How to get Galarian Slowbro & Slowking

How to get Galarian Slowbro & Slowking

There are two ways to evolve Galarian Slowpoke Pokémon GO, So you can add the Galar-area variants of Slowbro and Slowking to your Pokédex. All unique versions of the dopey Pokemon and its evolutions have been part of Niantic's hit mobile game for a year now, but there are some additional requirements regarding evolving them, which can be considered more elaborate than in its regular iterations of Generation 1 and generation 2 respectively.

This makes it more difficult than learning how to develop Hatenna in Pokémon GO. With the different types of varieties and moveset potential, however, they make great additions to any trainer's collection. While Galarian Slowpoke is a pure Psychic type, instead of Water/Psychic like the Gen 1 version, both Galarian Slowbro and Slowking are hybrids of Poison and Psychic instead of Water and Psychic. The alternate mixes make for some interesting battle matchups, so every trainer should try each evolution at least once.

Evolve Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbrow

Catch poison-types

The requirements in Pokémon GO to evolve Galarian Slowpoke into Slowbro

in Pokémon GOYou just make a Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbro by Catching 30 Pokemon Pokemon While you have it Adventure with you as your buddy. That's along with the need for 50 Slowpoke Candy, As well as the generation 1 version. When you have fulfilled both requirements, go to the summary page of the Galarian Slowpoke you want to evolve and press the "Evolve" button.


Then you'll have a slowbro who might be good enough to have a slot on the best team for the Psychic Cup. If you're struggling to find more Poison-type Pokemon in GoTry using a Mossy Lure Module at nearby PokéStops. For 30 minutes, the modules make it so the spawn rates of Poison, Bug, and Grass-type Pokemon increase massively. To fully enjoy this effect, however, you need to stay near the PokéStop for the entire duration. You can buy a Mossy Lure Module for 180 PokéCoins if you don't have one.

A standard Lure Module costs 100 PokéCoins, which you can also use to spawn spawns of all types if you can't afford the Mossy variant.

Evolve Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowking

Catch psychic types

The requirements in Pokémon GO to evolve Galarian Slowpoke into Slowking

To have a Galarian Slowpoke evolve into a Galarian Slowking Pokémon GOYou need to Have it adventure with you as your buddy Also, but instead, Catch 30 Psychic-type Pokemon. As with Slowbro, this is also in addition to having 50 Slowpoke Candy as an additional requirement to pay for the evolution.

Then select the "develop" button from the summary page, and the Galar variant of the Hexpert Pokemon will be yours. The psychic-type capture requirement is a bit trickier than Galarian Slow Bro's for poison-types since there isn't a significant lure module to use.

However, in Pokémon GOPsychic-type Pokemon are known to spawn in grassy spots or residential areas at night. It is also said that psychic types can be found in places related to learning and knowledge, such as schools or universities, but these are unconfirmed.

If you want to catch as many as quickly as possible, try to use a standard lure module through a pokestop or an incense whenever possible. This will increase tension of all types, not just psychological, but you will eventually be able to find more through increased trial and error.

How to get more Slowpoke Candy

Walking, pinup berries & events

The walking requirements in Pokémon GO to get more Slowpoke candy when it's your buddy

To get the amount of candy you need to fund your Galarian Slowpoke evolutions Pokémon GOYou will need to grind through Go with Slowpoke as your buddy And Use Pinap Berries To increase the amount of catch candy you get.

Walking with a slowpoke buddy earns you one candy for every 3 km. Pinup Berries will double the candy from catching Slowpoke by three to six. To find more Slowpoke to catch, you can find more of the Gen 1 Water/Psychic version by exploring areas for water like beaches, lakes, rivers or oceans.

The most significant way to find more Slowpoke Candy for your Galarian variant is to wait for featured events, where it spawns more often than in the Spotlight Hour schedule. These can be rare and only run for a limited time, but this is the fastest way to grind as much candy from specific pocket monsters as fast as possible.

Then, remember to pick up enough Psychic or Poison types and your Galarian Slowpoke will evolve into a Galarian Slowpoke or Slowking to add to your Pokémon GO Collection.