How to get the chainsaw

How to get the chainsaw

There are a lot of weapons available in the Silent Hill 2 Remake. Three melee weapons and three firearms are found throughout the game to cater to different combat styles. Some help you through the early phases of the game, like the Wooden Plank, while others, like the Chainsaw, take a little more work to get.

The chainsaw is a tall and powerful weapon for tearing through the enemies that roam the town of Silent Hill. It's not hard to find if you've done everything you need to unlock the chainsaw. However, the requirements to make this violent weapon appear in your game are Something tricky to accomplish.

What you need to get the chainsaw in Silent Hill 2

Where to find the chainsaw

Although the chainsaw is an exceptional weapon, you won't be able to pick it up in your first playthrough Silent Hill 2. Instead, you will have to Hit the Silent Hill 2 Remake in its entirety Before you can even think of wheeling the chainsaw. The chainsaw is only in New game plusWhich is available after playing the entire game.


Trophigamers YouTube shows where you can find the chainsaw when you start your New Game Plus game. After your meeting with Angela in the early minutes of the game, follow the path to Quiet Hill Ranch. You will start hearing the chainsaw as you walk. The chainsaw itself is Stuck in a pile of logs to your right. Claim it, and you'll receive the 'Lumberjack' trophy and a great weapon to help unlock a different ending to Silent Hill 2.

How powerful is the chainsaw in Silent Hill 2?

The chainsaw compared to other weapons

Silent Hill 2 Jacob against a reclining figure with a board

When you look at the other two melee weapons in Silent Hill 2 (the wooden plank and the steel pipe), The chainsaw is superior by far. There is no need to bother with the Steel Pipe upgrade if you are playing in New Game Plus. In fact, the chainsaw is even stronger than the various firearms available in Silent Hill 2 too. You won't need to worry about ammo with this weapon.

With the chainsaw in your possession, almost every enemy in the game will Go down in one hit. Boss battles may still take a few swings, but combat is infinitely easier with this powerful killing machine in your hands. The chainsaw may not be able to help you on your first journey through Silent Hill, but it is by far the strongest weapon in the Silent Hill 2 Remake.

video: Trophygamers/YouTube

survival horror





October 8, 2024


B for adults 17+ // Blood and gore, language, sexual themes, violence