration. Simply tapping each button will not successfully activate the weapon's new function, so look for the blast icon, as demonstrated by GosuNoob.

The power module makes the blaster an indispensable tool when it comes to exploration, allowing you to retrieve lost items or reach blocked areas, like a hidden stash back on Toshara. However, it is just as powerful in combat. With the bolt configuration, Charging blasts against enemies will deal significantly more damage As a normal shot alone, it's a good idea to upgrade the blaster and swap weapon modes to master new controls when they become available in Star Wars Outlaws.

Video Credit: GosuNoob/YouTube




Star Wars


August 30, 2024


Massive entertainment


Ubisoft, Lucasfilm Games