How to find and complete the Ancient Vows quest

How to find and complete the Ancient Vows quest

As your adventures continue in Path of Exile 2you may accidentally start the "Old Vows" mission, which may be difficult to complete once you find it. Offering only vague instructions, this quest asks you to figure out a way to use one of two relics you can find in different locations. Those who discover how these Relics work will be able to apply a permanent buff to their character, making their build stronger.

You start the "Old Vows" mission automatically by collecting the Kabala Clan Relic or the Sun Clan Relic during your travels. These relics are interconnected, so your first objective after finding one is track the other half of this collection of artifacts. Once you have both, you can unlock a new passive skill in Path of Exile 2 which can be applied to your character forever.

Ancient Vow Relic Locations

Explore different dungeons in the world

You can find any of the relics by simply defeating the enemies at the locations where they drop. You don't need to defeat a boss to collect any of the relicsas the basic enemies in both regions where they appear will eventually produce either artifact. Relics can be found in these areas:

  • Kabala Clan Relic: Keith
  • Sun Clan Relic: Bone Pits

Acquiring any Relic will give you the "Old Vows" quest, which asks you to inspect any relics you've collected. Doing so reveals a description saying: "notches on the side await a connection," implying that whatever relic you found has a twin sister. With this information, you can start hunting for the other Relic as soon as you understand where it can be found.

Depending on the character class in Path of Exile 2 you are using, it may be difficult or easy to retrieve a Relic from enemies in any location. Being underleveled will make it difficult to defeat enemies that could drop a Relic, especially when there is no guarantee that a monster will do so. Those looking for a relic may have to defeat hordes of enemies before an artifact drops.

How to use ancient vow relics

Take both artifacts to a single location

Path of Exile 2 using Relics during the “Ancient Vows” quest to receive one of two buffs

Once you have both relics, take them to the Valley of the Titansa region southwest of your map. Use the Waypoint linked to this location for fast travel, as this avoids the time it would take to walk and fight through different enemy groups.

Near the Vale Waypoint, you should see a small shrine containing a medallion on a raised pedestal. Place both relics inside the medallion to complete the mission and you can choose between two possible buffs for your character. When activating the medallion, you can only choose one buff of the two offered, then you should consider which will work best.

The two buffs offered are:

  • 30% increase in charm charges obtained
  • 15% mana recovery from flasks

Any of these boosts for your character are permanent, meaning they will never disappear during the game. However, the buff you don't choose is lost foreverso you will only have one chance to choose the bonus you want.

Best Old Votes Bonus to Use

Choose a choice based on your build

Two Path of Exile 2 amulets together to provide defensive effects

The best buff in "Old Vows" search depends entirely on which class build you are using. For example, those who create equipment in Path of Exile 2 for a spellcasting build you might find the Mana Recovery bonus useful for restoring your magical resources. The ability to drink a Flash and recover much more Mana to cast additional spells can help you defeat powerful enemies, including some bosses.

THE The Charm Charges bonus fits into more builds of both buffs, making it a little better. Amulets are accessories you collect that provide defensive advantages during battle, such as immunity to specific damage types. The more charges an amulet has, the more opportunities you have to resist damage or specific conditions applied by your enemies.

Most charms have one or two uses before depleting their full 80 charges. With the Charm Charges buff, you can increase the number of times a Charge is activated to three or four, depending on the item.

Whichever Relic buff you choose, it should be the one that best suits your specific character. Those who find and complete the "Old Vows" mission in Path of Exile 2 They should take the time to analyze their character's current abilities to see which buff would work best in the long run.