How to get Sewaddle in Pokémon GO: Evolution and Shiny Availability

How to get Sewaddle in Pokémon GO: Evolution and Shiny Availability

There are several ways to get into Sewaddle Pokémon GOOne of which can make it much easier to find a shiny and even get its evolutions, Swadloon and Leavanni. The new Pokemon is a bug/grass hybrid that uses leaves stuck together to make clothes for itself, making it an adorably stylish addition to any trainer's Pokédex. First introduced in generation 5s Black and white Games, Sewaddle was around in Pokémon GO For over four years, since the Unova Week event.

However, Sewaddle can be a fairly rare Pokemon spawn depending on where you look for it. This can be troublesome if you want to get enough candy to unlock the two evolution stages. However, it's worth the effort to catch and evolve a Sewaddle, as you'll be able to add Swadloon and Leavanny to your Pokédex and hopefully get a rare shiny variant in the process.

How to get Sewaddle in Pokemon GO and can it be shiny?

Key art for the Swadloon Community Day in Pokémon GO, making it easier to get a shiny version

The main ways to get Sewaddle in Pokémon GOIncluding its shiny version, find it spawning on the map (mostly During rainy or sunny weather), Defeat it in a raid battleOr looking for it during featured events like these October 2024 Community DayWhere it will have hard boost wild spins.

While Sewaddle spawns even in favorable weather conditions can still be very rare, Community Days will have Sewaddle spawn more often for a few hours with a shiny encounter rate of 1 in 25. This is much higher than the game's base rate of 1 in 500 Among the various shining odds in Pokémon GO For different types of encounters.


The Community Day for Sewaddle on 5 October 2024Will have many wild cevaddle spawns of 2 pm to 5 pm local time. If it is evolved by 10:00 that day, Trainers will receive a Leavani with an alternative Quick Attack: Shadow Claw. Base form Pokemon can also be found among 1-star raid bosses. It did not appear in the September raid boss schedule for Pokémon GOBut keep an eye out for future events to see if it will make an appearance.

How to Evolve Sewaddle in Pokémon GO

Farm a lot of candy to complete the evolution process

Swadloon and his Pokemon GO evolution line of Swadloon & Leavanny

You will need to use 25 Sewaddle Candy to Evolve Sewaddle into SwadloonAnd then a further 100 Swaddle Candy to Evolve Swaddleon into Leavanni. This means you will need a total of 125 Sewaddle Candy to complete the entire evolution process, similar to when evolving Hatenna in Pokémon GO.

To get more candy, I always Use a Pinap Berry With each pokemon I guess to double the amount received with each catch. To add more over time, Swadloon go with you as your Buddy Pokemon to earn some candy per kilometer. If you end up catching multiple swaddle that you don't want, you can transfer them for additional candy as well. If you have any rare candies spare, they can also be exchanged for Sewaddle Candy, although I would recommend saving them for legendary Pokemon.

In the meantime, look out during rainy and sunny weather days or participate in the upcoming October 2024 Community Day in Pokémon GO, and you will hopefully be able to find a shiny Sewaddle and evolve it into Swadloon and Leavani.