How To Get Gengar In Pokemon Scarlet And Violet (No Online Trading)

How To Get Gengar In Pokemon Scarlet And Violet (No Online Trading)

Traditionally, Gengar can only be obtained through online trade, but in Pokemon Scarlet and VioletThere is a way to get the Ghost-type Pokemon without this requirement. As a way to make Gengar more accessible to players who don't have friends online to trade with or aren't near an internet connection, players only need to chat with a local NPC to get one.

Unfortunately, the trading mechanic itself is still technically applicable for receiving Gengar, so you'll need to find the desired Pokemon and give it to the NPC. While the Gen 1 Pokemon isn't just an essential part of completing your Pokédex, it can be a great aggressive team member, especially for those looking for a powerful Ghost Pokemon.

Where to find Gengar in Scarlet and Violet

Find the NPC for Gengar's in-game trade

To deal with the correct NPC in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, You need to go to Levincia's battle yard first. There, you will Find an NPC named Blossom Hanging around the edge of the arena, who will offer you to trade a Haunter, which will evolve into a Gengar after you get it, in exchange for a Pinkurchin.


If you don't have a pincurchin in Pokemon Scarlet and VioletYou can Catch one at various beaches in Paldea, As shown in Arekkz Gamings video above. You can even catch a pinchurchin just outside of Levincia's city limits, down by the beach. Once your trade with Blossom is complete, the Haunter will immediately evolve into Gengar without you having to do anything else.

Handling Gengar is battle-ready

One of the best NPC trades from Scarlet and Violet

Blossom's Haunter trades in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Unfortunately, as with a normal trade, You will not be able to rename Blossom's HaunterLeaving her with a gengar affectionately named Hauntikins. As a Haunter, Hauntikins ability is levitate, but after evolving, Gengar will have the Cursed Body ability instead. This gives Gengar a chance to disable any damaging move that hits it.

There are only a few NPC trades in Pokemon Scarlet and VioletAnd this is the best Ghost-type Pokemon that can be obtained through NPC trading in Pokemon Scarlet. However, those playing Pokemon Violet may want to take the time to deal with the NPC in Zapapico so they can obtain this item to evolve another great ghost Pokemon, Ceruledge.

The best use of Gengar on your team

The ideal moveset for the classic Ghost Pokemon

Gengar with his mouth wide open Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Since Gen 1, Gengar has been one of the most popular Pokemon franchises, so it's no surprise that Gengar is always a popular player choice for mainline games. There are many reasons to add Gengar to your line-up aside from his popularity though, as it is Resistant to bug and poison attacks, immune to normal and fighting attacks, and has a high Special Attack (130).


Another big factor that comes into play when building your team is what a Pokemon's move pool is. Nothing is a bigger letdown than finding out that a powerful Pokemon has a terrible move pool to choose from, and thankfully that's not the case with Gengar. Although the specifics are up to player choice, and availability depends on your TM inventory Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Gengar has a generally recognized ideal moveset for the game.




How to get

Shadow Ball

ghost (special)

  • Power: 80

  • Accuracy: 100

  • PP: 15 (max at 24)

  • Effect: 20% chance of lowering opponents special defense.

  • Gengar will learn this move naturally at level 48.

  • TM114

    • Find: Rewarded for beating the Montenerva Gym or you can find one along the wall of the Great Crater of Paldea if you take the path SW of Medali.

    • Craft: Can be crafted in a TM machine, but only after acquiring it at least once in the overworld.

      • Materials: 8000 LP, 5x Gastly Gas, 3x Sandyhast Sand, 3x Sinistea Chip.

Sludge bomb

poison (special)

  • Power: 90

  • Accuracy: 100

  • PP: 10 (max at 16)

  • Effect: 30% chance of poisoning the opponent

  • TM148

    • Find: Found in the Overworld, a little NW of the Leaking Tower of Paldea Fast Travel Point, north of Alfornada.

    • craft: Can be crafted into a TM machine after beating Team Star's fighting crew.

      • Materials: 10000 LP, 3x Grimer Toxin, 5x Croagunk Poison, and 3x Foongus Spores.


mental (status)

  • Power:-

  • Accuracy: 100

  • PP: 10 (max at 16)

  • Effect: Switches held items with the opponent. This move permanently switches items in wild battles, but items will be returned at the end of trainer battles.

  • TM109

    • find:

      • Near the cliff by the windmills in Western Oversight Area One.

      • On a roof on the NW end of Cascaraffa.

    • Craft: Can be crafted after beating Team Star's fighting crew.

      • Materials: 5000 LP, 3x Sableye Gem, 3x Shupet Scrap and 3x Sinistea Chip.

Focus blast

fighting (special)

  • Power: 120

  • Accuracy: 70

  • PP: 5 (max at 8)

  • Effect: 10% chance to lower the opponent's special defense by one stage.

  • TM158

    • Find: On top of one of the cross pillars that are part of the cross building near the Alfornada gym.

    • Craft: Can be crafted after unlocking this move at least once.

      • Materials: 12000 LP, 3x Meditite Sweat, 3x Impidip Hair and 5x Flamego Down.

The top item recommendation for this build is the choice scarf. There are some small variations players can make to this moveset, such as using Sludge Wave instead of Sludge Bomb, which is better for double battles but lowers your chance of getting poisoned. Other variants include the Hex + Will-O-Wisp combo or even the use of the Nasty Plattm.


Note that Gengar learns different moves depending on the game you play, like most Pokemon, so don't rely solely on what you've used in previous games. Whether you're registering Gengar to join your team or completing your Pokédex, this trade ensures there's no need to attempt the lengthy and sometimes risky process Pokemon Games' surprise trades. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Players are guaranteed a surefire way to get a Gengar.

Source: YouTube / Arekkz Gaming