When you start playing Pokemon TCG Pocket, Building a deck of cards can seem daunting if you don't know the mechanics of the standard trading card game. Fortunately, at the beginning Pokemon TCG Pocket, you can use rental decks, which are all set up and ready to use. There are many essential tips for beginners, but one of them is to make the most of rental decks.
One of the significant changes compared to the traditional Pokémon TCG game is the size of the decks. Inside Pokemon TCG Pocket, there is a much smaller limit of 20 cards. This makes the game faster, but it also increases the importance of setting up the deck correctly. Here rental decks help players a lot, especially those who are new to the game. Pokémon TCG Pocket.
How rental decks work in Pokémon TCG Pocket
How to Unlock Rental Decks
At the moment, there are 12 rental decks for players to unlockeach with its own 20-card configuration. They are based on a specific type of Pokémon, some also based on trainers from the series. Although they cannot be used in online battles against other players, they can be used in solo matches against AI, which gets more and more complex as it advances. Because of this, rental decks are vital for players at the beginning of their journey. Pokémon TCG Pocket journey.
Each rented deck can only be used 10 times in battle.
Each of the 12 rental decks has a special card highlighted, which is either the rarest Pokémon in the deck or a support card from a trainer. You must first add the highlighted card to your collection to unlock the rental deck. How to add Pikachu's former special card will unlock the corresponding rental deck. These special cards can be found by opening packs, in TCG Pocketof wonderful choices or selecting a specific card when exchanging points from the pack.
Tips for using rental decks in Pokémon TCG Pocket
Making the most of ready-made decks
It may be worth trying to unlock rental decks as quickly as possible when starting out, as they provide ready-made decks containing stacked powerful cards. After unlocking them by selecting your deck before starting a solo battle, you need to choose the rental deck tab, and anyone you have unlocked will appear.
The solo battle area has four different sections based on difficulty. While you can win the beginner matches with almost any deck, the others require card types that have an advantage over your opponents. Rental decks all contain multiple high-power cards which can be used to sweep intermediate or advanced teams.
For the toughest matchups currently available, specialized solo battles, rental decks offer great chances of victory. Without them, you'll need to unlock lots of cards of the relevant Pokémon type to win the tougher battles. Deck rental in Pokémon TCG Pocket provide a great introduction to the series for beginners, allowing you to use powerful ready-made decks to take on the toughest solo opponents currently in the game.