Long time Future 2 Fans will know that Bungie recently celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the official release of the original future Play in 2014. As with all birthdays, There is even a gift for players in the form of the "Legend" title that can be obtained by completing certain objectives throughout the game. These objectives celebrate the history of the game and also encourage guardians to reflect on how far we have come. Check your Triumphs tab to see each.
From collecting stashes hidden in the Tower of the Pale Heart to wearing some new armor ornaments while playing playlist activities, this is one of the lighter triumph titles that Future 2 Offers. Thankfully, the challenges are nowhere near as difficult as the Salvation's Edge raid challenges. You will see that most of the triumph objectives are hidden when you first check them, but they will reveal themselves once you have completed the first one.
Every legendary title objective in Destiny 2
Engrams, hidden caches, crucibles and more
Once you capture all five of the Cayde stashes in the Old Tower, which is covered later, you will be able to collect the Triumph and discover the objectives for the other six Triumphs needed to unlock the title. Among the six are the following:
Claim a set of Veteran Legend Armor Ornaments at the Special Deliveries Terminal in the Tower.
complete timeless missions, Bonus progress is rewarded for fireteams of two or more.
Complete Vanguard Ops Playlist activities, Crucible Matches, or Gambit Rounds while wearing a full set of Veteran Legend Armor or Ornaments.
Defeat combatants and loot engrams in Skywatch on Cosmodrome while wearing a full set of Veteran Legend Armor or Ornaments.
Decrypt engrams in the cryptarch. Focused decoding with Rahul does not count as decryption.
Achieve the Justice Guardian rank.
At first glance, this may seem like a lot, but many of the activities are relatively simple. You can claim the first immediately by heading to the Tower And interacting with the terminal near the stairs by Rahool and Banshee. Here, you will be able to grab the armor ornaments for the armor pieces you grabbed from Cayde's stashes that you will find in the Old Tower in the Pale Heart.
All Caid Stash locations in the Old Tower
This is a quick way through a now familiar landing zone
Once you land in the Old Tower in the Pale Heart destination, you should run around to find all five of Kaid's stashes that are semi-hidden around the area. The chests have a pale green color with a blue screen on them. They are located in the areas marked in the gallery above, and finding them all should only take two minutes or so. Once you have all five, you can mark your triumph as complete in the title tracker to reveal the other triumph objectives.
Once you have claimed the Triumph, you should go to the Tower to collect the Armor Ornaments as explained above. Once you have done this, stick on your new ornaments and / or armor and get ready to complete some activities. Triumph Three is simple enough and needs no explanation of its own; Simply complete playlist activities - and complete your weekly Pathfinder - while wearing the new armor to complete the triumph.
How to complete Timelost missions
You will find the blast from the past in the timeline in your director
In order to complete Triumph Two, you need to launch Future 2s timeline, the director's section that houses all the major story beats of the game's life. of Red war to The final formGuardians are able to use the timeline to re-live significant missions from a few of the game's DLC. While you can't play any mission from any DLC you want, the game allows you to play a mission from each "abandon," "Over Light," "The Witch Queen," And "Lightning."
The Triumph requires you to play four missions if you play alone, but you will get extra Triumph progress if you play in a Fireteam. Grab some friends and enjoy a walk through D2 history, or launch them alone and accelerate the classic missions. No matter how you complete this objective, it will be neat for new and returning players to experience the slices of history from D2s past.
Complete activities, farm engrams and decrypt those engrams
Put on your new armor ornaments during these activities
The next three triumphs are pretty self-explanatory, although one stands out more than the others. For the playlist activities, you need to complete the activities with your new armor or ornaments to make progress. Nothing special other than that needs to happen, so they are pretty easy.
Engram farming in Skywatch is a bit more difficult, viz You can only make progress towards this triumph in the patrol zone. One of the quickest ways to do this is to complete the public events that spawn in the area and kill as many combatants as you can. You can also kill the yellow-bar ogre that shows up in the cave underground; When you load in, head to the helicopters, then through the gap in the fence and down onto the ledge off the cliff. This Ogre is sure to spawn an engram, so farm this if you're feeling impatient.
Once you've grabbed enough engrams to complete the triumph, travel back to the Tower to talk to the Cryptarch. Unfortunately, focused decoding doesn't count towards completion here, so even if you've unlocked Tier Three decoding with Rahool, you'll need to decrypt a lot of engrams normally to gain progress. If you've been decrypting Engrams throughout the season, you may have this objective automatically ticked.
Ranking up to justice
Probably the most time-intensive triumph on this list is to rank up to Guardian Rank 8, Justiciar. For this, you will need to rank up the first few ranks, which will require you to hit The final form's campaign, do some cooperative focus missions and increase your Guardian ranks. The objectives are all listed in-game, so put your head down and get them done to increase your rank one at a time.
Once you've earned all six title triumphs, turn them in to claim your legend title. This comes along with the opportunity to pre-order the Nerf and future Collab gun, a Nerf replica of Cayde-6's trusty hand cannon, the Ace of Spades. Whether you choose to preorder the gun or not, the Legend title in Future 2 Will make a great addition to your collection.