How to Find (and Catch) Alpha Chillet in Palworld

How to Find (and Catch) Alpha Chillet in Palworld

There are many different friends you can find in Palworldone of the most interesting and useful is Alpha Chillet. WITH Ice and dragon elementsthis can be easily countered. If caught, it has the potential to be a powerful buddy and useful for moving around. Alpha Chille is also one of the strongest dragon friends.

Alpha buddies are classified as bosses which you may encounter while exploring the island of Palpagos. They will all be marked on your map at a specific location, including Alpha Chillet. Each Alpha is considered stronger than its normal version, but Chille's Alpha will most likely be the first one you face and shouldn't pose any problems fighting him.

Alpha Chille's location in Palworld

First Alpha Boss

Map showing Alpha Chille's location in Palworld.

Chille is one of the Low level alphas V Palmir, at level 11, so this is a great goal when you start your journey. It's also close to the standard starting location, Plateau Began. Alpha Schille's location will always be marked on the map, but can be found in Southwest of the fort ruins. Great Eagle Statue..


If you haven't explored the Fort Ruins area yet, The closest fast travel point is Grassy Behemoth Hills. Once in place, it will be easy to spot as it moves through very open areas and is light blue in color.

How to catch an alpha chillette

Fire and Ice

IN PalworldAlpha Chille will always be level if you're at least level 9 or 10, you shouldn't have any problems catching him. As an Alpha, Chille has a lot of health, but this can be combatted by taking advantage of his weaknesses. If you use Fire or Ice buddiesthey will deal extra damage to Alpha Chilla, making him easier to destroy. Thanks to your level you can catch one using Mega Sphere

since it can be used on Pals up to level 14.

At level 11, Alpha Chille has three moves: Ice Rocket, Dragon Cannon and Rocket Strikewhich is an exclusive development of Chillet. This means he has Ice and Dragon moves, which you should be wary of if you're fighting. Be careful; you don't want to accidentally defeat Chille before you catch him. You might want to cancel the call of all buddies fighting with you as soon as Chille's health gets too low.

Catching him will be even easier if you find Alpha Chille while adventuring with a group of friends.but he can be easily defeated by playing alone. It will be respawns every hour if you are having trouble catching it or just want to catch it again to get more experience or breeding Palworld. You can see an example of a fight in Ultima Kiravideo.

Alpha Chille Statistics



Basic attack






Ship speed


Max full stomach


Amount of food


The differences between this Alpha and the others will also appear as you complete the fight. you will receive 10 times more experience than for defeating a regular Chille. similar level. However, the damage they take has been adjusted to help them last longer in combat. This may take the process longer than you expect. Besides, the drops are a little differentand below are the trophies you will get from this version of Chillet:

  • Parts of an ancient civilization

  • Leather

  • Precious skin

  • Fabric outfit pattern 4

Once you have an Alpha Chillet, you can consider breeding it, but this is also will be a good partner for use as a mount. While mounted, dragon damage will be added to your attacks, making exploration easier.

Video Credit: YouTube/Ultima Kira

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