How to change server in Throne and Liberty

How to change server in Throne and Liberty

Throne of Liberty allows players to change the server they play on. Although the game is new, this service is completely free. However, in the future it will cost 750 Lucents, which is approximately equal to 7 US dollars in 2024. The transfer ticket is valid for 24 hours after purchase, so you have a limited amount of time to use it. If you time the ransom correctly, it is possible that you will be able to use it after the campaign ends.

Server transfers are the main way to play with friends if you are in different worlds. Throne and freedom. The game has about 90 servers scattered across different regions around the world. Without prior coordination, it can be difficult to decide where to start your adventure. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the game was released in early access only at the end of September. Most servers have yet to develop an identity, culture, common language, or economy.

How to change server in Throne and Liberty

It's free for a limited time

Purchasing a ticket to transfer a server to Throne and Liberty

The server transfer ticket is inside. Throne and freedom's cash register. It can be accessed by opening the main menu and selecting the store icon in the top right corner. Scroll down to the Supplies tab and select your ticket. Along the way, you'll pass by a category of paid transformations when morphing, although you can use them when using the regular morph progression.

Youtuber Quick Tips without much effort I received a ticket to transfer the server during the game. However, since they were not in a safe place, they could not ransom him immediately. Other restrictions may apply, such as prohibiting be in a guild and pick up all items from the auction.

Selecting the target server and requirements

If you have at least one server transfer ticket, a new “Change Server” button will appear at the top of the window. Throne and freedom cash store. Click on it to open a new menu with various options. In the drop-down tab on the left you can select the server region. This includes Western America, Eastern America, South America, EuropeAnd Japan/Oceania. A whole list of servers will appear, although you can filter out those that are currently full or overloaded.


The average menu will have a checklist of nine qualifications. As mentioned, this is mainly to ensure that you are not in a guild or selling any goods. If so, be sure to cancel them all first.

  1. Be above the first level.

  2. You are in Safe zone.

  3. You are not in the group now.

  4. Not a member of the Guild.

  5. You have no pending applications for any of the guilds.

  6. You have collected all items from the auction house.

  7. You have claimed all incoming mail.

  8. You have taken all the store's chests.

  9. You have no Infinity Gate rewards left.

If you meet all the requirements, click the purchase button in the lower right corner to complete your purchase. Depending on the population, this may take a few minutes, but you'll soon be up and running. Throne and freedom server.

Source: Quick Tips/YouTube