During Act 2, a Shadow Curse inflicts the terrain, preventing you from progressing through certain areas in Baldur's Gate 3. If you try to fight your way through, you'll take massive damage, but you can bypass the Shadow Curse by using light sources and the right spells to move through these lands.
Initially a torch will protect you, but as the Curse of Shadows gets thicker the deeper you go, it won't be enoughand may prevent certain party members, depending on their weapons and fighting style, from carrying one. Ambient light can also help against Curse of Shadows early on, including high-level spells like Daylight
but again, you'll need a better solution later.
How to bypass the shadow curse in Baldur's Gate 3
Lunar lanterns and the blessing of fairies
If you find Isobel at the Last Light Inn, the Cleric will cast Selûne's Blessing. This blessing allows the party to travel through the less dense areas of the Shadow Curse without the use of torches or ambient light, but it still does nothing to protect the party from the denser areas. For this, you have a few options, including using the Moonlantern or Pixie's Blessing.
As you travel the land in Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3a group of Fist warriors who wish to delve deeper into the Curse may be discovered by setting up an ambush on a Drider and some cultists. Regardless of the choice, you will eventually meet Kar'niss, a Drider who carries a special item called the Moonlantern. If you've explored a bit while in Grymforge, then there's a chance you've already found a broken one.
The companion character, Shadowheart, has a natural resistance to Shadow Curseallowing it to pass through the first layer of the pest without needing a torch or other light source. However, this It will not be effective for thicker areas of the curse.
The Moon Lantern is one of two ways to travel through the thickest part of the Shadow Curseand arguably the most annoying option, as the one you found in Grymforge is broken and there is no way to fix a broken Moon Lantern. Fortunately, the one in Kar'niss' possession is working and upon further investigation, you will see that this is because of a goblin named Dolly Dolly Dolly who is feeding it.
If you choose to go against the ambush and are escorted to the Moonrise Towers by Kar'niss, Dolly Dolly Dolly will be dead inside the lantern when you reach the Moonrise Towers. Alternatively, if you participate in the ambush you will eventually receive the lantern carried by Kar'niss either during the ambush or from Isobel after returning to the Last Light Inn.
With your work torch in hand, you have two options. You can use the Moon Lantern as is, or you can free Dolly Dolly Dolly from inside the lantern. The best option in this case is to release her as a thank you she will provide the party with Pixie Blessing, allowing the party to move through any part of the Shadow Curse at ease in Baldur's Gate 3 without suffering any damage.