How to beat the abandoned giant solo

How to beat the abandoned giant solo

Once man is a game that has something for everyone. Although it is marketed as an open-world survival game, there is so much to do. Players can build bases, farm crops, tame animals, catch Pokemon-like creatures called Deviations, complete quests, battle Deviants for loot, and Move dungeons and bosses.

in Once man's Post-apocalyptic world, there are two types of dungeons: monoliths and silos. Monoliths are harder to beat than silos, especially solo. One monolith that players often find difficult to beat is that of The Forsaken Giant. Players can team up in monoliths, but what happens if someone goes at it alone? Before tackling the Forsaken Giant Monolith alone, players need to prepare for what's to come.

Where to find the abandoned giant monolith

Go to Blackfell in Red Sands

The abandoned giant screen once man

Servers in Once man are divided into six phases, spread over six weeks. To find the abandoned giant monolith, A server must be in phase four. Once you've entered phase four, Go to Blackfell. Blackfell is located in the Red Sands.

of blackfield, Head straight south Until you come across an area called Forsaken Monolith. You can either explore the area to find loot, which will require you to take out enemies, or go straight into the monolith. Several notable things are worth doing here, including opening a mystical chest and activating a rift anchor.

Make sure to activate the teleportation towers inside Blackfell and the Forsaken Monolith for easier access.

Inside the tower, head to the nearby stairs and climb up until you reach it The Rift Beacon. Interact with the Rift Beacon to start the dungeon. You can face the Forsaken Giant in normal, hard or pro modes. The harder the difficulty, the better the rewards. However, if you are challenging the Forsaken Giant alone, especially if it is your first time, it is better to challenge him on normal.

How to defeat the abandoned giant Solo

Prepare for the difficult boss battle

The Forsaken Giant is one of Once man's Most formidable enemies. Unfortunately, the player level is capped at level 50, but the Forsaken Giant is a level 60 beast. That means the fight will be challenging, even for the most leveled player. Fortunately, there are ways to prepare for this fight that will make it somewhat easier for you.

Preparing to challenge the abandoned giant

First, you'll want to have a good armor set equipped. Instead of choosing random armor pieces, it is better to have a Matching sets that complement each other. My favorite armor sets are the Lonewolf armor set and Falcon armor set, but armor sets like the Bastille or Raid should work too. The most important thing here is choosing pieces that work together.

Next, you'll want the right weapon and ammo. For the Forsaken giant, I would recommend weapons With a high rate of fire and accuracy. While I'm a fan of SMGs, I chose the Blue AK for this battle. You can also opt for a revolver. Use steel or tungsten ammo.

Choose a good combat deviation to take in your cradle. My favorites are the Enchanting Void, Lonewolf's Whisper and Polar Jelly. Finally, don't forget to bring some consumables. If you have it unlocked and have the ingredients, The Living Armor Consumable is a strong choice.

The beginning of the battle

Now that you're prepared for this tough enemy, it's time to engage. Activate the battle by Shooting at the abandoned giantAs shown in LEWIS Video. The forsaken giant will wake up from his slumber and slam his fist down to try and crush you. You can easily avoid the attack by running in the opposite direction of his fist and rolling out of the way.

When his fist hit the ground, It sends a shockwave That can knock you down and hurt you. Jump over the shockwave and turn to face the giant. Part of his arm will be glowing red. This is your chance to do some damage. Shoot repeatedly In the glowing red area on his arm until no more damage is done.

The Forsaken Giant will launch into another attack where it His arm floats. Depending on which way it sweeps, you'll want to run in the opposite direction. Run and stand by the growing flowers on the ground, and his sweeping attack will miss you. However, as his arm sweeps your way, you have a short window to deal some more damage to his now red glowing palm.

Avoid falling debris that can knock you to the ground and damage you. Also, avoid falling off the sides and into the water where you will not make it back up.

As his hand lifts, you will be able to Do some more damage to his palm. Continue shooting at it until the red glow disappears. The giant begins to cry, dropping tears on the ground. Some tears turn into monsters, which is where your Deviation will come in handy. Challenge your deviation to take care of the random monsters.

Other tears will Turn into glowing orbs. Pick them up and launch them at the giant, especially when it holds its stomach. If done right, the orb will hit the giant and make it let go and reveal its glowing stomach. Take the opportunity to attack it again. Continue the routine of avoiding his fist slams, jump over his shockwaves, and run in the opposite direction of the giant's sweeping arm while shooting it when it reveals the glowing red parts of its body.

Finishing the battle and beating the abandoned giant

As you deal more damage, the Forsaken Giant will enter its second phase. It's more of the same, but expect the giant to be even more aggressive and call out more minions. During the third and final phase, The giant will call the referee. The Arbiter is a powerful minion you won't want to ignore, so focus on taking him out. Use your deviation here, but also your own bullets.

Besides the new minion, the Forsaken Giant also has a new attack that will Mark yourself with a red glow. Eventually, the giant will slam his fist down in your direction. The platform is divided into three sections; Each can withstand two slams before giving way. Fortunately, a message will appear on the screen, prompting you to say when each section is about to break. Do your best to avoid getting caught in the sections that break.


The final attack to expect is where Red beams shoot up from areas on the ground. The beams can burn you and do significant damage. Simply run away from them the moment the earth starts to glow.

Continue attacking the Forsaken Giant, targeting its weak points and avoiding incoming attacks. Use your Deviation when you need to and any consumer items you brought. While the abandoned giant in Once man is a difficult enemy to face on your own, as long as you are well prepared with the right gear and know what to expect in terms of attacks, you can take down the Forsaken Giant and reap the rewards.

Video Credit: LEWIS/YouTube





PC, Android, iOS


July 9, 2024


Starry Studio


Starry Studio, NetEase, Inc.


Online multiplayer, online co-op