How to get mythical and legendary weapons

How to get mythical and legendary weapons

In LEGO Fortnite OdysseyMythic and legendary weapons are the best weapon types in the game. They are much stronger than Common or even Epic tier weapons, giving players a huge advantage in battles. Mythic and legendary weapons have better stats and often come with unique abilities compared to normal weapons. With these powerful weapons, players can defeat tougher enemies and complete difficult tasks more easily.

Getting these special weapons takes time. Although there are different ways to obtain them, obtaining these powerful tools is a huge achievement for anyone. The effort put into finding these superior weapons often pays off, making them an important part of the overall game experience. Ultimately, owning Mythic and Legendary weapons shows that the player has mastered the game mechanics and is committed to progressing.

How to get the legendary forge

The hardest forge to make

You need to collect some special resources to get the Legendary Forge LEGO Fortnite Odyssey. Once you have gathered three Rift Crystals, eight Iron Bars, six Cut Rubies, and five Rift Shards, you can enter the build menu and choose the legendary Forge. This Forge allows you to upgrade your epic weapons to legendary ones. Once the Legendary Forge is made, you will need an epic weapon to use it.

The hardest ingredient is Rift Crystals, which you can get by finishing Storm Dungeons. These dungeons are in Storm biomes and involve fighting waves of enemies. To advance through the dungeon and have a better chance of finding Rift Crystals, you must defeat the enemies and destroy the Storm Crystals. You can also find chests inside dungeons that can contain Rift Crystals.

Another way to get Rift Crystals is by defeating a boss called Raven, who is in Raven's Hideout. Your treasure chest may also have Rift Crystals. In addition to Rift Crystals, you will also need other materials such as iron bars, cut rubies, and Rift fragments, which can be collected by breaking items or completing different tasks in the game world.

How to make mythical and legendary weapons

Making the best weapons in the game

In LEGO Fortnite Odysseyyou cannot create mythical weapons; you can only get them by defeating the Storm King. Unlike legendary weapons, which you can create by upgrading epic weapons, mythic weapons are based on luck and your ability to successfully finish the Storm King's battle. He's not an easy opponent to defeat, but if you're opting for mythic weapons, he's worth the effort.

After finding and defeating the Storm King, a chest will appear containing a mythical weapon. The type of mythical weapon you get is random; you can't choose which one will fall. These weapons are stronger than legendary weapons, which makes them the best in the game. So getting a mythical weapon involves playing hard, managing your resources wisely, and having a little luck.

To create legendary weapons in LEGO Fortnite Odysseyyou need to build a Legendary Forge as described above. Once you have a Legendary Forge, you need to have an Epic Weapon, or it won't show anything in the menu. From there, interact with the Legendary Forge and choose an epic weapon from your inventory. Place three Rift Crystals in the Forge to upgrade the weapon to “Rifted” status. A progress bar will appear that you need to fill using the weapon in combat.

For melee weapons like swords and spears, this means defeating enemies. Each hit helps fill the bar, and the rate varies depending on the enemy's health and weapon damage. Areas with a lot of enemies, like storm generators or during the fight against the Storm King, are good places to fill the bar quickly. It takes some time and tends to take longer if you damage smaller things like bushes. Try attacking high level enemies with it instead of trying to level up against easier enemies.

When the progress bar is full, your epic weapon will be upgraded to legendary status and become a rift weapon. These weapons are stronger than epic weapons, but not as strong as mythical weapons. Keep in mind that when a weapon becomes Legendary, it begins to lose durability each time you use it. So, just save it to use in special fights in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey.